Commit a4b3feeb authored by Robert Haas's avatar Robert Haas

Clean up 'chkselinuxenv' script.

Eliminate dependencies on "which", as we don't really need that to be
installed for proper testing.  Don't number the tests, as that increases
the footprint of every patch that wants to add or remove tests.  Make
the test output more informative, so that it's a bit easier to see what
went right (or wrong).  Spelling and grammar improvements.
parent 10c378f2
......@@ -9,200 +9,153 @@ PG_DATADIR="$2"
echo "============== checking selinux environment =============="
# Test.0 - necessary commands for environment checks
echo -n "test installed commands ... "
if ! which --help >&/dev/null; then
echo "failed"
echo "'which' command was not found, executable or installed."
echo "Please make sure your PATH, or install this command at first."
echo "If yum is available on your system, it will suggest packages"
echo "to be installed:"
echo " # yum provides which"
# matchpathcon must be present to assess whether the installation environment
# is OK.
echo -n "checking for matchpathcon ... "
if ! matchpathcon -n . >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "not found"
echo ""
echo "matchpathcon not found; please install it or update your PATH."
exit 1
if ! matchpathcon -n / >&/dev/null; then
echo "ok"
# runcon must be present to launch psql using the correct environment
echo -n "checking for runcon ... "
if ! runcon --help >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "failed"
echo "'matchpathcon' command was not found, executable or installed."
echo "Please make sure your PATH, or install this command at first."
echo "If yum is available on your system, it will suggest packages"
echo "to be installed:"
echo " # yum provides which"
echo ""
echo "The runcon command must exist and be executable; it is used to"
echo "launch psql command with a particular domain. It is typically"
echo "included within the coreutils package."
echo ""
exit 1
echo "ok"
# Test.1 - must be launched at unconfined_t domain
echo -n "test unconfined_t domain ... "
# check that the user is running in the unconfined_t domain
echo -n "checking current user domain ... "
DOMAIN=`id -Z 2>/dev/null | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk '{print $3}'`
echo ${DOMAIN:-failed}
if [ "${DOMAIN}" != "unconfined_t" ]; then
echo "failed"
echo "This regression test needs to be launched on unconfined_t domain."
echo "The unconfined_t domain is mostly default domain of users' shell"
echo "process. So, we suggest you to revert your special configuration"
echo "on your system, as follows:"
echo ""
echo "This regression test must be launched from the unconfined_t domain."
echo ""
echo "The unconfined_t domain is typically the default domain for user"
echo "shell processes. If the default has been changed on your system,"
echo "you can revert the changes like this:"
echo ""
echo " \$ su -"
echo " # semanage login -d `whoami`"
echo "Or, add a setting to login as unconfined_t domain"
echo ""
echo "Or, you can add a setting to log in using the unconfined_t domain:"
echo ""
echo " \$ su -"
echo " # semanage login -a -s unconfined_u -r s0-s0:c0.c255 `whoami`"
echo ""
exit 1
echo "ok"
# Test.2 - 'runcon' must exist and be executable
echo -n "test runcon command ... "
CMD_RUNCON="`which runcon 2>/dev/null`"
if [ ! -x "${CMD_RUNCON}" ]; then
echo "failed"
echo "The runcon must exist and be executable; it is internally used to"
echo "launch psql command with a particular domain. It is mostly included"
echo "within coreutils package. So, our suggestion is to install the latest"
echo "version of this package."
exit 1
echo "ok"
# Test.3 - 'sestatus' must exist and be executable
echo -n "test sestatus command ... "
CMD_SESTATUS="`which sestatus 2>/dev/null`"
if [ ! -x "${CMD_SESTATUS}" ]; then
echo "failed"
echo "The sestatus should exist and be executable; it is internally used to"
echo "this checks; to show configuration of SELinux. It is mostly included"
echo "within policycoreutils package. So, our suggestion is to install the"
echo "latest version of this package."
