Commit 95d3d468 authored by Hiroshi Inoue's avatar Hiroshi Inoue

This is a patch for cygipc library provided by Yutaka Tanida.

This is necessary to prevent freezing in cygwin port.
parent e812458b
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ It can be done by done by typing configure, make and make install.
1. Download the Cygwin32 IPC Package by Ludovic LANGE
2. Untar the package and follow the readme instructions.
2a. Apply the patch from src/win32/ipc.patch
3. I tested 1.03.
4. I used the \cygwin-b20\h-i568-cygwin32\i586-cygwin32\lib and
\cygwin-b20\h-i568-cygwin32\i586-cygwin32\include\sys instead of the
*** ./ipc-daemon.c.orig Tue Dec 01 00:04:24 1998
--- ./ipc-daemon.c Fri Sep 24 13:34:16 1999
*** 270,285 ****
itoa(100*id+Index, LBuff) ;
LHandle = OpenSemaphore(SEMAPHORE_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, LBuff) ;
! while (LAdrSem->current_nb[id].current_nb[Index] > 0 )
! {
! WaitForSingleObject(LHandle, 0) ;
! LAdrSem->current_nb[id].current_nb[Index]-- ;
! }
! CloseHandle(LHandle) ;
LAdrSem->semary[id] = IPC_UNUSED ;
LAdrSem->state[id] = 0 ;
for (Index = 0; Index < sma->sem_nsems; Index++)
--- 270,284 ----
itoa(100*id+Index, LBuff) ;
LHandle = OpenSemaphore(SEMAPHORE_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, LBuff) ;
! while (WaitForSingleObject(LHandle, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
! ;
! LAdrSem->current_nb[id].current_nb[Index] = 0;
! CloseHandle(LHandle) ;
LAdrSem->semary[id] = IPC_UNUSED ;
LAdrSem->state[id] = 0 ;
+ /*
for (Index = 0; Index < sma->sem_nsems; Index++)
*** 288,293 ****
--- 287,293 ----
LHandle = OpenSemaphore(SEMAPHORE_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, LBuff) ;
+ */
*** ./msg.c.orig Tue Dec 01 00:16:09 1998
--- ./msg.c Fri Sep 17 12:50:50 1999
*** 57,62 ****
--- 57,77 ----
static int GFirstMsg = 0; /*PCPC*/
static int GFdMsg ; /*PCPC*/
+ /*****************************************/
+ /* Initialization of static variables */
+ /*****************************************/
+ static pid_t GProcessId = 0;
+ static void init_globals(void)
+ {
+ pid_t pid;
+ if (pid=getpid(), pid != GProcessId)
+ {
+ GFirstMsg = 0;
+ msgbytes = msghdrs = msg_seq = used_queues = max_msqid = 0;
+ GProcessId = pid;
+ }
+ }
/* Demande d'acces a la zone partagee de gestion des semaphores */
*** 79,84 ****
--- 94,100 ----
int LRet ;
+ init_globals();
if( GFirstMsg == 0 )
if( IsGSemMsgExist() )
*** ./sem.c.orig Tue Dec 01 00:16:25 1998
--- ./sem.c Fri Sep 17 12:47:11 1999
*** 58,63 ****
--- 58,78 ----
static int GFirstSem = 0; /*PCPC*/
static int GFdSem ; /*PCPC*/
+ static pid_t GProcessId = 0;
+ static void init_globals(void)
+ {
+ pid_t pid;
+ if (pid=getpid(), pid != GProcessId)
+ {
+ GFirstSem = 0;
+ used_sems = used_semids = max_semid = 0;
+ sem_seq = 0;
+ GProcessId = pid;
+ }
+ }
/* Demande d'acces a la zone partagee de gestion des semaphores */
*** 77,82 ****
--- 92,98 ----
int LRet ;
+ init_globals();
if( GFirstSem == 0 )
if( IsGSemSemExist() )
*** 187,193 ****
CloseHandle ( LHandle ) ;
! LHandle = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 0x7FFFFFFF, LBuff) ;
if( LHandle == NULL )
printf( "Creation de Semaphore \"Sem\" impossible\n" ) ;
--- 203,209 ----
CloseHandle ( LHandle ) ;
! LHandle = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 1, LBuff) ;
if( LHandle == NULL )
