Commit 8d363727 authored by Magnus Hagander's avatar Magnus Hagander

Fix very broken clean.bat for msvc install. The way we used subroutines

in .bat simply did not work, and it called them in the wrong order,
some several times, and some not at all. So this unrolls all subroutine

This should fix the issues with clean deleting the wrong files reported
by Dave Page.

While at it, add the "clean dist" option to act like "make distclean",
and no longer remove the flex/bison output files by default. This shuold
fix the problem reported by Pavel Golub in bug #3909.
parent 03e4dc9e
<!-- $PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/install-win32.sgml,v 1.44 2007/12/19 12:29:36 mha Exp $ -->
<!-- $PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/install-win32.sgml,v 1.45 2008/02/06 15:13:25 mha Exp $ -->
<chapter id="install-win32">
<title>Installation on <productname>Windows</productname></title>
......@@ -238,7 +238,10 @@
handle changed files. But if there have been large changes, you may need
to clean the installation. To do this, simply run the
<filename>clean.bat</filename> command, which will automatically clean out
all generated files.
all generated files. You can also run it with with the
<parameter>dist</parameter> parameter, in which case it will behave like
<userinput>make distclean</userinput> and remove the flex/bison output files
as well.
@echo off
REM $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/tools/msvc/clean.bat,v 1.9 2007/12/19 12:31:35 mha Exp $
REM $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/tools/msvc/clean.bat,v 1.10 2008/02/06 15:13:25 mha Exp $
set DIST=0
if "%1"=="dist" set DIST=1
set D=%CD%
if exist ..\msvc if exist ..\..\..\src cd ..\..\..
if exist debug rd /s /q debug
if exist release rd /s /q release
call :del *.vcproj
call :del pgsql.sln
for %%f in (*.vcproj) do del %%f
if exist pgsql.sln del /q pgsql.sln
del /s /q src\bin\win32ver.rc 2> NUL
del /s /q src\interfaces\win32ver.rc 2> NUL
call :del src\backend\win32ver.rc
if exist src\backend\win32ver.rc del /q src\backend\win32ver.rc
REM Delete files created with GenerateFiles() in
call :del src\include\pg_config.h
call :del src\include\pg_config_os.h
call :del src\backend\parser\parse.h
call :del src\include\utils\fmgroids.h
call :del src\backend\utils\fmgrtab.c
call :del src\backend\catalog\postgres.bki
call :del src\backend\catalog\postgres.description
call :del src\backend\catalog\postgres.shdescription
call :del src\backend\parser\gram.c
call :del src\backend\bootstrap\bootparse.c
call :del src\backend\bootstrap\bootstrap_tokens.h
call :del src\bin\psql\sql_help.h
call :del src\interfaces\libpq\libpq.rc
call :del src\interfaces\libpq\libpqdll.def
call :del src\interfaces\ecpg\compatlib\compatlib.def
call :del src\interfaces\ecpg\ecpglib\ecpglib.def
call :del src\interfaces\ecpg\include\ecpg_config.h
call :del src\interfaces\ecpg\pgtypeslib\pgtypeslib.def
call :del src\interfaces\ecpg\preproc\preproc.c
call :del src\interfaces\ecpg\preproc\preproc.h
call :del src\port\pg_config_paths.h
call :del src\pl\plperl\spi.c
call :del src\pl\plpgsql\src\pl_gram.c
call :del src\pl\plpgsql\src\
call :del contrib\cube\cubeparse.c
call :del contrib\cube\cubeparse.h
call :del contrib\seg\segparse.c
call :del contrib\seg\segparse.h
if exist src\include\pg_config.h del /q src\include\pg_config.h
if exist src\include\pg_config_os.h del /q src\include\pg_config_os.h
if %DIST%==1 if exist src\backend\parser\parse.h del /q src\backend\parser\parse.h
if exist src\include\utils\fmgroids.h del /q src\include\utils\fmgroids.h
