Commit ded96129 authored by Thomas G. Lockhart's avatar Thomas G. Lockhart

First cut at standalone installation guide to replace INSTALL text source.

parent 82a9c9cf
$Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/doc/src/sgml/installation.sgml,v 1.1 1998/10/27 06:11:08 thomas Exp $
Postgres quick Installation Guide.
thomas 1998-10-26
$Log: installation.sgml,v $
Revision 1.1 1998/10/27 06:11:08 thomas
First cut at standalone installation guide to replace INSTALL text source.
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<Book Id="installation">
<!-- Title information -->
<Title>PostgreSQL Administrator's Guide</Title>
<ReleaseInfo>Covering v6.3 for general release</ReleaseInfo>
<CorpAuthor>The PostgreSQL Development Team</CorpAuthor>
<!-- editor in authorgroup is not supported
<Date>(last updated 1998-02-23)</Date>
<ProductName>PostgreSQL</ProductName> is copyright (C) 1998 by the Postgres Global Development Group.
<TOC> </TOC>
<LOT> </LOT>
Your name here...
developed originally in the UC Berkeley Computer Science Department,
pioneered many of the object-relational concepts
now becoming available in some commercial databases.
It provides SQL92/SQL3 language support,
transaction integrity, and type extensibility.
<ProductName>PostgreSQL</ProductName> is a public-domain, open source descendant
of this original Berkeley code.
<chapter id="intro">
This installation procedure makes some assumptions about the desired configuration
and runtime environment for your system. This may be adequate for many installations,
and is almost certainly adequate for a first installation. But you may want to
do an initial installation up to the point of unpacking the source tree
and installing documentation, and then print or browse the
<citetitle>Administrator's Guide</citetitle>.
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