Commit e55213a5 authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

Re-add python.

parent 716b8e2d
PyGreSQL changelog.
This software is copyright (c) 1995, Pascal Andre (
Further copyright 1997, 1998 and 1999 by D'Arcy J.M. Cain (
See file README for copyright information.
Version 2.3
- returns "localhost" when connected to Unix socket
- Use PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords in connect() (
- fixes and cleanups (
- Fixed memory leak in dictresult() (
- Deprecated - functionality now in
- More cleanups to the tutorial
- Added fileno() method - (Mikhail Terekhov)
- added money type to quoting function
- Compiles cleanly with more warnings turned on
- Returns PostgreSQL error message on error
- Init accepts keywords (Jarkko Torppa)
- Convenience functions can be overridden (Jarkko Torppa)
- added close() method
Version 2.2
- Added user and password support thanks to Ng Pheng Siong <>
- Insert queries return the inserted oid
- Add new pg wrapper (C modile renamed to _pg)
- Wrapped database connection in a class.
- Cleaned up some of the tutorial. (More work needed.)
- Added version and __version__. Thanks to for
the suggestion.
Version 2.1
- return fields as proper Python objects for field type
- Cleaned up
- Added dictresult method
Version 2.0 (23/12/1997):
- updated code for PostgreSQL 6.2.1 and Python 1.5
- reformatted code and converted to ANSI
- Changed name to PyGreSQL (from PyGres95)
- changed order of arguments to connect function
- Created new type pgqueryobject and moved certain methods to it.
- Added a print function for pgqueryobject
Version 1.0b (4/11/1995):
- keyword support for connect function moved from library file to C code
and taken away from library.
- rewrote documentation
- bug fix in connect function
- enhancements in large objects interface methods
Version 1.0a (30/10/1995) (limited release):
- module adapted to standard Python syntax
- keyword support for connect function in library file
- rewrote default parameters interface (internal use of strings)
- fixed minor bugs in module interface
- redefinition of error messages
Version 0.9b (10/10/1995) (first public release):
- large objects implementation
- many bug fixes, enhancements, ...
Version 0.1a (7/10/1995):
- basic libpq functions (SQL access)
This diff is collapsed.
Thanks to for this README and the RPM
INSTALLING PyGreSQL on Redhat Linux 5.1 or 5.2
Things are pretty easy on Redhat Linux. You can either get a precompiled
RPM package from
or try in compile and install it yourself:
bash$ make redhat # this just compiles the module as a shared object
cc -fpic -shared -o -I/usr/include/python1.5 pgmodule.c -lpq
bash$ python # you can test it from your local directory
Python 1.5.1 (#1, May 6 1998, 01:48:27) [GCC] on linux-i386
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
>>> import _pg
>>> db = _pg.connect('thilo', 'localhost')
>>> db.query("INSERT INTO test VALUES ('ping', 'pong')")
>>> db.query("SELECT * FROM test")
(1 row)
bash$ su # Yow! Seems to work - now install it properly
bash# cp /usr/lib/python1.5/lib-dynload
#! /usr/local/bin/python
import string
# change this if you have it somewhere else
for l in open("/usr/local/pgsql/src/include/catalog/pg_type.h").readlines():
tokens = string.split(l)
if len(tokens) == 0 or tokens[0] != "#define": continue
if tokens[1] in ('CASHOID', 'INT2OID', 'INT4OID', 'OIDOID', 'FLOAT4OID', 'FLOAT8OID'):
print l,
# Written by D'Arcy J.M. Cain
# This library implements some basic database management stuff
# It includes the pg module and builds on it
from _pg import *
import string, re, sys
# utility function
# We expect int, seq, decimal, text or date (more later)
def _quote(d, t):
if t in ['int', 'decimal', 'seq']:
if d == "": return 0
return "%s" % d
if t == 'money':
if d == "": return '0.00'
return "'%.2f'" % d
if t == 'bool':
if string.upper(d) in ['T', 'TRUE', 'Y', 'YES', 1, '1', 'ON']:
return "'t'"
return "'f'"
if d == "": return "null"
return "'%s'" % string.strip(re.sub('\'', '\'\'', "%s" % d))
class DB:
"""This class wraps the pg connection type"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.db = apply(connect, args, kw)
