Commit a7b1a008 authored by Byron Nikolaidis's avatar Byron Nikolaidis

missing state transition

parent 18baa979
......@@ -157,6 +157,13 @@ static char *func = "SQLExecDirect";
mylog("**** %s: hstmt=%u, statement='%s'\n", func, hstmt, stmt->statement);
stmt->prepare = FALSE;
// If an SQLPrepare was performed prior to this, but was left in
// the premature state because an error occurred prior to SQLExecute
// then set the statement to finished so it can be recycled.
if ( stmt->status == STMT_PREMATURE )
stmt->status = STMT_FINISHED;
stmt->statement_type = statement_type(stmt->statement);
// Check if connection is onlyread (only selects are allowed)
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