Commit 953002f1 authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

Properly compute max sys oid for 7.0 and 7.1.

parent 4d84b7a1
......@@ -105,12 +105,18 @@ global CurrentDB
proc {cmd_Functions} {} {
global CurrentDB
global PgAcVar CurrentDB
set maxim 16384
setCursor CLOCK
catch {
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select oid from pg_database where datname='template1'" rec {
set maxim $rec(oid)
set dbname $PgAcVar(opendb,dbname)
if [catch {wpg_select $CurrentDB "select datlastsysoid from pg_database where datname='$dbname'" rec {
set maxim $rec(datlastsysoid)
}] {
catch {
wpg_select $CurrentDB "select oid from pg_database where datname='template1'" rec {
set maxim $rec(oid)
} delete 0 end
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