printf( "Creation de Semaphore \"Sem\" impossible\n" ) ;
*** 357,371 ****
debug_printf("do_semop : return -EACCES\n");
! ReleaseSemaphore(LHandle, sop->sem_op, &LVal) ;
! shareadrsem->current_nb[id].current_nb[sop->sem_num] +=
! sop->sem_op ;
sem_deconnect() ;
} else {
if( sop->sem_flg == IPC_NOWAIT )
! LRet = WaitForSingleObject(LHandle, 0) ;
! if( LRet == WAIT_TIMEOUT )
debug_printf("do_semop : return -EAGAIN\n");
--- 373,386 ----
debug_printf("do_semop : return -EACCES\n");
! shareadrsem->current_nb[id].current_nb[sop->sem_num] +=
! sop->sem_op ;
sem_deconnect() ;
+ ReleaseSemaphore(LHandle, 1 , &LVal) ;
} else {
if( sop->sem_flg == IPC_NOWAIT )
! if( sop->sem_op + shareadrsem->current_nb[id].current_nb[sop->sem_num] <0 )
debug_printf("do_semop : return -EAGAIN\n");
*** 375,390 ****
debug_printf("do_semop : return -EACCES\n");
! shareadrsem->current_nb[id].current_nb[sop->sem_num] -= 1 ;
sem_deconnect() ;
} else {
! LRet = WaitForSingleObject(LHandle, INFINITE) ;
if (sem_connect() == 0)
debug_printf("do_semop : return -EACCES\n");
! shareadrsem->current_nb[id].current_nb[sop->sem_num] -= 1 ;
sem_deconnect() ;
--- 390,407 ----
debug_printf("do_semop : return -EACCES\n");
! shareadrsem->current_nb[id].current_nb[sop->sem_num] += sop->sem_op;
sem_deconnect() ;
} else {
! while(sop->sem_op + shareadrsem->current_nb[id].current_nb[sop->sem_num] <0)
! LRet = WaitForSingleObject(LHandle, INFINITE) ;
if (sem_connect() == 0)
debug_printf("do_semop : return -EACCES\n");
! shareadrsem->current_nb[id].current_nb[sop->sem_num] += sop->sem_op ;
sem_deconnect() ;
*** 435,441 ****
char LBuff[100] ;
HANDLE LHandle ;
long LPrevious ;
- int LIndex;
debug_printf("semctl : semid=%X semnum=%X cmd=0x%02X arg=%p\n",semid,semnum,cmd,arg);
if (semid < 0 || semnum < 0 || cmd < 0)
--- 452,457 ----
*** 568,589 ****
if( LHandle != NULL )
if( arg.val > shareadrsem->current_nb[id].current_nb[semnum] )
! {
! ReleaseSemaphore(LHandle,
! arg.val-shareadrsem->current_nb[id].current_nb[semnum],
! &LPrevious) ;
! }
! else if (arg.val <
! shareadrsem->current_nb[id].current_nb[semnum] )
! {
! for( LIndex = arg.val;
! LIndex < shareadrsem->current_nb[id].current_nb[semnum];
! LIndex++ )
! {
! WaitForSingleObject(LHandle, 0) ;
! }
! }
! shareadrsem->current_nb[id].current_nb[semnum] = arg.val ;
debug_printf("semctl : SETVAL : return 0\n");
--- 584,591 ----
if( LHandle != NULL )
if( arg.val > shareadrsem->current_nb[id].current_nb[semnum] )
! ReleaseSemaphore(LHandle,1,&LPrevious) ;
! shareadrsem->current_nb[id].current_nb[semnum] = arg.val ;
debug_printf("semctl : SETVAL : return 0\n");
*** ./shm.c.orig Fri Sep 17 12:46:24 1999
--- ./shm.c Fri Sep 17 12:47:11 1999
*** 59,64 ****
--- 59,81 ----
static int GFirstShm = 0; /*PCPC*/
static int GFdShm ; /*PCPC*/
+ /*****************************************/
+ /* Initialization of static variables */
+ /*****************************************/
+ static pid_t GProcessId = 0;
+ static void init_globals(void)
+ {
+ pid_t pid;
+ if (pid=getpid(), pid != GProcessId)
+ {
+ GFirstShm = 0;
+ shm_rss = shm_swp = max_shmid = 0;
+ shm_seq = 0;
+ GProcessId = pid;
+ }
+ }
/* Demande d'acces a la zone partagee de gestion des shm */
*** 82,87 ****
--- 99,105 ----
int LRet ;
+ init_globals();
if( GFirstShm == 0 )
if( IsGSemShmExist() )
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