Commit ec63143f authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

Tiny patch fixing small documentation typo.

Oleg Bartunov
parent 229eebd5
......@@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ Various indices could be created to speed up execution of operations:
* GiST index over ltree:
<, <=, =, =>, >, @>, <@, @, ~
create index path_gist_idx on test using gist_ltree_ops (path);
create index path_gist_idx on test using gist (path);
* GiST index over ltree[]:
ltree[]<@ ltree, ltree @> ltree[], @, ~.
create index path_gist_idx on test using gist__ltree_ops (array_path);
create index path_gist_idx on test using gist (array_path);
Notices: This index is lossy.
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