1. 18 Jun, 2001 10 commits
  2. 17 Jun, 2001 2 commits
  3. 16 Jun, 2001 2 commits
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      Tweak startup sequence so that running out of PROC array slots is · 2917f0a5
      Tom Lane authored
      detected sooner in backend startup, and is treated as an expected error
      (it gives 'Sorry, too many clients already' now).  This allows us not
      to have to enforce the MaxBackends limit exactly in the postmaster.
      Also, remove ProcRemove() and fold its functionality into ProcKill().
      There's no good reason for a backend not to be responsible for removing
      its PROC entry, and there are lots of good reasons for the postmaster
      not to be touching shared-memory data structures.
    • Tom Lane's avatar
      It turns out that the relcache thinks it can distinguish different · 668db147
      Tom Lane authored
      rules and triggers by OID.  So, even though we have no cross-references
      in the system catalogs to pg_rewrite.oid or pg_trigger.oid, we'd better
      have unique indexes on them.  Put back pg_rewrite_oid_index, which I
      mistakenly removed a few days ago, and add pg_trigger_oid_index.
  4. 15 Jun, 2001 3 commits
  5. 14 Jun, 2001 6 commits
  6. 13 Jun, 2001 10 commits
  7. 12 Jun, 2001 7 commits