- 21 Sep, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 03 Sep, 1998 2 commits
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
structs from libpq-fe.h, as we previously discussed. There turned out to be sloppy coding practices in more places than I had realized :-(, but all in all I think it was a well-worth-while exercise. I ended up adding several routines to libpq's API in order to respond to application requirements that were exposed by this work. I owe the docs crew updates for libpq.sgml to describe these changes. I'm way too tired to work on the docs tonight, however. This is the last major change I intend to submit for 6.4. I do want to see if I can make libpgtcl work with Tcl 8.0 before we go final, but hopefully that will be a minor bug fix.
- 01 Sep, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 29 Aug, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
Here is a new patch for libpq, to make it work on Win32 again (since the latest modifications broke it a little). Please also add the file "libpq.rc" to the interfaces/libpq directory. This will allow version-stamping of the generated DLL file, so that automatic install programs (and interested users) can determine the version of the file. The file is currently set as "prerelease". Before the release, somebody should change the line "FILEFLAGS VS_FF_PRERELEASE" to "FILEFLAGS 0". That information should probably go into toos\RELEASE_CHANGES. The patch is against the cvs as of ~ 1998-08-26 14:30 CEST. //Magnus
- 27 Aug, 1998 1 commit
Marc G. Fournier authored
From: Magnus Hagander <mha@edu.sollentuna.se> Ok. Here is a patch to make psql work on Win32 (as a console mode application, of course). It requires getopt.c to be in src/utils - works fine with the FreeBSD version of it. Also, the file win32.mak should go into src/bin/psql.
- 22 Aug, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
usernames and passwords work correctly in both "password" and "crypt" authorization mode. NOTE: at least on my machine, it seems that the crypt() routines ignore the part of the password beyond 8 characters, so there's no security gain from longer passwords in crypt auth mode. But they don't fail. The login-related part of psql has apparently not been touched since roughly the fall of Rome ;-). It was going through huge pushups to get around the lack of username/login parameters to PQsetdb. I don't know when PQsetdbLogin was added to libpq, but it's there now ... so I was able to rip out quite a lot of crufty code while I was at it. It's possible that there are still bogus length limits on username or password in some of the other PostgreSQL user interfaces besides psql/libpq. I will leave it to other folks to check that code. regards, tom lane
- 17 Aug, 1998 1 commit
Marc G. Fournier authored
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 14:56:48 -0400 From: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> Attached is a patch for this weekend's work on libpq. I've dealt with several issues: <for details: see message, in pgsql-patches archive for above data>
- 10 Aug, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 06 Aug, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
files. Fix sequence creation hack for relkind type.
- 05 Aug, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 04 Aug, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 26 Jul, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
statements. More cleanups of psql help. Fix for shift/reduce on UNION in subselect.
- 18 Jul, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
\d? results in one query. Add \d? field search feature. Rename MB to MULTIBYTE.
- 09 Jul, 1998 1 commit
Marc G. Fournier authored
From: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> Making PQrequestCancel safe to call in a signal handler turned out to be much easier than I feared. So here are the diffs. Some notes: * I modified the postmaster's packet "iodone" callback interface to allow the callback routine to return a continue-or-drop-connection return code; this was necessary to allow the connection to be closed after receiving a Cancel, rather than proceeding to launch a new backend... Being a neatnik, I also made the iodone proc have a typechecked parameter list. * I deleted all code I could find that had to do with OOB. * I made some edits to ensure that all signals mentioned in the code are referred to symbolically not by numbers ("SIGUSR2" not "2"). I think Bruce may have already done at least some of the same edits; I hope that merging these patches is not too painful.
- 16 Jun, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
I have implemented a framework of encoding translation between the backend and the frontend. Also I have added a new variable setting command: SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO 'encoding'; Other features include: Latin1 support more 8 bit cleaness See doc/README.mb for more details. Note that the pacthes are against May 30 snapshot. Tatsuo Ishii
- 15 Jun, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 15 May, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 13 May, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 12 May, 1998 2 commits
Bruce Momjian authored
psql in Postgres 6.3.2. Both of these problems were complained of recently in pgsql-questions: 1. In the right circumstances, psql.c will fail to compile due to trying to include a nonexistent <history.h>. (Thread "Compile-time error" around 17 Apr 98.) 2. In other circumstances, psql will compile but does not provide command history capability, even though the underlying readline library supports it. (Various threads, most recently "query repetition in psql" around 29 Apr.) Tom Lane
Bruce Momjian authored
- 06 May, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
1. Rewritten libpq to allow asynchronous clients. 2. Implemented client side of cancel protocol in library, and patched psql.c to send a cancel request upon SIGINT. The backend doesn't notice it yet :-( 3. Implemented 'Z' protocol message addition and renaming of copy in/out start messages. These are implemented conditionally, ie, the client protocol version is checked; so the code should still work with 1.0 clients. 4. Revised protocol and libpq sgml documents (don't have an SGML compiler, though, so there may be some markup glitches here). What remains to be done: 1. Implement addition of atttypmod field to RowDescriptor messages. The client-side code is there but ifdef'd out. I have no idea what to change on the backend side. The field should be sent only if protocol >= 2.0, of course. 2. Implement backend response to cancel requests received as OOB messages. (This prolly need not be conditional on protocol version; just do it if you get SIGURG.) 3. Update libpq.3. (I'm hoping this can be generated mechanically from libpq.sgml... if not, will do it by hand.) Is there any other doco to fix? 4. Update non-libpq interfaces as necessary. I patched libpgtcl so that it would compile, but haven't tested it. Dunno what needs to be done with the other interfaces. Have at it! Tom Lane
- 04 May, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 05 Apr, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
probleme number 1 : - configure can find the library readline , but don't find the header file . so in this case we don't use lib readline . probleme number 2 : - when you have postgres 6.2.1 and readline installed with the same prefix( and generally all your software ) . you can compile the version 6.3 . I use this prefix , when configure ask me for "Additional directories to search for include files" . ( because there a conflict in the header when you compile psql.c ) In this case, you must permut the sequence of directive -I . Erwan MAS
- 16 Mar, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 26 Feb, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 25 Feb, 1998 1 commit
Marc G. Fournier authored
- 23 Feb, 1998 1 commit
Marc G. Fournier authored
Modify psql so that it uses db_user instead of pg_user GRANT SELECT on pg_class
- 07 Feb, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 06 Feb, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 28 Jan, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 25 Jan, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 23 Jan, 1998 2 commits
Marc G. Fournier authored
This is a patch to fix crashes in psql when executing queries from an external file. The code also adds error checking to verify that memory for "query" was allocated. The conditional for the block of code was changed from "query == NULL" to "query_alloced == false". The conditional, "query == NULL", was never true. This prevented the memory being allocated for "query". A few lines later, an attempt to write to an un-allocated memory area generated a SIGSEGV causing the frontend to crash.
Marc G. Fournier authored
psql .psqlrc file startup(Andrew)
- 22 Jan, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 17 Jan, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
with supporting code. Creates SubLink node in gram.y. psql.c patch for newatttypmod field.
- 09 Jan, 1998 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 05 Jan, 1998 2 commits
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
- 23 Dec, 1997 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored