Commit f9a1ea6f authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

Obviously noone has ever tested the doubling of availiable result ids

up to
reaching the hard limit. After opening 16(=current REST_START value)
results via pg_exec, the next pg_exec tries to find an empty slot
forever :-( . In PgSetResultId file pgtclId.c in the for loop there
has to be done a break, if res_max ist reached. The piece of code
should look like
        if (resid == connid->res_max)
            resid = 0;
            break;   /* the break as to be added */

now everything works (double available results after reaching
RES_START up to reaching RES_HARD_MAX)

Gerhard Hintermayer
parent 28161419
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/interfaces/libpgtcl/Attic/pgtclId.c,v 1.35 2002/09/04 20:31:46 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/interfaces/libpgtcl/Attic/pgtclId.c,v 1.36 2002/09/23 01:43:23 momjian Exp $
......@@ -343,7 +343,10 @@ PgSetResultId(Tcl_Interp *interp, char *connid_c, PGresult *res)
for (resid = connid->res_last + 1; resid != connid->res_last; resid++)
if (resid == connid->res_max)
resid = 0;
if (!connid->results[resid])
connid->res_last = resid;
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