Commit ecd6b434 authored by Peter Eisentraut's avatar Peter Eisentraut

Add regression test for system catalog toast tables

For the moment, this just records which system catalogs have toast
tables right now.  Future patches will possibly change that set.

from Tom Lane via Joe Conway

parent 40ca70eb
......@@ -76,3 +76,70 @@ NOTICE: pg_database contains unpinned initdb-created object(s)
NOTICE: pg_extension contains unpinned initdb-created object(s)
NOTICE: pg_rewrite contains unpinned initdb-created object(s)
NOTICE: pg_tablespace contains unpinned initdb-created object(s)
-- **************** pg_class ****************
-- Look for system tables with varlena columns but no toast table. At
-- the moment, the result just records the status quo so that changes
-- are deliberate. Which system tables have toast tables is a bit
-- arbitrary at the moment.
SELECT relname, attname, atttypid::regtype
FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_attribute a ON c.oid = attrelid
WHERE c.oid < 16384 AND
reltoastrelid = 0 AND
relkind = 'r' AND
attstorage != 'p'
ORDER BY 1, 2;
relname | attname | atttypid
pg_aggregate | agginitval | text
pg_aggregate | aggminitval | text
pg_attribute | attacl | aclitem[]
pg_attribute | attfdwoptions | text[]
pg_attribute | attmissingval | anyarray
pg_attribute | attoptions | text[]
pg_authid | rolpassword | text
pg_class | relacl | aclitem[]
pg_class | reloptions | text[]
pg_class | relpartbound | pg_node_tree
pg_collation | collversion | text
pg_database | datacl | aclitem[]
pg_default_acl | defaclacl | aclitem[]
pg_event_trigger | evttags | text[]
pg_extension | extcondition | text[]
pg_extension | extconfig | oid[]
pg_extension | extversion | text
pg_foreign_data_wrapper | fdwacl | aclitem[]
pg_foreign_data_wrapper | fdwoptions | text[]
pg_foreign_server | srvacl | aclitem[]
pg_foreign_server | srvoptions | text[]
pg_foreign_server | srvtype | text
pg_foreign_server | srvversion | text
pg_foreign_table | ftoptions | text[]
pg_index | indexprs | pg_node_tree
pg_index | indpred | pg_node_tree
pg_init_privs | initprivs | aclitem[]
pg_language | lanacl | aclitem[]
pg_largeobject | data | bytea
pg_largeobject_metadata | lomacl | aclitem[]
pg_namespace | nspacl | aclitem[]
pg_partitioned_table | partexprs | pg_node_tree
pg_pltemplate | tmplacl | aclitem[]
pg_pltemplate | tmplhandler | text
pg_pltemplate | tmplinline | text
pg_pltemplate | tmpllibrary | text
pg_pltemplate | tmplvalidator | text
pg_policy | polqual | pg_node_tree
pg_policy | polroles | oid[]
pg_policy | polwithcheck | pg_node_tree
pg_replication_origin | roname | text
pg_subscription | subconninfo | text
pg_subscription | subpublications | text[]
pg_subscription | subsynccommit | text
pg_tablespace | spcacl | aclitem[]
pg_tablespace | spcoptions | text[]
pg_ts_dict | dictinitoption | text
pg_type | typacl | aclitem[]
pg_type | typdefault | text
pg_type | typdefaultbin | pg_node_tree
pg_user_mapping | umoptions | text[]
(51 rows)
......@@ -72,3 +72,18 @@ loop
end if;
end loop;
-- **************** pg_class ****************
-- Look for system tables with varlena columns but no toast table. At
-- the moment, the result just records the status quo so that changes
-- are deliberate. Which system tables have toast tables is a bit
-- arbitrary at the moment.
SELECT relname, attname, atttypid::regtype
FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_attribute a ON c.oid = attrelid
WHERE c.oid < 16384 AND
reltoastrelid = 0 AND
relkind = 'r' AND
attstorage != 'p'
ORDER BY 1, 2;
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