Commit cda3e583 authored by Neil Conway's avatar Neil Conway

Add regression tests for the fix committed by Tom for casting between

the row types of parent/child tables.
parent c604ed56
......@@ -623,3 +623,31 @@ select * from d;
32 | one | two | three
(1 row)
-- Tests for casting between the rowtypes of parent and child
-- tables. See the pgsql-hackers thread beginning Dec. 4/04
create table base (i integer);
create table derived () inherits (base);
insert into derived (i) values (0);
select derived::base from derived;
(1 row)
drop table derived;
drop table base;
create table p1(ff1 int);
create table p2(f1 text);
create function p2text(p2) returns text as 'select $1.f1' language sql;
create table c1(f3 int) inherits(p1,p2);
insert into c1 values(123456789, 'hi', 42);
select p2text(c1.*) from c1;
(1 row)
drop function p2text(p2);
drop table c1;
drop table p2;
drop table p1;
......@@ -146,7 +146,25 @@ SELECT * FROM inhf; /* Single entry with value 'text' */
-- Test changing the type of inherited columns
insert into d values('test','one','two','three');
alter table a alter column aa type integer using bit_length(aa);
select * from d;
-- Tests for casting between the rowtypes of parent and child
-- tables. See the pgsql-hackers thread beginning Dec. 4/04
create table base (i integer);
create table derived () inherits (base);
insert into derived (i) values (0);
select derived::base from derived;
drop table derived;
drop table base;
create table p1(ff1 int);
create table p2(f1 text);
create function p2text(p2) returns text as 'select $1.f1' language sql;
create table c1(f3 int) inherits(p1,p2);
insert into c1 values(123456789, 'hi', 42);
select p2text(c1.*) from c1;
drop function p2text(p2);
drop table c1;
drop table p2;
drop table p1;
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