- 17 Sep, 2002 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Allow pg_xlog to be moved without symlinks
- 12 Sep, 2002 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 07 Sep, 2002 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
< * Add documentation to lock shared memory into RAM for each OS, if possible
- 06 Sep, 2002 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 05 Sep, 2002 4 commits
Bruce Momjian authored
> * -Add ~/.pgpass to store passwords with user/host/password combinations
Bruce Momjian authored
< * Make pg_trigger.tgargs refer to columns by number, not name
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Make pg_trigger.tgargs refer to columns by number, not name
Bruce Momjian authored
> * -Make triggers refer to columns by number, not name
- 04 Sep, 2002 3 commits
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Remove Cyrillic recode support
Bruce Momjian authored
> o -Add SHOW command to see locale
Bruce Momjian authored
> o -Add SHOW command to see locale
- 03 Sep, 2002 3 commits
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Gavin Sherry <swm@linuxworld.com.au>
Bruce Momjian authored
> * to_char(0,'FM999.99') returns a period, to_char(1,'FM999.99') does not
Bruce Momjian authored
- 02 Sep, 2002 4 commits
Bruce Momjian authored
< o -ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN SET/DROP NOT NULL (Christopher Kings-Lynne) < o ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN column SERIAL doesn't create sequence > o -ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN SET/DROP NOT NULL (Christopher) 200a200,201 > o ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN column SERIAL doesn't create sequence because > of the item above 232c233 < o -Disallow missing columns in INSERT ... VALUES, per ANSI > o -Disallow missing columns in INSERT ... (col) VALUES, per ANSI 335,336d335 < * Have SERIAL generate non-colliding sequence names when we have < auto-destruction
Bruce Momjian authored
< * Allow logging of query durations > * -Allow logging of query durations 51,52d50 < * Make single-user local access permissions the default by limiting < permissions on the socket file (Peter E) 72,73c70,71 < * Reserve last few process slots for super-user if max_connections reached < * Add GUC parameter to print queries that generate errors > * -Reserve last few process slots for super-user if max_connections reached > * -Add GUC parameter to print queries that generate errors 82,83c80,81 < * Declare typein/out functions in pg_proc with a special "C string" data type < * Functions returning sets do not totally work > * -Declare typein/out functions in pg_proc with a special "C string" data type > * -Functions returning sets do not totally work 90c88 < * Allow bytea to handle LIKE with non-TEXT patterns > * -Allow bytea to handle LIKE with non-TEXT patterns 94c92 < o Store binary-compatible type information in the system > o -Store binary-compatible type information in the system 97d94 < o -SELECT col FROM tab WHERE numeric_col = 10.1 fails, requires quotes 102c99 < o Ensure we have array-eq operators for every built-in array type > o -Ensure we have array-eq operators for every built-in array type 119d115 < * Allow setting database character set without multibyte enabled 152d147 < * Have UPDATE/DELETE clean out indexes 198,199d192 < o ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN to inherited table put column in wrong place < [inheritance] 201d193 < o Add ALTER FUNCTION 203,204c195,196 < o -ALTER TABLE ADD PRIMARY KEY (Tom) < o -ALTER TABLE ADD UNIQUE (Tom) > o -ALTER TABLE ADD PRIMARY KEY (Christopher) > o -ALTER TABLE ADD UNIQUE (Christopher) 248c240 < o -Remove SET KSQO option now that OR processing is improved (Tom) > o -Remove SET KSQO option now that OR processing is improved (Bruce) 280c272 < * Have pg_dump use LEFT OUTER JOIN in multi-table SELECTs > * -Have pg_dump use LEFT OUTER JOIN in multi-table SELECTs 287d278 < * Add config file check for $ODBCINI, $HOME/.odbc.ini, installpath/etc/odbc.ini 318,322d308 < * ODBC < o ODBC 3.0 support < o Unicode(UCS-2) support < o Updatable cursors support < 337c323 < * Fix foreign key constraints to not error on intermediate db states (Stephan) > * -Fix foreign key constraints to not error on intermediate db states (Stephan) 352c338 < * Propagate column or table renaming to foreign key constraints > * -Propagate column or table renaming to foreign key constraints 447c433 < * Remove wal_files postgresql.conf option because WAL files are now recycled > * -Remove wal_files postgresql.conf option because WAL files are now recycled 460c446 < * Improve dynamic memory allocation by introducing tuple-context memory > * -Improve dynamic memory allocation by introducing tuple-context memory 463c449 < * Nested FULL OUTER JOINs don't work (Tom) > * -Nested FULL OUTER JOINs don't work (Tom)
Bruce Momjian authored
> * -Add OR REPLACE clauses to non-FUNCTION object creation > * -Allow autocommit so always in a transaction block > * -Cache most recent query plan(s) (Neil) [prepare]
Bruce Momjian authored
< * Evaluate AIX cs() spinlock macro for performance optimizations (Tatsuo)
- 01 Sep, 2002 2 commits
Bruce Momjian authored
> o Add table function support to pltcl, plperl, plpython
Bruce Momjian authored
> o -SELECT col FROM tab WHERE numeric_col = 10.1 fails, requires quotes
- 31 Aug, 2002 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
- 28 Aug, 2002 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
< * Remove PGPASSWORD because it is insecure on some OS's, in 7.4
- 27 Aug, 2002 4 commits
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Allow free space map to be auto-sized or warn when it is too small
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Allow REINDEX to rebuild all indexes, remove /contrib/reindex > o Allow CLUSTER to cluster all tables, remove clusterdb
Bruce Momjian authored
> o -Cluster all tables at once using pg_index.indisclustered set during
- 26 Aug, 2002 9 commits
Bruce Momjian authored
> partial page writes [wal]
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
< o Add plsh server-side shell language (Peter E)
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Allow DELETE to handle table aliases for self-joins [delete]
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Allow triggers to be disabled [trigger]
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Return proper effected tuple count from complex commands [return]
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
> * -Disallow TRUNCATE on tables that are involved in referential constraints
- 25 Aug, 2002 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Make error messages more consistent [error]
- 24 Aug, 2002 1 commit
Bruce Momjian authored
> * -SELECT cash_out(2) crashes because of opaque
- 23 Aug, 2002 3 commits
Bruce Momjian authored
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Allow xlog directory location to be specified during initdb, perhaps > using symlinks
Bruce Momjian authored
> * Add GUC parameter to print queries that generate errors