# Create convience methods, in a way that is still overridable.
for e in ( 'query', 'reset', 'close', 'getnotify', 'inserttable',
'putline', 'getline', 'endcopy',
'host', 'port', 'db', 'options',
'tty', 'error', 'status', 'user',
'locreate', 'getlo', 'loimport' ):
if not hasattr(self,e) and hasattr(self.db,e):
exec 'self.%s = self.db.%s' % ( e, e )
self.attnames = {}
self.pkeys = {}
self.debug = None # For debugging scripts, set to output format
# that takes a single string arg. For example
# in a CGI set to "%s<BR>"
# Get all the primary keys at once
for rel, att in self.db.query("""SELECT
pg_class.relname, pg_attribute.attname
FROM pg_class, pg_attribute, pg_index
WHERE pg_class.oid = pg_attribute.attrelid AND
pg_class.oid = pg_index.indrelid AND
pg_index.indkey[0] = pg_attribute.attnum AND
pg_index.indisprimary = 't'""").getresult():
self.pkeys[rel] = att
def pkey(self, cl):
# will raise an exception if primary key doesn't exist
return self.pkeys[cl]
def get_databases(self):
l = []
for n in self.db.query("SELECT datname FROM pg_database").getresult():
return l
def get_tables(self):
l = []
for n in self.db.query("""SELECT relname FROM pg_class
WHERE relkind = 'r' AND
relname !~ '^Inv' AND
relname !~ '^pg_'""").getresult():
return l
def get_attnames(self, cl):
# May as well cache them
if self.attnames.has_key(cl):
return self.attnames[cl]
query = """SELECT pg_attribute.attname, pg_type.typname
FROM pg_class, pg_attribute, pg_type
WHERE pg_class.relname = '%s' AND
pg_attribute.attnum > 0 AND
pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid AND
pg_attribute.atttypid = pg_type.oid"""
l = {}
for attname, typname in self.db.query(query % cl).getresult():
if re.match("^int", typname):
l[attname] = 'int'
elif re.match("^oid", typname):
l[attname] = 'int'
elif re.match("^text", typname):
l[attname] = 'text'
elif re.match("^char", typname):
l[attname] = 'text'
elif re.match("^name", typname):
l[attname] = 'text'
elif re.match("^abstime", typname):
l[attname] = 'date'
elif re.match("^date", typname):
l[attname] = 'date'
elif re.match("^bool", typname):
l[attname] = 'bool'
elif re.match("^float", typname):
l[attname] = 'decimal'
elif re.match("^money", typname):
l[attname] = 'money'
l[attname] = 'text'
self.attnames[cl] = l
return self.attnames[cl]
# return a tuple from a database
def get(self, cl, arg, keyname = None):
if keyname == None: # use the primary key by default
keyname = self.pkeys[cl]
fnames = self.get_attnames(cl)
if type(arg) == type({}):
# To allow users to work with multiple tables we munge the
# name when the key is "oid"
if keyname == 'oid': k = arg['oid_%s' % cl]
else: k = arg[keyname]
k = arg
arg = {}
# We want the oid for later updates if that isn't the key
if keyname == 'oid':
q = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE oid = %s" % (cl, k)
q = "SELECT oid AS oid_%s, %s FROM %s WHERE %s = %s" % \
(cl, string.join(fnames.keys(), ','),\
cl, keyname, _quote(k, fnames[keyname]))
if self.debug != None: print self.debug % q
res = self.db.query(q).dictresult()
if res == []:
raise error, \
"No such record in %s where %s is %s" % \
(cl, keyname, _quote(k, fnames[keyname]))
return None
for k in res[0].keys():
arg[k] = res[0][k]
return arg
# Inserts a new tuple into a table
def insert(self, cl, a):
fnames = self.get_attnames(cl)
l = []
n = []
for f in fnames.keys():
if a.has_key(f):
if a[f] == "": l.append("null")
else: l.append(_quote(a[f], fnames[f]))
q = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % \
(cl, string.join(n, ','), string.join(l, ','))
if self.debug != None: print self.debug % q
a['oid_%s' % cl] = self.db.query(q)
raise error, "Error inserting into %s: %s" % (cl, sys.exc_value)
# reload the dictionary to catch things modified by engine
# note that get() changes 'oid' below to oid_table
return self.get(cl, a, 'oid')
# update always works on the oid which get returns
def update(self, cl, a):
q = "SELECT oid FROM %s WHERE oid = %s" % (cl, a['oid_%s' % cl])
if self.debug != None: print self.debug % q
res = self.db.query(q).getresult()
if len(res) < 1:
raise error, "No record in %s where oid = %s (%s)" % \
(cl, a['oid_%s' % cl], sys.exc_value)
v = []
k = 0
fnames = self.get_attnames(cl)
for ff in fnames.keys():
if a.has_key(ff) and a[ff] != res[0][k]:
v.append("%s = %s" % (ff, _quote(a[ff], fnames[ff])))
if v == []:
return None
q = "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE oid = %s" % \
(cl, string.join(v, ','), a['oid_%s' % cl])
if self.debug != None: print self.debug % q
raise error, "Can't update %s: %s" % (cl, sys.exc_value)
# reload the dictionary to catch things modified by engine
return self.get(cl, a, 'oid')
# At some point we will need a way to get defaults from a table
def clear(self, cl, a = {}):
fnames = self.get_attnames(cl)
for ff in fnames.keys():
if fnames[ff] in ['int', 'decimal', 'seq', 'money']:
a[ff] = 0
elif fnames[ff] == 'date':
a[ff] = 'TODAY'
a[ff] = ""
a['oid'] = 0
return a
# Like update, delete works on the oid
# one day we will be testing that the record to be deleted
# isn't referenced somewhere (or else PostgreSQL will)
def delete(self, cl, a):
q = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE oid = %s" % (cl, a['oid_%s' % cl])
if self.debug != None: print self.debug % q
raise error, "Can't delete %s: %s" % (cl, sys.exc_value)
return None
This diff is collapsed.
# Written by D'Arcy J.M. Cain
# This library implements the DB-SIG API
# It includes the pg module and builds on it
from _pg import *
import string
class _cursor:
"""For cursor object"""
def __init__(self, conn):
self.conn = conn
self.cursor = None
self.arraysize = 1
self.description = None = string.split(`self`)[3][:-1]
def close(self):
if self.conn == None: raise self.conn.error, "Cursor has been closed"
if self.cursor == None: raise self.conn.error, "No cursor created"
self.conn.query('CLOSE %s' %
self.conn = None
def __del__(self):
if self.cursor != None and self.conn != None:
self.conn.query('CLOSE %s' %
class pgsqldb:
"""This class wraps the pg connection type in a DB-SIG API interface"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.db = apply(connect, args, kw)
# Create convience methods, in a way that is still overridable.
for e in ('query', 'reset', 'close', 'getnotify', 'inserttable',
'putline', 'getline', 'endcopy',
'host', 'port', 'db', 'options',
'tty', 'error', 'status', 'user',
'locreate', 'getlo', 'loimport'):
if not hasattr(self,e) and hasattr(self.db,e):
exec 'self.%s = self.db.%s' % ( e, e )
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