postgresql.con.auth:Тип аутентификации {0} не поддерживается. Проверьте что вы сконфигурировали файл pg_hba.conf чтобы включить IP адреса клиентов или подсеть. Также удостовертесь что он использует схему аутентификации поддерживаемую драйвером.
postgresql.con.authfail:Ошибка при получении запроса на аутентификацию.
postgresql.con.backend:Запуск бэкенда не удался: {0} Statements are not supported at this time.
postgresql.con.invalidchar:Invalid character data was found. This is most likely caused by stored data containing characters that are invalid for the character set the database was created in. The most common example of this is storing 8bit data in a SQL_ASCII database.
postgresql.con.closed:Connection is closed. Operation is not permitted.
postgresql.con.creobj:Не удалось создать объект для {0} {1}
postgresql.con.failed:The connection attempt failed because {0}
postgresql.con.failed.bad.encoding:The connection attempt failed trying to get the server encoding
postgresql.con.failed.bad.autocommit:The connection attempt failed trying to get the autocommit status
postgresql.con.fathom:Unable to fathom update count {0}
postgresql.con.garbled:Garbled data received.
postgresql.con.ioerror:An IO erro occured while sending to the backend - {0}
postgresql.con.kerb4:Kerberos 4 authentication is not supported by this driver.
postgresql.con.kerb5:Kerberos 5 authentication is not supported by this driver.
postgresql.con.misc:A connection error has occurred: {0}
postgresql.con.multres:Cannot handle multiple result groups.
postgresql.con.pass:The password property is missing. It is mandatory.
postgresql.con.refused:Connection refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
postgresql.con.scm:SCM credentials authentication is not supported by this driver.
postgresql.fp.send:Failed to send fastpath call {0} {1}
postgresql.fp.unknown:The fastpath function {0} is unknown. of box failed - {0} of circle failed - {0}
postgresql.geo.line:Conversion of line failed - {0}
postgresql.geo.lseg:Conversion of lseg failed - {0}
postgresql.geo.path:Cannot tell if path is open or closed.
postgresql.geo.point:Conversion of point failed - {0}
postgresql.jvm.version:The postgresql.jar file does not contain the correct JDBC classes for this JVM. Try rebuilding. If that fails, try forcing the version supplying it to the command line using the argument -Djava.version=1.1 or -Djava.version=1.2\nException thrown was {0}
postgresql.lo.init:failed to initialise LargeObject API
postgresql.serial.namelength:Class & Package name length cannot be longer than 64 characters. {0} is {1} characters.
postgresql.serial.noclass:Класс не найден для {0}
postgresql.serial.table:The table for {0} is not in the database. Contact the DBA, as the database is in an inconsistent state.
postgresql.serial.underscore:Class names may not have _ in them. You supplied {0}.
postgresql.stat.batch.error:Batch entry {0} {1} was aborted. Call getNextException() to see the cause.
postgresql.stat.noresult:No results were returned by the query.
postgresql.stat.result:A result was returned when none was expected. backend has broken the connection. Possibly the action you have attempted has caused it to close. I/O error has occured while flushing the output - {0} I/O error occured while reading from backend - {0} much data was received.
postgresql.unusual:Something unusual has occured to cause the driver to fail. Please report this exception: {0}
postgresql.unimplemented:This method is not yet implemented.
postgresql.unexpected:An unexpected result was returned by a query.
postgresql.updateable.notupdateable:Result Set not updateable. The query that generated this result set must select only one table, and must select all primary keys from that table. See the JDBC 2.1 API Specification, section 5.6 for more details.
postgresql.updateable.oninsertrow:Can not call deleteRow() when on insert row
postgresql.updateable.emptydelete:Can't deleteRow() on empty result set
postgresql.updateable.beforestartdelete:Before start of result set. Can not call deleteRow().
postgresql.updateable.afterlastdelete:After end of result set. Can not call deleteRow().
postgresql.updateable.notoninsertrow:Not on insert row.
postgresql.updateable.inputstream:Input Stream is null.