Commit e4942f7a authored by Andres Freund's avatar Andres Freund

Attach ON CONFLICT SET ... WHERE to the correct planstate.

The previous coding was a leftover from attempting to hang all the on
conflict logic onto modify table's child nodes. It appears to not have
actually caused problems except for explain.

Add test exercising the broken and some other code paths.

Author: Peter Geoghegan and Andres Freund
parent 4db485e7
......@@ -1697,7 +1697,7 @@ ExecInitModifyTable(ModifyTable *node, EState *estate, int eflags)
ExprState *qualexpr;
qualexpr = ExecInitExpr((Expr *) node->onConflictWhere,
resultRelInfo->ri_onConflictSetWhere = (List *) qualexpr;
......@@ -43,6 +43,22 @@ explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on con
-> Result
(4 rows)
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (key, fruit) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit
where exists (select 1 from insertconflicttest ii where ii.key = excluded.key);
Insert on insertconflicttest
Conflict Resolution: UPDATE
Conflict Arbiter Indexes: op_index_key, collation_index_key, both_index_key
Conflict Filter: (alternatives: SubPlan 1 or hashed SubPlan 2)
-> Result
SubPlan 1
-> Index Only Scan using both_index_expr_key on insertconflicttest ii
Index Cond: (key = excluded.key)
SubPlan 2
-> Seq Scan on insertconflicttest ii_1
(10 rows)
-- Neither collation nor operator class specifications are required --
-- supplying them merely *limits* matches to indexes with matching opclasses
-- used for relevant indexes
......@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on con
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (key, fruit) do nothing;
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (fruit, key, fruit, key) do nothing;
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (lower(fruit), key, lower(fruit), key) do nothing;
explain (costs off) insert into insertconflicttest values(0, 'Crowberry') on conflict (key, fruit) do update set fruit = excluded.fruit
where exists (select 1 from insertconflicttest ii where ii.key = excluded.key);
-- Neither collation nor operator class specifications are required --
-- supplying them merely *limits* matches to indexes with matching opclasses
-- used for relevant indexes
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