Commit fd104c57 authored by Michael Meskes's avatar Michael Meskes

Added partly missing VOLATILE keyword.

parent 340d4468
......@@ -1750,6 +1750,10 @@ Mon Feb 16 08:17:19 CET 2004
Tue Feb 24 16:48:57 CET 2004
- Corrected error handling in PGTYPEStimestamp_from_asc.
Mon Mar 1 08:56:37 CET 2004
- Added partly missing VOLATILE keyword.
- Set pgtypeslib version to 1.2.
- Set ecpg version to 3.1.1.
- Set ecpg version to 3.2.0.
# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/Makefile,v 1.98 2004/02/15 13:48:54 meskes Exp $
# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/Makefile,v 1.99 2004/03/02 06:45:05 meskes Exp $
subdir = src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc
top_builddir = ../../../..
include $(top_builddir)/src/
override CPPFLAGS := -I$(srcdir)/../include -I$(srcdir) $(CPPFLAGS) $(THREAD_CPPFLAGS) \
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/pgc.l,v 1.126 2004/02/24 22:06:32 tgl Exp $
* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/pgc.l,v 1.127 2004/03/02 06:45:05 meskes Exp $
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ ident_cont [A-Za-z\200-\377_0-9\$]
identifier {ident_start}{ident_cont}*
array ({ident_cont}|{whitespace}|[\[\]\+\-\*\%\/\(\)])*
array ({ident_cont}|{whitespace}|[\[\]\+\-\*\%\/\(\)\>\.])*
typecast "::"
/* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/preproc.y,v 1.275 2004/02/18 08:42:02 meskes Exp $ */
/* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/preproc.y,v 1.276 2004/03/02 06:45:05 meskes Exp $ */
/* Copyright comment */
......@@ -5666,11 +5666,12 @@ ECPGColLabel: ECPGColLabelCommon { $$ = $1; }
ECPGCKeywords: S_AUTO { $$ = make_str("auto"); }
| S_CONST { $$ = make_str("const"); }
| S_EXTERN { $$ = make_str("extern"); }
| S_REGISTER { $$ = make_str("register"); }
| S_STATIC { $$ = make_str("static"); }
| S_TYPEDEF { $$ = make_str("typedef"); }
| S_CONST { $$ = make_str("const"); }
| S_EXTERN { $$ = make_str("extern"); }
| S_REGISTER { $$ = make_str("register"); }
| S_STATIC { $$ = make_str("static"); }
| S_TYPEDEF { $$ = make_str("typedef"); }
| S_VOLATILE { $$ = make_str("volatile"); }
......@@ -6149,6 +6150,7 @@ c_anything: IDENT { $$ = $1; }
| S_STATIC { $$ = make_str("static"); }
| S_SUB { $$ = make_str("-="); }
| S_TYPEDEF { $$ = make_str("typedef"); }
| S_VOLATILE { $$ = make_str("volatile"); }
| SQL_BOOL { $$ = make_str("bool"); }
| SQL_ENUM { $$ = make_str("enum"); }
| HOUR_P { $$ = make_str("hour"); }
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