1. 03 Jun, 1998 1 commit
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      · 2a74511b
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      From: Michael Meskes <meskes@topsystem.de>
      + Wed Jun  3 13:38:57 CEST 1998
      +       - Made sqlca struct compatible with other systems.
      +       - Give back a warning in case of truncation
      +       - Changed the handling of OptimizableStmt since the old one broke
      +         CREATE RULE
      +       - Set library version to 2.3
      +       - Set version to 2.3.3
  2. 06 May, 1998 1 commit
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      From: Michael Meskes <meskes@topsystem.de> · 6bccf64d
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      Tue Apr 28 14:48:41 CEST 1998
            - Put operator "->" back into parser. Note that :foo->bar means the
              C term, but :foo ->bar means the operator "->".
      Tue Apr 28 15:49:07 CEST 1998
            - Added exec sql disconnect command.
            - Allow varchar in C to be written in uppercase too.
            - Added whenever option "do break;"
      Wed Apr 29 09:17:53 CEST 1998
            - Corrected parsing of C comments.
            - Also allow C++ style comments.
            - Make sure not found is only checked after commands that could
                return it.
            - Added error codes, see ecpgerror.h for details.
            - Added "exec sql <TransactionStmt> release" as disconnect statement
              for compatibility issues.
      Thu Apr 30 10:42:10 CEST 1998
            - Added a -t option to disable automatic transaction start.
            - Added sqlerrd[] to sqlca struct.
            - Give back number of tuples affect in sqlca.sqlerrd[2].
      Thu Apr 30 13:36:02 CEST 1998
            - Make the return code different in case of different errors.
      Wed May  6 11:42:48 CEST 1998
            - Free memory if possible
            - Some bugfixes for bugs I found while changing the memory
                allocation code
            - Now able to fill complete array with one call (see test1.pgc for
                an example)
            - Set version to 2.3.0
            - Set library version to 2.1
  3. 20 Mar, 1998 1 commit
  4. 26 Feb, 1998 1 commit
  5. 10 Feb, 1998 1 commit
  6. 05 Feb, 1998 1 commit
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      From: Michael Meskes <meskes@topsystem.de> · 82034103
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      Well this is not really a patch. But I mananged to get Linus' old Postgres95
      precompiler to compile and work with PostgreSQL. The next step would be to
      collect bug/missing feature reports and to put it into the distribution so
      that it is made with the standard make procedure.
      Warning! So far it is not tested much and it does not install correctly. But
      I was able to create a small binary with it.