Commit fb7d212f authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

Add CVS \r\n regression tests.

Andrew Dunstan
parent 888271ed
......@@ -54,3 +54,36 @@ COPY bt_txt_heap FROM '@abs_srcdir@/data/';
COPY bt_f8_heap FROM '@abs_srcdir@/data/';
--- test copying in CSV mode with various styles
--- of embedded line ending characters
create temp table copytest (
style text,
test text,
filler int);
insert into copytest values('DOS','abc\r\ndef',1);
insert into copytest values('Unix','abc\ndef',2);
insert into copytest values('Mac','abc\rdef',3);
insert into copytest values('esc\\ape','a\\r\\\r\\\n\\nb',4);
copy copytest to '@abs_builddir@/results/copytest.csv' csv;
create temp table copytest2 (like copytest);
copy copytest2 from '@abs_builddir@/results/copytest.csv' csv;
select * from copytest except select * from copytest2;
truncate copytest2;
--- same test but with an escape char different from quote char
copy copytest to '@abs_builddir@/results/copytest.csv' csv quote '\'' escape '\\';
copy copytest2 from '@abs_builddir@/results/copytest.csv' csv quote '\'' escape '\\';
select * from copytest except select * from copytest2;
......@@ -31,3 +31,30 @@ COPY bt_i4_heap FROM '@abs_srcdir@/data/';
COPY bt_name_heap FROM '@abs_srcdir@/data/';
COPY bt_txt_heap FROM '@abs_srcdir@/data/';
COPY bt_f8_heap FROM '@abs_srcdir@/data/';
--- test copying in CSV mode with various styles
--- of embedded line ending characters
create temp table copytest (
style text,
test text,
filler int);
insert into copytest values('DOS','abc\r\ndef',1);
insert into copytest values('Unix','abc\ndef',2);
insert into copytest values('Mac','abc\rdef',3);
insert into copytest values('esc\\ape','a\\r\\\r\\\n\\nb',4);
copy copytest to '@abs_builddir@/results/copytest.csv' csv;
create temp table copytest2 (like copytest);
copy copytest2 from '@abs_builddir@/results/copytest.csv' csv;
select * from copytest except select * from copytest2;
style | test | filler
(0 rows)
truncate copytest2;
--- same test but with an escape char different from quote char
copy copytest to '@abs_builddir@/results/copytest.csv' csv quote '\'' escape '\\';
copy copytest2 from '@abs_builddir@/results/copytest.csv' csv quote '\'' escape '\\';
select * from copytest except select * from copytest2;
style | test | filler
(0 rows)
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