Commit a431aaec authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Export include/utils/mcxt.h so that external stuff can include

palloc.h again.  Move exporting of backend header files out of libpq's
Makefile (whatever was it doing there in the first place?) and into
parent 86c2eadb
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/Makefile,v 1.37 1999/02/23 07:24:02 thomas Exp $
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/Makefile,v 1.38 1999/03/07 23:05:56 tgl Exp $
......@@ -143,8 +143,10 @@ endif
# Installation.
# Install the backend program (postgres) to the binary directory and
# make a link as "postmaster". Install the bki files templates and sample
# files to the library directory.
# make a link as "postmaster". Install the bki files, templates, and sample
# files to the library directory. Install exported headers to the include
# directory (these headers are the minimal ones needed to build loadable
# backend extensions).
# (History: Before Release 2, make install generated a bki.source file
# and then used build parameters to convert it to a bki file, then installed
......@@ -154,23 +156,29 @@ endif
# and (2) the parameters of a database system should be set at initdb time,
# not at postgres build time.
install: $(LIBDIR) $(BINDIR) $(HEADERDIR) postgres $(POSTGRES_IMP) fmgr.h \
global1.bki.source local1_template1.bki.source \
global1.description local1_template1.description \
libpq/pg_hba.conf.sample optimizer/geqo/pg_geqo.sample
.PHONY: install install-bin install-lib install-headers
install: $(LIBDIR) $(BINDIR) $(HEADERDIR) postgres $(POSTGRES_IMP) \
install-bin install-lib install-headers
install-bin: $(BINDIR) postgres$(X) $(POSTGRES_IMP)
$(INSTALL) $(INSTL_EXE_OPTS) postgres$(X) $(BINDIR)/postgres$(X)
@rm -f $(BINDIR)/postmaster
ln -s postgres$(X) $(BINDIR)/postmaster
ifeq ($(MAKE_EXPORTS), true)
@rm -f $(BINDIR)/postmaster
ln -s postgres$(X) $(BINDIR)/postmaster
ifeq ($(PORTNAME), win)
ifeq ($(MAKE_DLL), true)
# $(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) postgres.dll $(BINDIR)/postgres.dll
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) libpostgres.a $(LIBDIR)/libpostgres.a
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) fmgr.h $(HEADERDIR)/fmgr.h
install-lib: $(LIBDIR) \
global1.bki.source local1_template1.bki.source \
global1.description local1_template1.description \
libpq/pg_hba.conf.sample optimizer/geqo/pg_geqo.sample
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) global1.bki.source \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) global1.description \
......@@ -184,8 +192,62 @@ endif
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) optimizer/geqo/pg_geqo.sample \
# mkdir $@
install-headers: fmgr.h $(SRCDIR)/include/config.h
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR) ]; then mkdir $(HEADERDIR); fi
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/port ]; then mkdir $(HEADERDIR)/port; fi
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/port/$(PORTNAME) ]; \
then mkdir $(HEADERDIR)/port/$(PORTNAME); fi
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/lib ]; \
then mkdir $(HEADERDIR)/lib; fi
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/libpq ]; \
then mkdir $(HEADERDIR)/libpq; fi
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/utils ]; \
then mkdir $(HEADERDIR)/utils; fi
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/access ]; \
then mkdir $(HEADERDIR)/access; fi
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/executor ]; \
then mkdir $(HEADERDIR)/executor; fi
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/commands ]; \
then mkdir $(HEADERDIR)/commands; fi
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) fmgr.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/os.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/config.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/c.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/postgres.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/postgres_ext.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/libpq/pqcomm.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/libpq/libpq-fs.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/lib/dllist.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/utils/geo_decls.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/utils/elog.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/utils/palloc.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/utils/mcxt.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/access/attnum.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/executor/spi.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/commands/trigger.h \
ifeq ($(PORTNAME), hpux)
# is this still necessary?
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/backend/port/hpux/fixade.h \
mkdir $@
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/interfaces/libpq/Attic/,v 1.44 1999/02/07 22:10:46 tgl Exp $
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/interfaces/libpq/Attic/,v 1.45 1999/03/07 23:05:57 tgl Exp $
......@@ -72,70 +72,14 @@ $(SRCDIR)/backend/fmgr.h:
$(MAKE) -C $(SRCDIR)/backend fmgr.h
.PHONY: install beforeinstall-headers install-headers
.PHONY: install install-headers
install: install-headers install-lib $(install-shlib-dep)
# Many of the headers we install below have nothing to do with libpq,
# so should be installed by someone else.
install-headers: beforeinstall-headers $(SRCDIR)/include/c.h \
$(SRCDIR)/include/postgres.h $(SRCDIR)/include/postgres_ext.h \
$(SRCDIR)/include/config.h $(SRCDIR)/include/libpq/pqcomm.h \
$(SRCDIR)/include/libpq/libpq-fs.h $(SRCDIR)/include/lib/dllist.h \
$(SRCDIR)/include/utils/geo_decls.h libpq-fe.h libpq-int.h
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/os.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/config.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/c.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/postgres.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/postgres_ext.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/libpq/pqcomm.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/libpq/libpq-fs.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/lib/dllist.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/utils/geo_decls.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/utils/elog.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/utils/palloc.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/access/attnum.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/executor/spi.h \
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/include/commands/trigger.h \
install-headers: libpq-fe.h libpq-int.h
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR) ]; then mkdir $(HEADERDIR); fi
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) libpq-fe.h $(HEADERDIR)/libpq-fe.h
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) libpq-int.h $(HEADERDIR)/libpq-int.h
ifeq ($(PORTNAME), hpux)
$(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) $(SRCDIR)/backend/port/hpux/fixade.h \
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR) ]; then mkdir $(HEADERDIR); fi
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/port ]; then mkdir $(HEADERDIR)/port; fi
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/port/$(PORTNAME) ]; \
then mkdir $(HEADERDIR)/port/$(PORTNAME); fi
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/lib ]; \
then mkdir $(HEADERDIR)/lib; fi
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/libpq ]; \
then mkdir $(HEADERDIR)/libpq; fi
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/utils ]; \
then mkdir $(HEADERDIR)/utils; fi
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/access ]; \
then mkdir $(HEADERDIR)/access; fi
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/executor ]; \
then mkdir $(HEADERDIR)/executor; fi
@if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/commands ]; \
then mkdir $(HEADERDIR)/commands; fi
.PHONY: clean
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