Commit 957a6149 authored by Marc G. Fournier's avatar Marc G. Fournier

From: Jan Wieck <>

    A few minutes ago I sent down the PL/Tcl  directory  to  this
    list.  Look at it and reuse anything that might help to build
    PL/perl.  I really hope that PL/perl and PL/Tcl appear in the
    6.3 distribution. I'll do whatever I can to make this happen.
parent a71a80b0
The module support over the unknown command requires, that
the PL/Tcl call handler is compiled with -DPLTCL_UNKNOWN_SUPPORT.
Regular Tcl scripts of any size (over 8K :-) can be loaded into
the table pltcl_modules using the pltcl_loadmod script. The script
checks the modules that the procedure names don't overwrite
existing ones before doing anything. They also check for global
variables created at load time.
All procedures defined in the module files are automatically
added to the table pltcl_modfuncs. This table is used by the
unknown procedure to determine if an unknown command can be
loaded by sourcing a module. In that case the unknonw procedure
will silently source in the module and reexecute the original
command that invoked unknown.
I know, thist readme should be more explanatory - but time.
# Start tclsh \
exec tclsh "$0" $@
# Code still has to be documented
#load /usr/local/pgsql/lib/
package require Pgtcl
# Check for minimum arguments
if {$argc < 1} {
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "usage: pltcl_delmod dbname \[options\] modulename \[...\]"
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "options:"
puts stderr " -host hostname"
puts stderr " -port portnumber"
puts stderr ""
exit 1
# Remember database name and initialize options
set dbname [lindex $argv 0]
set options ""
set errors 0
set opt ""
set val ""
set i 1
while {$i < $argc} {
if {[string compare [string index [lindex $argv $i] 0] "-"] != 0} {
set opt [lindex $argv $i]
incr i
if {$i >= $argc} {
puts stderr "no value given for option $opt"
incr errors
set val [lindex $argv $i]
incr i
switch -- $opt {
-host {
append options "-host \"$val\" "
-port {
append options "-port $val "
default {
puts stderr "unknown option '$opt'"
incr errors
# Final syntax check
if {$i >= $argc || $errors > 0} {
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "usage: pltcl_delmod dbname \[options\] modulename \[...\]"
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "options:"
puts stderr " -host hostname"
puts stderr " -port portnumber"
puts stderr ""
exit 1
proc delmodule {conn modname} {
set xname $modname
regsub -all {\\} $xname {\\} xname
regsub -all {'} $xname {''} xname
set found 0
pg_select $conn "select * from pltcl_modules where modname = '$xname'" \
set found 1
if {!$found} {
puts "Module $modname not found in pltcl_modules"
puts ""
pg_result \
[pg_exec $conn "delete from pltcl_modules where modname = '$xname'"] \
pg_result \
[pg_exec $conn "delete from pltcl_modfuncs where modname = '$xname'"] \
puts "Module $modname removed"
set conn [eval pg_connect $dbname $options]
while {$i < $argc} {
delmodule $conn [lindex $argv $i]
incr i
pg_disconnect $conn
# Start tclsh \
exec tclsh "$0" $@
# Code still has to be documented
#load /usr/local/pgsql/lib/
package require Pgtcl
# Check for minimum arguments
if {$argc < 1} {
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "usage: pltcl_listmod dbname \[options\] \[modulename \[...\]\]"
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "options:"
puts stderr " -host hostname"
puts stderr " -port portnumber"
puts stderr ""
exit 1
# Remember database name and initialize options
set dbname [lindex $argv 0]
set options ""
set errors 0
set opt ""
set val ""
set i 1
while {$i < $argc} {
if {[string compare [string index [lindex $argv $i] 0] "-"] != 0} {
set opt [lindex $argv $i]
incr i
if {$i >= $argc} {
puts stderr "no value given for option $opt"
incr errors
set val [lindex $argv $i]
incr i
switch -- $opt {
-host {
append options "-host \"$val\" "
-port {
append options "-port $val "
default {
puts stderr "unknown option '$opt'"
incr errors
# Final syntax check
if {$errors > 0} {
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "usage: pltcl_listmod dbname \[options\] \[modulename \[...\]\]"
puts stderr ""
puts stderr "options:"
puts stderr " -host hostname"
puts stderr " -port portnumber"
puts stderr ""
exit 1
proc listmodule {conn modname} {
set xname $modname
regsub -all {\\} $xname {\\} xname
regsub -all {'} $xname {''} xname
set found 0
pg_select $conn "select * from pltcl_modules where modname = '$xname'" \
set found 1
if {!$found} {
puts "Module $modname not found in pltcl_modules"
puts ""
puts "Module $modname defines procedures:"
pg_select $conn "select funcname from pltcl_modfuncs \
where modname = '$xname' order by funcname" FUNC {
puts " $FUNC(funcname)"
puts ""
set conn [eval pg_connect $dbname $options]
if {$i == $argc} {
pg_select $conn "select distinct modname from pltcl_modules \
order by modname" \
listmodule $conn $MOD(modname)
} else {
while {$i < $argc} {
listmodule $conn [lindex $argv $i]
incr i
pg_disconnect $conn
This diff is collapsed.
# Support for unknown command
proc unknown {proname args} {
upvar #0 __PLTcl_unknown_support_plan_modname p_mod
upvar #0 __PLTcl_unknown_support_plan_modsrc p_src
# On first call prepare the plans
if {![info exists p_mod]} {
set p_mod [SPI_prepare \
"select modname from pltcl_modfuncs \
where funcname = \$1" name]
set p_src [SPI_prepare \
"select modseq, modsrc from pltcl_modules \
where modname = \$1 \
order by modseq" name]
# Lookup the requested function in pltcl_modfuncs
set n [SPI_execp -count 1 $p_mod [list [quote $proname]]]
if {$n != 1} {
# Not found there either - now it's really unknown
return -code error "unknown command '$proname'"
# Collect the source pieces from pltcl_modules
set src ""
SPI_execp $p_src [list [quote $modname]] {
append src $modsrc
# Load the source into the interpreter
if {[catch {
uplevel #0 "$src"
} msg]} {
elog NOTICE "pltcl unknown: error while loading module $modname"
elog WARN $msg
# This should never happen
if {[catch {info args $proname}]} {
return -code error \
"unknown command '$proname' (still after loading module $modname)"
# Finally simulate the initial procedure call
return [uplevel 1 $proname $args]
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