Commit 8a2df442 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Update dummy prosrc values.

Ooops, forgot to s/system_views.sql/system_functions.sql/g
in this part of 767982e3.

No need for an additional catversion bump, I think, since
these strings are gone by the time initdb finishes.

parent 767982e3
......@@ -2364,7 +2364,7 @@
{ oid => '1176', descr => 'convert date and time to timestamp with time zone',
proname => 'timestamptz', prolang => 'sql', provolatile => 's',
prorettype => 'timestamptz', proargtypes => 'date time',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1178', descr => 'convert timestamp with time zone to date',
proname => 'date', provolatile => 's', prorettype => 'date',
proargtypes => 'timestamptz', prosrc => 'timestamptz_date' },
......@@ -2417,16 +2417,16 @@
{ oid => '1215', descr => 'get description for object id and catalog name',
proname => 'obj_description', prolang => 'sql', procost => '100',
provolatile => 's', prorettype => 'text', proargtypes => 'oid name',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1216', descr => 'get description for table column',
proname => 'col_description', prolang => 'sql', procost => '100',
provolatile => 's', prorettype => 'text', proargtypes => 'oid int4',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1993',
descr => 'get description for object id and shared catalog name',
proname => 'shobj_description', prolang => 'sql', procost => '100',
provolatile => 's', prorettype => 'text', proargtypes => 'oid name',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1217',
descr => 'truncate timestamp with time zone to specified units',
......@@ -2601,13 +2601,13 @@
{ oid => '1296',
proname => 'timedate_pl', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'timestamp',
proargtypes => 'time date', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'time date', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1297',
proname => 'datetimetz_pl', prorettype => 'timestamptz',
proargtypes => 'date timetz', prosrc => 'datetimetz_timestamptz' },
{ oid => '1298',
proname => 'timetzdate_pl', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'timestamptz',
proargtypes => 'timetz date', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'timetz date', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1299', descr => 'current transaction time',
proname => 'now', provolatile => 's', prorettype => 'timestamptz',
proargtypes => '', prosrc => 'now' },
......@@ -2651,17 +2651,17 @@
proname => 'overlaps', prolang => 'sql', proisstrict => 'f',
provolatile => 's', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'timestamptz interval timestamptz interval',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1306', descr => 'intervals overlap?',
proname => 'overlaps', prolang => 'sql', proisstrict => 'f',
provolatile => 's', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'timestamptz timestamptz timestamptz interval',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1307', descr => 'intervals overlap?',
proname => 'overlaps', prolang => 'sql', proisstrict => 'f',
provolatile => 's', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'timestamptz interval timestamptz timestamptz',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1308', descr => 'intervals overlap?',
proname => 'overlaps', proisstrict => 'f', prorettype => 'bool',
......@@ -2669,15 +2669,15 @@
{ oid => '1309', descr => 'intervals overlap?',
proname => 'overlaps', prolang => 'sql', proisstrict => 'f',
prorettype => 'bool', proargtypes => 'time interval time interval',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1310', descr => 'intervals overlap?',
proname => 'overlaps', prolang => 'sql', proisstrict => 'f',
prorettype => 'bool', proargtypes => 'time time time interval',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1311', descr => 'intervals overlap?',
proname => 'overlaps', prolang => 'sql', proisstrict => 'f',
prorettype => 'bool', proargtypes => 'time interval time time',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1312', descr => 'I/O',
proname => 'timestamp_in', provolatile => 's', prorettype => 'timestamp',
......@@ -2758,7 +2758,7 @@
{ oid => '1348', descr => 'deprecated, use two-argument form instead',
proname => 'obj_description', prolang => 'sql', procost => '100',
provolatile => 's', prorettype => 'text', proargtypes => 'oid',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1349', descr => 'print type names of oidvector field',
proname => 'oidvectortypes', provolatile => 's', prorettype => 'text',
......@@ -2841,7 +2841,7 @@
{ oid => '1384', descr => 'extract field from date',
proname => 'date_part', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'float8',
proargtypes => 'text date', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'text date', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '9979', descr => 'extract field from date',
proname => 'extract', prorettype => 'numeric', proargtypes => 'text date',
prosrc => 'extract_date' },
......@@ -2855,7 +2855,7 @@
descr => 'date difference from today preserving months and years',
proname => 'age', prolang => 'sql', provolatile => 's',
prorettype => 'interval', proargtypes => 'timestamptz',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1388',
descr => 'convert timestamp with time zone to time with time zone',
......@@ -2969,7 +2969,7 @@
prosrc => 'box_div' },
{ oid => '1426',
proname => 'path_contain_pt', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'path point', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'path point', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1428',
