Commit 9e596b65 authored by Peter Geoghegan's avatar Peter Geoghegan

Add "LP_DEAD item?" column to GiST pageinspect functions

This brings gist_page_items() and gist_page_items_bytea() in line with
nbtree's bt_page_items() function.

Minor follow-up to commit 756ab291, which added the GiST functions.

Author: Andrey Borodin <>
parent fa41cf8f
......@@ -31,25 +31,25 @@ SELECT * FROM gist_page_opaque_info(get_raw_page('test_gist_idx', 2));
SELECT * FROM gist_page_items(get_raw_page('test_gist_idx', 0), 'test_gist_idx');
itemoffset | ctid | itemlen | keys
1 | (1,65535) | 40 | (p)=((166,166))
2 | (2,65535) | 40 | (p)=((332,332))
3 | (3,65535) | 40 | (p)=((498,498))
4 | (4,65535) | 40 | (p)=((664,664))
5 | (5,65535) | 40 | (p)=((830,830))
6 | (6,65535) | 40 | (p)=((996,996))
7 | (7,65535) | 40 | (p)=((1000,1000))
itemoffset | ctid | itemlen | dead | keys
1 | (1,65535) | 40 | f | (p)=((166,166))
2 | (2,65535) | 40 | f | (p)=((332,332))
3 | (3,65535) | 40 | f | (p)=((498,498))
4 | (4,65535) | 40 | f | (p)=((664,664))
5 | (5,65535) | 40 | f | (p)=((830,830))
6 | (6,65535) | 40 | f | (p)=((996,996))
7 | (7,65535) | 40 | f | (p)=((1000,1000))
(7 rows)
SELECT * FROM gist_page_items(get_raw_page('test_gist_idx', 1), 'test_gist_idx') LIMIT 5;
itemoffset | ctid | itemlen | keys
1 | (0,1) | 40 | (p)=((1,1))
2 | (0,2) | 40 | (p)=((2,2))
3 | (0,3) | 40 | (p)=((3,3))
4 | (0,4) | 40 | (p)=((4,4))
5 | (0,5) | 40 | (p)=((5,5))
itemoffset | ctid | itemlen | dead | keys
1 | (0,1) | 40 | f | (p)=((1,1))
2 | (0,2) | 40 | f | (p)=((2,2))
3 | (0,3) | 40 | f | (p)=((3,3))
4 | (0,4) | 40 | f | (p)=((4,4))
5 | (0,5) | 40 | f | (p)=((5,5))
(5 rows)
-- gist_page_items_bytea prints the raw key data as a bytea. The output of that is
......@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ gist_page_items_bytea(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
offset <= maxoff;
Datum values[4];
bool nulls[4];
Datum values[5];
bool nulls[5];
ItemId id;
IndexTuple itup;
bytea *tuple_bytea;
......@@ -170,7 +170,8 @@ gist_page_items_bytea(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
tuple_bytea = (bytea *) palloc(tuple_len + VARHDRSZ);
SET_VARSIZE(tuple_bytea, tuple_len + VARHDRSZ);
memcpy(VARDATA(tuple_bytea), itup, tuple_len);
values[3] = PointerGetDatum(tuple_bytea);
values[3] = BoolGetDatum(ItemIdIsDead(id));
values[4] = PointerGetDatum(tuple_bytea);
tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls);
......@@ -237,8 +238,8 @@ gist_page_items(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
offset <= maxoff;
Datum values[4];
bool nulls[4];
Datum values[5];
bool nulls[5];
ItemId id;
IndexTuple itup;
Datum itup_values[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
......@@ -260,14 +261,15 @@ gist_page_items(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
values[0] = DatumGetInt16(offset);
values[1] = ItemPointerGetDatum(&itup->t_tid);
values[2] = Int32GetDatum((int) IndexTupleSize(itup));
values[3] = BoolGetDatum(ItemIdIsDead(id));
key_desc = BuildIndexValueDescription(indexRel, itup_values, itup_isnull);
if (key_desc)
values[3] = CStringGetTextDatum(key_desc);
values[4] = CStringGetTextDatum(key_desc);
values[3] = (Datum) 0;
nulls[3] = true;
values[4] = (Datum) 0;
nulls[4] = true;
tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls);
