Update per Tom:
< * Allow INET subnet tests using non-constants > * Allow INET subnet tests to use indexes 101a102 > o Allow MIN()/MAX() on arrays 144c145 < * Allow CREATE INDEX zman_index ON test (date_trunc( 'day', zman ) datetime_ops) > * -Allow CREATE INDEX zman_index ON test (date_trunc( 'day', zman ) datetime_ops) 166c167 < * Improve handling of index scans for NULL > * Allow use of indexes to search for NULLs 203a205 > * Add optional textual message to NOTIFY 252c254 < o Add SET SCHEMA > o Add SET PATH for schemas 297a300 > * Allow fastpast to pass values in portable format 344a348 > * Allow statement-level triggers to access modified rows 526d529 < o Add optional textual message to NOTIFY 530d532 < o Allow fastpast to pass values in portable format 533c535 < o Special passing of binary values in platform-neutral format (bytea?) > o -Special passing of binary values in platform-neutral format (bytea?)
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