if exist src\backend\utils\fmgrtab.c del /q src\backend\utils\fmgrtab.c
if exist src\backend\catalog\postgres.bki del /q src\backend\catalog\postgres.bki
if exist src\backend\catalog\postgres.description del /q src\backend\catalog\postgres.description
if exist src\backend\catalog\postgres.shdescription del /q src\backend\catalog\postgres.shdescription
if %DIST%==1 if exist src\backend\parser\scan.c del /q src\backend\parser\scan.c
if %DIST%==1 if exist src\backend\parser\gram.c del /q src\backend\parser\gram.c
if %DIST%==1 if exist src\backend\bootstrap\bootscanner.c del /q src\backend\bootstrap\bootscanner.c
if %DIST%==1 if exist src\backend\bootstrap\bootparse.c del /q src\backend\bootstrap\bootparse.c
if %DIST%==1 if exist src\backend\bootstrap\bootstrap_tokens.h del /q src\backend\bootstrap\bootstrap_tokens.h
if %DIST%==1 if exist src\backend\utils\misc\guc-file.c del /q src\backend\utils\misc\guc-file.c
if exist src\bin\psql\sql_help.h del /q src\bin\psql\sql_help.h
if exist src\interfaces\libpq\libpq.rc del /q src\interfaces\libpq\libpq.rc
if exist src\interfaces\libpq\libpqdll.def del /q src\interfaces\libpq\libpqdll.def
if exist src\interfaces\ecpg\compatlib\compatlib.def del /q src\interfaces\ecpg\compatlib\compatlib.def
if exist src\interfaces\ecpg\ecpglib\ecpglib.def del /q src\interfaces\ecpg\ecpglib\ecpglib.def
if exist src\interfaces\ecpg\include\ecpg_config.h del /q src\interfaces\ecpg\include\ecpg_config.h
if exist src\interfaces\ecpg\pgtypeslib\pgtypeslib.def del /q src\interfaces\ecpg\pgtypeslib\pgtypeslib.def
if %DIST%==1 if exist src\interfaces\ecpg\preproc\pgc.c del /q src\interfaces\ecpg\preproc\pgc.c
if %DIST%==1 if exist src\interfaces\ecpg\preproc\preproc.c del /q src\interfaces\ecpg\preproc\preproc.c
if %DIST%==1 if exist src\interfaces\ecpg\preproc\preproc.h del /q src\interfaces\ecpg\preproc\preproc.h
if exist src\port\pg_config_paths.h del /q src\port\pg_config_paths.h
if exist src\pl\plperl\spi.c del /q src\pl\plperl\spi.c
if %DIST%==1 if exist src\pl\plpgsql\src\pl_scan.c del /q src\pl\plpgsql\src\pl_scan.c
if %DIST%==1 if exist src\pl\plpgsql\src\pl_gram.c del /q src\pl\plpgsql\src\pl_gram.c
if %DIST%==1 if exist src\pl\plpgsql\src\ del /q src\pl\plpgsql\src\
if %DIST%==1 if exist src\bin\psql\psqlscan.c del /q src\bin\psql\psqlscan.c
if %DIST%==1 if exist contrib\cube\cubescan.c del /q contrib\cube\cubescan.c
if %DIST%==1 if exist contrib\cube\cubeparse.c del /q contrib\cube\cubeparse.c
if %DIST%==1 if exist contrib\cube\cubeparse.h del /q contrib\cube\cubeparse.h
if %DIST%==1 if exist contrib\seg\segscan.c del /q contrib\seg\segscan.c
if %DIST%==1 if exist contrib\seg\segparse.c del /q contrib\seg\segparse.c
if %DIST%==1 if exist contrib\seg\segparse.h del /q contrib\seg\segparse.h
if exist src\test\regress\tmp_check rd /s /q src\test\regress\tmp_check
call :del contrib\spi\refint.dll
call :del contrib\spi\autoinc.dll
call :del src\test\regress\regress.dll
if exist contrib\spi\refint.dll del /q contrib\spi\refint.dll
if exist contrib\spi\autoinc.dll del /q contrib\spi\autoinc.dll
if exist src\test\regress\regress.dll del /q src\test\regress\regress.dll
REM Clean up datafiles built with contrib
cd contrib
for /r %%f in (*.sql) do if exist del %%f
REM cd contrib
REM for /r %%f in (*.sql) do if exist del %%f
cd %D%
......@@ -64,8 +76,3 @@ REM Clean up ecpg regression test files
msbuild /NoLogo ecpg_regression.proj /t:clean /v:q
goto :eof
if exist %1 del /q %1
goto :eof
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