Commit 8fd0e43c authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Add uninstall script for adminpack - Josh Drake

parent a9c7c5c2
MODULE_big = adminpack
PG_CPPFLAGS = -I$(libpq_srcdir)
DATA_built = adminpack.sql
DATA = uninstall_adminpack.sql
DOCS = README.adminpack
OBJS = adminpack.o
DROP FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_file_write(text, text, bool) ;
DROP FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_file_rename(text, text, text) ;
DROP FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_file_rename(text, text) ;
DROP FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_file_unlink(text) ;
DROP FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_logdir_ls() ;
DROP FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_file_read(text, bigint, bigint) ;
DROP FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_file_length(text) ;
DROP FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_logfile_rotate() ;
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