proname => 'poly_contain_pt', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'polygon point', prosrc => 'poly_contain_pt' },
......@@ -3229,7 +3229,7 @@
prosrc => 'circle_center' },
{ oid => '1544', descr => 'convert circle to 12-vertex polygon',
proname => 'polygon', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'polygon',
proargtypes => 'circle', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'circle', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1545', descr => 'number of points',
proname => 'npoints', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'path',
prosrc => 'path_npoints' },
......@@ -3525,10 +3525,10 @@
prosrc => 'translate' },
{ oid => '879', descr => 'left-pad string to length',
proname => 'lpad', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'text',
proargtypes => 'text int4', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'text int4', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '880', descr => 'right-pad string to length',
proname => 'rpad', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'text',
proargtypes => 'text int4', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'text int4', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '881', descr => 'trim spaces from left end of string',
proname => 'ltrim', prorettype => 'text', proargtypes => 'text',
prosrc => 'ltrim1' },
......@@ -4144,7 +4144,7 @@
prosrc => 'inetpl' },
{ oid => '2631',
proname => 'int8pl_inet', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'inet',
proargtypes => 'int8 inet', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'int8 inet', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '2632',
proname => 'inetmi_int8', prorettype => 'inet', proargtypes => 'inet int8',
prosrc => 'inetmi_int8' },
......@@ -4276,13 +4276,13 @@
prosrc => 'numeric_round' },
{ oid => '1708', descr => 'value rounded to \'scale\' of zero',
proname => 'round', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'numeric',
proargtypes => 'numeric', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'numeric', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1709', descr => 'value truncated to \'scale\'',
proname => 'trunc', prorettype => 'numeric', proargtypes => 'numeric int4',
prosrc => 'numeric_trunc' },
{ oid => '1710', descr => 'value truncated to \'scale\' of zero',
proname => 'trunc', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'numeric',
proargtypes => 'numeric', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'numeric', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1711', descr => 'nearest integer >= value',
proname => 'ceil', prorettype => 'numeric', proargtypes => 'numeric',
prosrc => 'numeric_ceil' },
......@@ -4382,10 +4382,10 @@
proargtypes => 'int4', prosrc => 'int4_numeric' },
{ oid => '1741', descr => 'base 10 logarithm',
proname => 'log', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'numeric',
proargtypes => 'numeric', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'numeric', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1481', descr => 'base 10 logarithm',
proname => 'log10', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'numeric',
proargtypes => 'numeric', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'numeric', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1742', descr => 'convert float4 to numeric',
proname => 'numeric', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'numeric',
proargtypes => 'float4', prosrc => 'float4_numeric' },
......@@ -4569,13 +4569,13 @@
{ oid => '1810', descr => 'length in bits',
proname => 'bit_length', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'bytea', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'bytea', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1811', descr => 'length in bits',
proname => 'bit_length', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'text', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'text', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1812', descr => 'length in bits',
proname => 'bit_length', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'bit', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'bit', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
# Selectivity estimators for LIKE and related operators
{ oid => '1814', descr => 'restriction selectivity of ILIKE',
......@@ -4894,7 +4894,7 @@
{ oid => '1848',
proname => 'interval_pl_time', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'time',
proargtypes => 'interval time', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'interval time', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '1850',
proname => 'int28eq', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'bool',
......@@ -5903,15 +5903,15 @@
{ oid => '2042', descr => 'intervals overlap?',
proname => 'overlaps', prolang => 'sql', proisstrict => 'f',
prorettype => 'bool', proargtypes => 'timestamp interval timestamp interval',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '2043', descr => 'intervals overlap?',
proname => 'overlaps', prolang => 'sql', proisstrict => 'f',
prorettype => 'bool', proargtypes => 'timestamp timestamp timestamp interval',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '2044', descr => 'intervals overlap?',
proname => 'overlaps', prolang => 'sql', proisstrict => 'f',
prorettype => 'bool', proargtypes => 'timestamp interval timestamp timestamp',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '2045', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
proname => 'timestamp_cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'timestamp timestamp', prosrc => 'timestamp_cmp' },
