1. 02 Jun, 1997 9 commits
  2. 01 Jun, 1997 17 commits
  3. 31 May, 1997 3 commits
  4. 30 May, 1997 3 commits
  5. 26 May, 1997 3 commits
    • Thomas G. Lockhart's avatar
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      From: David Friend <dfriend@atlsci.atlsci.com> · 8ab1271f
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      Subject: [PATCHES] INSTALL changes
      This patch modifies the INSTALL file.  The changes are:
        - SPARC/Linux-ELF was added to the list of supported platforms.
          The special notes for it at the bottom of the file were removed.
        - Changed "database server" to "RDBMS database server".
        - Modified step 6 so that when you restore your database the
          tables will be owned by the original owners instead of the
          postgresql superuser.
        - Modified step 19 on diagnosing the regression tests for the
          SPARC Linux platform with a beta release.
        - Other minor changes.
    • Marc G. Fournier's avatar
      From: David Friend <dfriend@atlsci.atlsci.com> · cf883677
      Marc G. Fournier authored
      Subject: [PATCHES] pqcomprim.c patch
      This is the patch by Robert Bruccoleri to fix the endian problem.
      (Actually, it's the reverse of his patch.  He must have gotten the
      order wrong.)
  6. 25 May, 1997 1 commit
  7. 24 May, 1997 2 commits
  8. 23 May, 1997 2 commits