Commit ce1dcd46 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Rename git_topo_order -> git_changelog, per discussion.

parent c8c03d72
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ For All Releases (major, minor, beta, RC)
(by packager) (beta)
* Release notes
o run git log and, if useful, src/tools/git_topo_order
o run git log and, if useful, src/tools/git_changelog
o update doc/src/sgml/release.sgml
o run spellchecker on result
o add SGML markup
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ For Major Releases
(in addition to the above)
* Release notes
o use git log or src/tools/git_topo_order to find the relevant commits
o use git log or src/tools/git_changelog to find the relevant commits
o check completion of items that have been marked as completed at
o remove completed TODO items
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Starting a New Development Cycle
Creating Back-Branch Release Notes
* Run src/tools/git_topo_order to generate a list of relevant commits
* Run src/tools/git_changelog to generate a list of relevant commits
* On the git master branch, edit and create SGML markup for the most recent
branch in that branch's release-N.N.sgml file
# src/tools/git_changelog
# Display all commits on active branches, merging together commits from
# different branches that occur close together in time and with identical
......@@ -18,7 +20,7 @@
# for the portion of the history we imported from CVS, we expect that they
# will be.
# Even though we don't use timestamps to order commits, it is used to
# Even though we don't use timestamps to order commits, they are used to
# identify which commits happened at about the same time, for the purpose
# of matching up commits from different branches.
......@@ -29,9 +31,13 @@ require Date::Calc;
require Getopt::Long;
require IPC::Open2;
# Adjust this list when the set of active branches changes.
# Might want to make this parameter user-settable.
my $timestamp_slop = 600;
my $since;
Getopt::Long::GetOptions('since=s' => \$since) || usage();
usage() if @ARGV;
......@@ -114,7 +120,7 @@ sub push_commit {
my $ts = parse_datetime($c->{'date'});
my $cc;
for my $candidate (@{$all_commits{$ht}}) {
if (abs($ts - $candidate->{'timestamp'}) < 600
if (abs($ts - $candidate->{'timestamp'}) < $timestamp_slop
&& !exists $candidate->{'branch_position'}{$c->{'branch'}})
$cc = $candidate;
......@@ -149,7 +155,7 @@ sub parse_datetime {
sub usage {
print STDERR <<EOM;
Usage: git-topo-order [--since=SINCE]
Usage: git_changelog [--since=SINCE]
exit 1;
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