Commit b0825d28 authored by Michael Paquier's avatar Michael Paquier

Add TAP test to check consistency of minimum recovery LSN

c186ba13 has fixed an issue related to the updates of the minimum
recovery LSN across multiple processes on standbys, but we never really
had a test case able to reliably check its logic.

This commit introduces a new test case to close the gap, and is designed
to check the consistency of data based on the minimum recovery point set
by either the startup process or the checkpointer for both an offline
cluster (by looking at the on-disk page headers) and an online cluster
(using pageinspect).

Note that with c186ba13 reverted, this test fails badly for both the
online and offline cases, as designed.

Author: Michael Paquier, Andrew Gierth
Reviewed-by: Andrew Gierth, Georgios Kokolatos, Arthur Zakirov
parent 6dd263cf
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
......@@ -203,6 +204,16 @@ sub run_log
return IPC::Run::run(@_);
sub run_command
my ($cmd) = @_;
my ($stdout, $stderr);
my $result = IPC::Run::run $cmd, '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr;
return ($stdout, $stderr);
# Generate a string made of the given range of ASCII characters
sub generate_ascii_string
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
EXTRA_INSTALL=contrib/test_decoding contrib/pageinspect
subdir = src/test/recovery
top_builddir = ../../..
# Test for checking consistency of on-disk pages for a cluster with
# the minimum recovery LSN, ensuring that the updates happen across
# all processes. In this test, the updates from the startup process
# and the checkpointer (which triggers non-startup code paths) are
# both checked.
use strict;
use warnings;
use PostgresNode;
use TestLib;
use Test::More tests => 2;
# Find the largest LSN in the set of pages part of the given relation
# file. This is used for offline checks of page consistency. The LSN
# is historically stored as a set of two numbers of 4 byte-length
# located at the beginning of each page.
sub find_largest_lsn
my $blocksize = int(shift);
my $filename = shift;
my ($max_hi,$max_lo) = (0,0);
open(my $fh, "<:raw", $filename)
or die "failed to open $filename: $!";
my ($buf,$len);
while ($len = read($fh, $buf, $blocksize))
$len == $blocksize
or die "read only $len of $blocksize bytes from $filename";
my ($hi,$lo) = unpack("LL", $buf);
if ($hi > $max_hi or ($hi == $max_hi and $lo > $max_lo))
($max_hi,$max_lo) = ($hi,$lo);
defined($len) or die "read error on $filename: $!";
return sprintf("%X/%X", $max_hi, $max_lo);
# Initialize primary node
my $primary = get_new_node('primary');
$primary->init(allows_streaming => 1);
# Set shared_buffers to a very low value to enforce discard and flush
# of PostgreSQL buffers on standby, enforcing other processes than the
# startup process to update the minimum recovery LSN in the control
# file. Autovacuum is disabled so as there is no risk of having other
# processes than the checkpointer doing page flushes.
$primary->append_conf("postgresql.conf", <<EOF);
shared_buffers = 128kB
autovacuum = off
# Start the primary
# setup/start a standby
my $standby = get_new_node('standby');
$standby->init_from_backup($primary, 'bkp', has_streaming => 1);
# Object creations for the upcoming tests:
# - Base table whose data consistency is checked.
# - pageinspect to look at the page-level contents.
# - Function wrapper on top of pageinspect to scan a range of pages and
# get the maximum LSN present.
$primary->safe_psql('postgres', "
-- Function wrapper on top of pageinspect which fetches the largest LSN
-- present in the given page range.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION max_lsn_range(relname text,
start_blk int,
end_blk int)
RETURNS pg_lsn as \$\$
max_lsn pg_lsn = '0/0'::pg_lsn;
cur_lsn pg_lsn;
FOR i IN start_blk..end_blk LOOP
EXECUTE 'SELECT lsn FROM page_header(get_raw_page(''' || relname || ''',' || i || '));' INTO cur_lsn;
IF max_lsn < cur_lsn THEN
max_lsn = cur_lsn;
RETURN max_lsn;
\$\$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TABLE test1 (a int) WITH (fillfactor = 10);
INSERT INTO test1 SELECT generate_series(1, 10000);");
# Take a checkpoint and enforce post-checkpoint full page writes
# which makes the startup process replay those pages, updating
# minRecoveryPoint.
$primary->safe_psql('postgres', 'CHECKPOINT;');
$primary->safe_psql('postgres', 'UPDATE test1 SET a = a + 1;');
# Fill in the standby's shared buffers with the data filled in
# previously.
$standby->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT count(*) FROM test1;');
# Update the table again, this does not generate full page writes so
# the standby will replay records associated with it, but the startup
# process will not flush those pages.
$primary->safe_psql('postgres', 'UPDATE test1 SET a = a + 1;');
# Extract from the relation the last block created and its relation
# file, this will be used at the end of the test for sanity checks.
my $blocksize = $primary->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT setting::int FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'block_size';");
my $last_block = $primary->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT pg_relation_size('test1')::int / $blocksize - 1;");
my $relfilenode = $primary->safe_psql('postgres',
"SELECT pg_relation_filepath('test1'::regclass);");
# Wait for last record to have been replayed on the standby.
$primary->wait_for_catchup($standby, 'replay',
# Issue a restart point on the standby now, which makes the checkpointer
# update minRecoveryPoint.
$standby->safe_psql('postgres', 'CHECKPOINT;');
# Now shut down the primary violently so as the standby does not
# receive the shutdown checkpoint, making sure that the startup
# process does not flush any pages on its side. The standby is
# cleanly stopped, which makes the checkpointer update minRecoveryPoint
# with the restart point created at shutdown.
# Check the data consistency of the instance while offline. This is
# done by directly scanning the on-disk relation blocks and what
# pg_controldata lets know.
my $standby_data = $standby->data_dir;
my $offline_max_lsn = find_largest_lsn($blocksize,
# Fetch minRecoveryPoint from the control file itself
my ($stdout, $stderr) = run_command(['pg_controldata', $standby_data]);
my @control_data = split("\n", $stdout);
my $offline_recovery_lsn = undef;
foreach (@control_data)
if ($_ =~ /^Minimum recovery ending location:\s*(.*)$/mg)
$offline_recovery_lsn = $1;
die "No minRecoveryPoint in control file found\n"
unless defined($offline_recovery_lsn);
# minRecoveryPoint should never be older than the maximum LSN for all
# the pages on disk.
ok($offline_recovery_lsn ge $offline_max_lsn,
"Check offline that table data is consistent with minRecoveryPoint");
# Now restart the standby and check the state of the instance while
# online. Again, all the pages of the relation previously created
# should not have a LSN newer than what minRecoveryPoint has.
# Check that the last page of the table, which is the last one which
# has been flushed by the previous checkpoint on the standby, does not
# have a LSN newer than minRecoveryPoint.
my $psql_out;
"SELECT max_lsn_range('test1', 0, $last_block) <= min_recovery_end_lsn FROM pg_control_recovery()",
stdout => \$psql_out);
is($psql_out, 't',
"Check online that table data is consistent with minRecoveryPoint");
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