......@@ -5977,7 +5977,7 @@
descr => 'date difference from today preserving months and years',
proname => 'age', prolang => 'sql', provolatile => 's',
prorettype => 'interval', proargtypes => 'timestamp',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '2069', descr => 'adjust timestamp to new time zone',
proname => 'timezone', prorettype => 'timestamptz',
......@@ -5997,7 +5997,7 @@
prosrc => 'textregexsubstr' },
{ oid => '2074', descr => 'extract text matching SQL regular expression',
proname => 'substring', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'text',
proargtypes => 'text text text', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'text text text', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '2075', descr => 'convert int8 to bitstring',
proname => 'bit', prorettype => 'bit', proargtypes => 'int8 int4',
......@@ -6362,11 +6362,11 @@
{ oid => '3935', descr => 'sleep for the specified interval',
proname => 'pg_sleep_for', prolang => 'sql', provolatile => 'v',
prorettype => 'void', proargtypes => 'interval',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '3936', descr => 'sleep until the specified time',
proname => 'pg_sleep_until', prolang => 'sql', provolatile => 'v',
prorettype => 'void', proargtypes => 'timestamptz',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '315', descr => 'Is JIT compilation available in this session?',
proname => 'pg_jit_available', provolatile => 'v', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => '', prosrc => 'pg_jit_available' },
......@@ -7181,7 +7181,7 @@
descr => 'disk space usage for the main fork of the specified table or index',
proname => 'pg_relation_size', prolang => 'sql', provolatile => 'v',
prorettype => 'int8', proargtypes => 'regclass',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '2332',
descr => 'disk space usage for the specified fork of a table or index',
proname => 'pg_relation_size', provolatile => 'v', prorettype => 'int8',
......@@ -8100,21 +8100,21 @@
# formerly-missing interval + datetime operators
{ oid => '2546',
proname => 'interval_pl_date', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'timestamp',
proargtypes => 'interval date', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'interval date', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '2547',
proname => 'interval_pl_timetz', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'timetz',
proargtypes => 'interval timetz', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'interval timetz', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '2548',
proname => 'interval_pl_timestamp', prolang => 'sql',
prorettype => 'timestamp', proargtypes => 'interval timestamp',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '2549',
proname => 'interval_pl_timestamptz', prolang => 'sql', provolatile => 's',
prorettype => 'timestamptz', proargtypes => 'interval timestamptz',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '2550',
proname => 'integer_pl_date', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'date',
proargtypes => 'int4 date', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'int4 date', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '2556', descr => 'get OIDs of databases in a tablespace',
proname => 'pg_tablespace_databases', prorows => '1000', proretset => 't',
......@@ -8597,7 +8597,7 @@
prosrc => 'xpath' },
{ oid => '2932', descr => 'evaluate XPath expression',
proname => 'xpath', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => '_xml',
proargtypes => 'text xml', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'text xml', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '2614', descr => 'test XML value against XPath expression',
proname => 'xmlexists', prorettype => 'bool', proargtypes => 'text xml',
......@@ -8609,7 +8609,7 @@
proargtypes => 'text xml _text', prosrc => 'xpath_exists' },
{ oid => '3050', descr => 'test XML value against XPath expression',
proname => 'xpath_exists', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'text xml', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'text xml', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '3051', descr => 'determine if a string is well formed XML',
proname => 'xml_is_well_formed', provolatile => 's', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'text', prosrc => 'xml_is_well_formed' },
......@@ -8874,7 +8874,7 @@
proargtypes => 'pg_lsn numeric', prosrc => 'pg_lsn_pli' },
{ oid => '5023',
proname => 'numeric_pl_pg_lsn', prolang => 'sql', prorettype => 'pg_lsn',
proargtypes => 'numeric pg_lsn', prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
proargtypes => 'numeric pg_lsn', prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '5024',
proname => 'pg_lsn_mii', prorettype => 'pg_lsn',
proargtypes => 'pg_lsn numeric', prosrc => 'pg_lsn_mii' },
......@@ -9319,7 +9319,7 @@
proallargtypes => '{regconfig,text,text,text,text,_regdictionary,regdictionary,_text}',
proargmodes => '{i,i,o,o,o,o,o,o}',
proargnames => '{config,document,alias,description,token,dictionaries,dictionary,lexemes}',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '9532',
descr => 'debug function for current text search configuration',
......@@ -9328,7 +9328,7 @@
proallargtypes => '{text,text,text,text,_regdictionary,regdictionary,_text}',
proargmodes => '{i,o,o,o,o,o,o}',
proargnames => '{document,alias,description,token,dictionaries,dictionary,lexemes}',
prosrc => 'see system_views.sql' },
prosrc => 'see system_functions.sql' },
{ oid => '3725', descr => '(internal)',
proname => 'dsimple_init', prorettype => 'internal',
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