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ CREATE FUNCTION gist_page_items_bytea(IN page bytea,
OUT itemoffset smallint,
OUT ctid tid,
OUT itemlen smallint,
OUT dead boolean,
OUT key_data bytea)
AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'gist_page_items_bytea'
......@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ CREATE FUNCTION gist_page_items(IN page bytea,
OUT itemoffset smallint,
OUT ctid tid,
OUT itemlen smallint,
OUT dead boolean,
OUT keys text)
AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'gist_page_items'
......@@ -714,15 +714,15 @@ test=# SELECT * FROM gist_page_opaque_info(get_raw_page('test_gist_idx', 2));
the data stored in a page of a <acronym>GiST</acronym> index. For example:
test=# SELECT * FROM gist_page_items(get_raw_page('test_gist_idx', 0), 'test_gist_idx');
itemoffset | ctid | itemlen | keys
1 | (1,65535) | 40 | (p)=((166,166))
2 | (2,65535) | 40 | (p)=((332,332))
3 | (3,65535) | 40 | (p)=((498,498))
4 | (4,65535) | 40 | (p)=((664,664))
5 | (5,65535) | 40 | (p)=((830,830))
6 | (6,65535) | 40 | (p)=((996,996))
7 | (7,65535) | 40 | (p)=((1000,1000))
itemoffset | ctid | itemlen | dead | keys
1 | (1,65535) | 40 | f | (p)=((166,166))
2 | (2,65535) | 40 | f | (p)=((332,332))
3 | (3,65535) | 40 | f | (p)=((498,498))
4 | (4,65535) | 40 | f | (p)=((664,664))
5 | (5,65535) | 40 | f | (p)=((830,830))
6 | (6,65535) | 40 | f | (p)=((996,996))
7 | (7,65535) | 40 | f | (p)=((1000,1000))
(7 rows)
......@@ -745,15 +745,15 @@ test=# SELECT * FROM gist_page_items(get_raw_page('test_gist_idx', 0), 'test_gis
test=# SELECT * FROM gist_page_items_bytea(get_raw_page('test_gist_idx', 0));
itemoffset | ctid | itemlen | key_data
1 | (1,65535) | 40 | \x00000100ffff28000000000000c0644000000000&zwsp;00c06440000000000000f03f000000000000f03f
2 | (2,65535) | 40 | \x00000200ffff28000000000000c0744000000000&zwsp;00c074400000000000e064400000000000e06440
3 | (3,65535) | 40 | \x00000300ffff28000000000000207f4000000000&zwsp;00207f400000000000d074400000000000d07440
4 | (4,65535) | 40 | \x00000400ffff28000000000000c0844000000000&zwsp;00c084400000000000307f400000000000307f40
5 | (5,65535) | 40 | \x00000500ffff28000000000000f0894000000000&zwsp;00f089400000000000c884400000000000c88440
6 | (6,65535) | 40 | \x00000600ffff28000000000000208f4000000000&zwsp;00208f400000000000f889400000000000f88940
7 | (7,65535) | 40 | \x00000700ffff28000000000000408f4000000000&zwsp;00408f400000000000288f400000000000288f40
itemoffset | ctid | itemlen | dead | key_data
1 | (1,65535) | 40 | f | \x00000100ffff28000000000000c0644000000000&zwsp;00c06440000000000000f03f000000000000f03f
2 | (2,65535) | 40 | f | \x00000200ffff28000000000000c0744000000000&zwsp;00c074400000000000e064400000000000e06440
3 | (3,65535) | 40 | f | \x00000300ffff28000000000000207f4000000000&zwsp;00207f400000000000d074400000000000d07440
4 | (4,65535) | 40 | f | \x00000400ffff28000000000000c0844000000000&zwsp;00c084400000000000307f400000000000307f40
5 | (5,65535) | 40 | f | \x00000500ffff28000000000000f0894000000000&zwsp;00f089400000000000c884400000000000c88440
6 | (6,65535) | 40 | f | \x00000600ffff28000000000000208f4000000000&zwsp;00208f400000000000f889400000000000f88940
7 | (7,65535) | 40 | f | \x00000700ffff28000000000000408f4000000000&zwsp;00408f400000000000288f400000000000288f40
(7 rows)
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