Commit c419c224 authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

Update pg_upgrade for 7.3.

parent 7a48acbf
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# pg_upgrade: update a database without needing a full dump/reload cycle.
# CAUTION: Read the manual page before trying to use this!
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/pg_upgrade/Attic/pg_upgrade,v 1.12 2002/02/11 15:19:33 momjian Exp $
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/pg_upgrade/Attic/pg_upgrade,v 1.13 2002/04/09 18:07:24 momjian Exp $
# To migrate this to newer versions of PostgreSQL:
# 1) Update the version numbers at the top of the file
......@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
#set -x
# UPGRADE_VERSION is the expected old database version
# Set this to "Y" to enable this program
......@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ fi
# Strip off the trailing directory name and store our data there
# in the hope we are in the same filesystem so 'mv 'works.
INFODIR=`dirname "$PGDATA"`/pg_upgrade_info
......@@ -88,14 +89,8 @@ make_dbobjoidmap()
FROM pg_class
WHERE relkind = 'r' OR
relkind = 'i' OR
relkind = 't'"
# Don't move over 7.1 int4 sequences; use setval() file.
# Sequence XIDs changed from 7.2beta4 to beta5; don't copy them.
if [ "$SRC_VERSION" != "7.1" -a \
"$SRC_VERSION" != "7.2" ]
then QUERY="$QUERY OR relkind = 'S';";
relkind = 'S' OR
relkind = 't';"
psql -d "$DB" -At -F' ' -c "$QUERY" |
while read RELNAME_OID
......@@ -213,28 +208,7 @@ then
# Dump schema
pg_dumpall -s |
awk -F' *' '
# Modify sequences with int8 maximums if we are upgrading from 7.1.
if ("'"$SRC_VERSION"'" == "7.1" &&
$1 == "CREATE" &&
$2 == "SEQUENCE" &&
# handle OS rounding
$9 >= 2147483646 &&
$9 <= 2147483648)
for(i=1; i <= NF; i++)
if (i != 9)
printf "%s ", $i;
printf "%s ", "9223372036854775807";
print "";
else print $0;
}' > "$INFODIR"/schema
pg_dumpall -s > "$INFODIR"/schema
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
then echo "Can not dump schema. Exiting." 1>&2
exit 1
......@@ -244,32 +218,6 @@ then
make_dboidmap > "$INFODIR"/dboidmap || exit "$?"
make_dbobjoidmap > "$INFODIR"/dbobjoidmap || exit "$?"
# Generate setval() script for 7.1 because it has int4 sequences
# Sequence XIDs changed from 7.2beta4 to beta5 so we have to recreate them too.
# Not required for 7.2beta5 and later, but it can't hurt.
if [ "$SRC_VERSION" = "7.1" -o \
"$SRC_VERSION" = "7.2" ]
psql -d template1 -At -c "SELECT datname FROM pg_database" |
grep -v '^template0$' |
while read DB
# We use awk as a portable way to output a backslash
awk 'BEGIN {print "\\connect '"$DB"'"}'
psql -d "$DB" -At -c "
SELECT relname
FROM pg_class
WHERE relkind = 'S';" |
while read SEQUENCE
VALUE=`psql -d "$DB" -At -c "SELECT last_value
echo "SELECT setval ('$SEQUENCE', $VALUE, true);"
done > "$INFODIR"/setval
else rm -f "$INFODIR"/setval
# Vacuum all databases to remove exipired rows.
# We will lose our transaction log file during the upgrade so we
# have to do this.
......@@ -375,14 +323,7 @@ then echo "Old version of pg_resetxlog found in path." 1>&2
exit 1
# If the XID is > 2 billion, 7.1 database will have non-frozen XID's in
# low numbers, and 7.2 will think they are in the future --- bad.
SRC_XID=`pg_resetxlog -n "$SAVEDATA" | grep "NextXID" | awk -F' *' '{print $4}'`
if [ "$SRC_VERSION" = "7.1" -a "$SRC_XID" -gt 2000000000 ]
then echo "XID too high for $BASENAME. Exiting." 1>&2
exit 1
DST_XID=`pg_resetxlog -n "$PGDATA" | grep "NextXID" | awk -F' *' '{print $4}'`
# compare locales to make sure they match
......@@ -418,16 +359,6 @@ fi
echo "Input script completed, fixing row commit statuses..."
# XXX do we still need this?
# Now vacuum each result database because our movement of transaction log
# causes some committed transactions to appear as non-committed
vacuumdb -a
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
then echo "There were errors during VACUUM. Exiting." 1>&2
exit 1
# Generate mappings for new database
make_dboidmap > /tmp/$$.dboidmap || exit "$?"
make_dbobjoidmap > /tmp/$$.dbobjoidmap || exit "$?"
......@@ -508,6 +439,11 @@ fi
rm -r "$PGDATA"/pg_xlog
mv -f "$SAVEDATA"/pg_xlog "$PGDATA"
# Move over old clog
rm -r "$PGDATA"/pg_clog
mv -f "$SAVEDATA"/pg_clog "$PGDATA"
# Set last log file id and segment from old database
LOG_ID=`pg_resetxlog -n "$SAVEDATA" | grep "Current log file id:" |
......@@ -539,16 +475,14 @@ then echo "Unable to restart database server. Exiting." 1>&2
exit 1
# Set sequence values for 7.1-version sequences, which were int4.
# Now that we have moved the WAL/transaction log files, vacuum again to
# mark install rows with fixed transaction ids to prevent problems on xid
# wraparound.
if [ "$SRC_VERSION" = "7.1" -o \
"$SRC_VERSION" = "7.2" ]
then echo "Set sequence values..."
psql -d template1 -At < "$INFODIR"/setval
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
then echo "There were errors during int4 sequence restoration. Exiting." 1>&2
exit 1
vacuumdb -a
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
then echo "There were errors during VACUUM. Exiting." 1>&2
exit 1
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