Commit b8691d83 authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

Add Up/Home link to the top of the HTML doc output.

Backpatch to 9.0.X and 9.1.X.
parent 8c8ba6d1
......@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
;; Customization of header, add title attributes (overrides
;; dbcommon.dsl)
(define (default-header-nav-tbl-ff elemnode prev next prevsib nextsib)
(define (default-header-nav-tbl-ff elemnode prev next)
(let* ((r1? (nav-banner? elemnode))
(r1-sosofo (make element gi: "TR"
(make element gi: "TH"
......@@ -298,8 +298,6 @@
(nav-banner elemnode)))))
(r2? (or (not (node-list-empty? prev))
(not (node-list-empty? next))
(not (node-list-empty? prevsib))
(not (node-list-empty? nextsib))
(nav-context? elemnode)))
(r2-sosofo (make element gi: "TR"
(make element gi: "TD"
......@@ -323,15 +321,9 @@
(list "WIDTH" "10%")
(list "ALIGN" "left")
(list "VALIGN" "top"))
(if (node-list-empty? prevsib)
(make entity-ref name: "nbsp")
(make element gi: "A"
attributes: (list
(list "TITLE" (element-title-string prevsib))
(list "HREF"
(gentext-nav-prev-sibling prevsib))))
(if (nav-up? elemnode)
(nav-up elemnode)
(nav-home-link elemnode)))
(make element gi: "TD"
attributes: (list
(list "WIDTH" "60%")
......@@ -340,21 +332,7 @@
(nav-context elemnode))
(make element gi: "TD"
attributes: (list
(list "WIDTH" "10%")
(list "ALIGN" "right")
(list "VALIGN" "top"))
(if (node-list-empty? nextsib)
(make entity-ref name: "nbsp")
(make element gi: "A"
attributes: (list
(list "TITLE" (element-title-string nextsib))
(list "HREF"
(gentext-nav-next-sibling nextsib))))
(make element gi: "TD"
attributes: (list
(list "WIDTH" "10%")
(list "WIDTH" "20%")
(list "ALIGN" "right")
(list "VALIGN" "top"))
(if (node-list-empty? next)
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