1. 11 Feb, 2001 2 commits
  2. 10 Feb, 2001 2 commits
  3. 06 Feb, 2001 1 commit
    • Hiroshi Inoue's avatar
      Improved version handling introduced by Dave Page. · 5d08521f
      Hiroshi Inoue authored
      The driver version is 07.01.0002 now.
      1) initialized pg_version by DSN's protocol info
         so that we could always use pg_version info
         once a connection is established (pg_version()
         didn't exist before 6.4). PROTOCOL_XX() macros
         are removed(except from connection.[ch]).
      2) provided a few macros to encapsulate connection's
         version info and replaced existent comparison
         stuff by those macros.
      3) change SQLTables() so that 7.1 servers could show
      In addtion, the following patch from Dave Page is applied.
        This patch fixes a bug in SQLGetInfo for SQL_DBMS_VER which corrupted the
        driver version string. The driver version number has also been incremented
        to 07.01.0002.
        Regards, Dave. <<odbc.diff>>
  4. 26 Jan, 2001 1 commit
    • Bruce Momjian's avatar
      odbc1.diff changes the text on the Protocol Radio buttons on the driver · 5a832218
      Bruce Momjian authored
      dialogue from '6.4/6.5' to '6.5+' and removes some C++ comments from
      resource.h (which VC++ insists on putting there).
      odbc2.diff adds code to query the PostgreSQL version upon connection. This
      is then used to determine what values to return for from SQLGetInfo for
      and SQL_OUTER_JOINS. The version string as returned by SELECT vERSION() (as
      a char array) and the major.minor version number (as a flost) have been
      added to the ConnectionClass structure.
      Dave Page
  5. 30 Nov, 1999 1 commit
  6. 05 Jan, 1999 1 commit
  7. 31 Dec, 1998 1 commit
  8. 29 Dec, 1998 1 commit
  9. 11 Nov, 1998 1 commit
    • Byron Nikolaidis's avatar
      · 87225ca3
      Byron Nikolaidis authored
      Update for version 06-40-0001
  10. 06 Oct, 1998 1 commit
    • Thomas G. Lockhart's avatar
      Update source code to Byron's v6.30.0250 sources plus minor cleanup · 1eab86e2
      Thomas G. Lockhart authored
       to get rid of unused variables.
      Get clean compile on Linux (Thomas and Gerald).
      Implement autoconf/configure for standalone builds and use the existing
       autoconf/configure system when in the Postgres source tree.
      Code tests and functions with ApplixWare-4.4.1beta on a Linux box.
      Changes should be backward compatible with WIN32 but still needs testing.
  11. 22 Jul, 1998 1 commit
  12. 20 Jul, 1998 1 commit
  13. 16 Jun, 1998 1 commit
  14. 03 Jun, 1998 1 commit
  15. 13 Apr, 1998 1 commit