# SELinux must be configured to enforcing mode
echo -n "checking selinux operating mode ... "
CURRENT_MODE=`env LANG=C sestatus | grep 'Current mode:' | awk '{print $3}'`
echo ${CURRENT_MODE:-failed}
if [ "${CURRENT_MODE}" != enforcing ]; then
if [ "${CURRENT_MODE}" = permissive -o "${CURRENT_MODE}" = disabled ]; then
echo ""
echo "Before running the regression tests, SELinux must be enabled and"
echo "must be running in enforcing mode."
echo ""
echo "If SELinux is currently running in permissive mode, you can"
echo "switch to enforcing command using the 'setenforce' command."
echo " \$ su -"
echo " # setenforce 1"
echo ""
echo "The system default setting is configured in /etc/selinux/config,"
echo "or using a kernel bool parameter."
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Unable to determine the current selinux operating mode. Please"
echo "verify that the sestatus command is installed and in your PATH."
echo ""
exit 1
echo "ok"
# Test.4 - 'getsebool' must exist and be executable
echo -n "test getsebool command ... "
CMD_GETSEBOOL="`which getsebool`"
if [ ! -x "${CMD_GETSEBOOL}" ]; then
# 'sepgsql-regtest' policy module must be loaded
echo -n "checking for sepgsql-regtest policy ... "
SELINUX_MNT=`env LANG=C sestatus 2>/dev/null | grep '^SELinuxfs mount:' | awk '{print $3}'`
if [ "$SELINUX_MNT" = "" ]; then
echo "failed"
echo "The getsebool should exist and be executable; it is internally used to"
echo "this checks; to show current setting of SELinux boolean variables."
echo "It is mostly included within libselinux-utils package. So, our suggestion"
echo "is to install the latest version of this package."
echo ""
echo "Unable to find SELinuxfs mount point."
echo ""
echo "The sestatus command should report the location where SELinuxfs"
echo "is mounted, but did not do so."
echo ""
exit 1
echo "ok"
# Test.5 - SELinux must be configured to enforcing mode
echo -n "test enforcing mode ... "
CURRENT_MODE=`env LANG=C ${CMD_SESTATUS} | grep 'Current mode:' | awk '{print $3}'`
if [ "${CURRENT_MODE}" != "enforcing" ]; then
echo "failed"
echo "SELinux must be configured to 'enforcing' mode."
echo "You can switch SELinux to enforcing mode using setenforce command,"
echo "as follows:"
echo " \$ su -"
echo " # setenforce 1"
echo "The system default setting is configured at /etc/selinux/config,"
echo "or kernel bool parameter. Please also check it, if you see this"
echo "message although you didn't switch to permissive mode."
exit 1
echo "ok"
# Test.6 - 'sepgsql-regtest' policy module must be loaded
echo -n "test sepgsql-regtest policy ... "
SELINUX_MNT=`env LANG=C ${CMD_SESTATUS} | grep '^SELinuxfs mount:' | awk '{print $3}'`
if [ ! -e ${SELINUX_MNT}/booleans/sepgsql_regression_test_mode ]; then
echo "failed"
echo "The 'sepgsql-regtest' policy module must be installed; that provide"
echo "a set of special rules for this regression test."
echo "You can install this module as follows:"
echo ""
echo "The 'sepgsql-regtest' policy module appears not to be installed."
echo "Without this policy installed, the regression tests will fail."
echo "You can install this module using the following commands:"
echo ""
echo " \$ make -f /usr/share/selinux/devel/Makefile -C contrib/selinux"
echo " \$ su"
echo " # semodule -i contrib/sepgsql/sepgsql-regtest.pp"
echo "Then, you can confirm the policy package being installed, as follows:"
echo ""
echo "To confirm that policy package is installed, use this command:"
echo ""
echo " # semodule -l | grep sepgsql"
echo ""
exit 1
echo "ok"
# Test.7 - 'sepgsql_regression_test_mode' must be turned on
echo -n "test selinux boolean ... "
if ! ${CMD_GETSEBOOL} sepgsql_regression_test_mode | grep -q ' on$'; then
echo "failed"
echo "The boolean variable of 'sepgsql_regression_test_mode' must be"
echo "turned. It affects an internal state of SELinux policy, then"
echo "a set of rules to run regression test will be activated."
echo "You can turn on this variable as follows:"
# Verify that sepgsql_regression_test_mode is active.
echo -n "checking whether policy is enabled ... "
POLICY_STATUS=`getsebool sepgsql_regression_test_mode | awk '{print $3}'`
echo ${POLICY_STATUS:-failed}
if [ "${POLICY_STATUS}" != "on" ]; then
echo ""
echo "The SELinux boolean 'sepgsql_regression_test_mode' must be"
echo "turned on in order to enable the rules necessary to run the"
echo "regression tests."
