From: "D'Arcy J.M. Cain" <>
Subject: [HACKERS] backend/optimizer/geqo/geqo_erx.c I sent these changes in with a bunch of others. Some were folded in but others, like these, were not. I am not sure why so I am resending this to the developers list by itself for discussion. The readon why I suggest these changes is that the compiler can't tell that minimum_count is initialized before it is used. The tests that I add in here will cause an immediate error if it doesn't. As the comments below suggest, if it is 100% guaranteed that the variable will always be initialized then how this is so should be commented here. I don't know how much strain the actual test puts on the performance but if it isn't too much then maybe leave it in for absolute safety anyway. There are also a few returns just to stop warnings.
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