Commit b34841d5 authored by Marc G. Fournier's avatar Marc G. Fournier

From: Michael Meskes <>

Please remove src/interfaces/ecpg/prproc/ from cvs. It is generated
by make anyway.
parent 373b8532
typedef union {
int tagname;
struct ECPGtemp_type type;
char * symbolname;
int indexsize;
enum ECPGttype type_enum;
#define SQL_START 258
#define SQL_SEMI 259
#define SQL_STRING 260
#define SQL_INTO 261
#define SQL_BEGIN 262
#define SQL_END 263
#define SQL_DECLARE 264
#define SQL_SECTION 265
#define SQL_INCLUDE 266
#define SQL_CONNECT 267
#define SQL_OPEN 268
#define SQL_COMMIT 269
#define SQL_ROLLBACK 270
#define S_SYMBOL 271
#define S_LENGTH 272
#define S_ANYTHING 273
#define S_VARCHAR 274
#define S_VARCHAR2 275
#define S_EXTERN 276
#define S_STATIC 277
#define S_UNSIGNED 278
#define S_SIGNED 279
#define S_LONG 280
#define S_SHORT 281
#define S_INT 282
#define S_CHAR 283
#define S_FLOAT 284
#define S_DOUBLE 285
#define S_BOOL 286
extern YYSTYPE yylval;
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