Following up a previous thought I had, yesterday I realised how to
return arays nicely without having to make the plperl programmer aware of anything. The attached patch allows plperl to return an arrayref where the function returns an array type. It silently calls a perl function to stringify the array before passing it to the pg array parser. Non-array returns are handled as before (i.e. passed through this process) so it is backwards compatible. I will presently submit regression tests and docs. example: andrew=# create or replace function blah() returns text[][] language plperl as $$ return [['a"b','c,d'],['e\\f','g']]; $$; CREATE FUNCTION andrew=# select blah(); blah ----------------------------- {{"a\"b","c,d"},{"e\\f",g}} This would complete half of the TODO item: . Pass arrays natively instead of as text between plperl and postgres (The other half is translating pg array arguments to perl arrays - that will have to wait for 8.1). Some of this patch is adapted from a previously submitted patch from Sergej Sergeev. Both he and Abhijit Menon-Sen have looked it over briefly and tentatively said it looks ok. Andrew Dunstan
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