Commit ea8cadbf authored by Tatsuo Ishii's avatar Tatsuo Ishii

Remove using puts() to print messages. Instead use TPRINTF.

parent b1e4b561
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/tcop/postgres.c,v 1.146 2000/02/22 09:55:18 inoue Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/tcop/postgres.c,v 1.147 2000/03/01 02:39:46 ishii Exp $
* this is the "main" module of the postgres backend and
......@@ -1470,10 +1470,10 @@ PostgresMain(int argc, char *argv[], int real_argc, char *real_argv[])
/* set default client encoding */
if (Verbose)
TPRINTF(TRACE_VERBOSE, "reset_client_encoding()..");
if (Verbose)
puts("\treset_client_encoding() done.");
TPRINTF(TRACE_VERBOSE, "reset_client_encoding() done.");
on_shmem_exit(remove_all_temp_relations, NULL);
......@@ -1503,7 +1503,7 @@ PostgresMain(int argc, char *argv[], int real_argc, char *real_argv[])
if (!IsUnderPostmaster)
puts("\nPOSTGRES backend interactive interface ");
puts("$Revision: 1.146 $ $Date: 2000/02/22 09:55:18 $\n");
puts("$Revision: 1.147 $ $Date: 2000/03/01 02:39:46 $\n");
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