echo ""
if "${POLICY_STATUS}" = ""; then
echo "We attempted to determine the state of this Boolean using"
echo "'getsebool', but that command did not produce the expected"
echo "output. Please verify that getsebool is available and in"
echo "your PATH."
echo "You can turn on this variable using the following commands:"
echo ""
echo " \$ su -"
echo " # setsebool sepgsql_regression_test_mode 1"
echo "Also note that we recommend to turn off this variable after the"
echo "regression test, because it activates unnecessary rules."
echo ""
echo "For security reasons, it is suggested that you turn off this"
echo "variable when regression testing is complete and the associated"
echo "rules are no longer needed."
echo ""
exit 1
echo "ok"
# Test.8 - 'psql' command must be executable by test domain
echo -n "test execution of psql ... "
# 'psql' command must be executable by test domain
echo -n "checking whether we can run psql ... "
${CMD_RUNCON} -t sepgsql_regtest_user_t ${CMD_PSQL} --help >& /dev/null
runcon -t sepgsql_regtest_user_t ${CMD_PSQL} --help >& /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "failed"
echo "The ${CMD_PSQL} must be executable by sepgsql_regtest_user_t"
echo "domain. It has restricted privileges compared to unconfined_t,"
echo "so you should ensure whether this command is labeled correctly."
echo "${CMD_PSQL} must be executable from the sepgsql_regtest_user_t"
echo "domain. The domain has restricted privileges compared to"
echo "unconfined_t, so you should ensure that it is labeled correctly."
echo " \$ su - (not needed, if you owns installation directory)"
EXPECT_PSQL=`matchpathcon -n ${CMD_PSQL} | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk '{print $3}'`
......@@ -226,61 +179,52 @@ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "ok"
# Test.9 - 'sepgsql' must be installed
# and, not configured to permissive mode
echo -n "test sepgsql installation ... "
# loadable module must be installed and not configured to permissive mode
echo -n "checking sepgsql installation ... "
VAL="`${CMD_PSQL} template1 -tc 'SHOW sepgsql.permissive' 2>/dev/null`"
if [ $RETVAL -eq 2 ]; then
echo "failed"
echo "The postgresql server process is not connectable."
echo "Please check your installation first, rather than selinux settings."
echo ""
echo "Unable to connect to the server. Please check your installation."
echo ""
exit 1
elif [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then
echo "failed"
echo "The sepgsql module was not loaded. So, our recommendation is to"
echo "confirm 'shared_preload_libraries' setting in postgresql.conf,"
echo "then restart server process."
echo "It must have '\$libdir/sepgsql' at least."
echo ""
echo "The 'sepgsql' module does not appear to be loaded. Please verify"
echo "that the 'shared_preload_libraries' setting in postgresql.conf"
echo "includes sepgsql, and then stop and restart the server."
echo ""
exit 1
elif ! echo "$VAL" | grep -q 'off$'; then
echo "failed"
echo "The GUC variable 'sepgsql.permissive' was set to 'on', although"
echo "system configuration is enforcing mode."
echo "You should eliminate this setting from postgresql.conf, then"
echo "restart server process."
echo ""
echo "The GUC variable 'sepgsql.permissive' is set to 'on'. It must be"
echo "turned off before running the regression tests."
echo ""
exit 1
echo "ok"
# Test.10 - 'template1' database must be labeled
echo -n "test template1 database ... "
NUM=`${CMD_PSQL} template1 -tc 'SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_seclabel' 2>/dev/null`
# template1 database must be labeled
echo -n "checking for labels in template1 ... "
NUM=`${CMD_PSQL} template1 -Atc 'SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_seclabel' 2>/dev/null`
if [ -z "${NUM}" -o "$NUM" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "failed!"
echo "Initial labels must be assigned on the 'template1' database; that shall"
echo "be copied to the database for regression test."
echo "failed"
echo ""
echo "In order to regression test sepgsql, initial labels must be assigned"
echo "on the 'template1' database. These labels will be copied into the"
echo "regression test database."
echo ""
echo "See Installation section of the PostgreSQL documentation."
echo ""
exit 1
echo "ok"
echo "found ${NUM}"
# check complete -
echo ""
exit 0
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