Commit 8860110a authored by Barry Lind's avatar Barry Lind

Removed error message that was incorectly being issued. This fixes a problem...

Removed error message that was incorectly being issued.  This fixes a problem reported a few months ago where a select in a rule was causing an insert statement to return a result set which the code was explicitly prohibiting.
parent 9c54cfb4
......@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ postgresql.serial.underscore:Class names may not have _ in them. You supplied {0
postgresql.stat.batch.error:Batch entry {0} {1} was aborted.
postgresql.stat.maxfieldsize:An attempt to setMaxFieldSize() failed - compile time default in force.
postgresql.stat.noresult:No results were returned by the query.
postgresql.stat.result:A result was returned by the statement, when none was expected. backend has broken the connection. Possibly the action you have attempted has caused it to close. I/O error has occured while flushing the output - {0} I/O error occured while reading from backend - {0}
# Message translation file for PostgreSQL JDBC driver
# Peter Eisentraut <>, 2001.
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/Attic/,v 1.2 2001/09/06 03:03:37 momjian Exp $
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/Attic/,v 1.3 2002/04/02 06:24:09 barry Exp $
postgresql.con.auth:Der Authentifizierungstyp »{0}« wird nicht unterstützt.
postgresql.con.authfail:Ein Fehler trat auf während die Authentifizierungsanfrage empfangen wurde.
......@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ postgresql.serial.underscore:Zu serialisierende Klassennamen d
postgresql.stat.batch.error:Batch-Anweisung Nummer {0} ({1}) wurde abgebrochen.
postgresql.stat.maxfieldsize:setMaxFieldSize() is nicht möglich; die Grenze ist fest eingebaut.
postgresql.stat.noresult:Die Abfrage ergab kein Ergebnis.
postgresql.stat.result:Die Anweisung ergab einen Abfrageergebnissatz, obwohl keiner erwartet wurde. unterstützte Kodierung: {0} Verbindungsabbruch vom Server beim Flush zum Server: {0}
......@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ postgresql.serial.underscore:Il nome di una classe non pu
postgresql.stat.batch.error:L'operazione {0} {1} della sequenza è stata annullata.
postgresql.stat.maxfieldsize:Fallito un tentativo a setMaxFieldSize() - verrà utilizzato il valore predefinito a tempo di compilazione.
postgresql.stat.noresult:Nessun risultato è stato restituito dalla query.
postgresql.stat.result:Un risultato è stato restituito dallo statement, quando non ci si aspettava nulla. backend ha interrotto la connessione. Probabilmente la tua azione ha causato la sua uscita. è verificato un errore di I/O mentre si svuotava il buffer d'uscita - {0} è verificato un errore di I/O mentre si leggevano dati dal backend - {0}
......@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ postgresql.serial.underscore:Class namen mogen geen _ in zich hebben. Jij voerde
postgresql.stat.batch.error:Batch invoer {0} {1} werd afgebroken.
postgresql.stat.maxfieldsize:Een poging om setMaxFieldSize() faalde - compiletime standaardwaarde van kracht.
postgresql.stat.noresult:Geen resultaten werden teruggegeven door de query.
postgresql.stat.result:Door het statement werd een resultaat teruggegeven, terwijl er geen verwacht werd. achterkant heeft de verbinding verbroken. Mogelijk was de actie die je probeerde de oorzaak hiervan. I/O fout trad op tijdens het legen van de uitvoer - {0} I/O fout trad op tijdens het lezen van de achterkant - {0}
......@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ postgresql.serial.underscore:\u985e\u5225\u540d\u7a31\u4e0d\u80fd\u4f7f\u7528 _
postgresql.stat.batch.error:\u6279\u6b21\u8655\u7406\u5ffd\u7565 {0} {1}\u3002
postgresql.stat.maxfieldsize:setMaxFieldSize() \u5931\u6557 - \u4f7f\u7528\u9810\u8a2d\u503c
postgresql.stat.result:\u50b3\u56de\u975e\u9810\u671f\u7684\u67e5\u8a62\u7d50\u679c\u3002\u5f8c\u7aef\u7d50\u675f\u9023\u7dda\uff0c\u4e5f\u8a31\u662f\u56e0\u70ba\u60a8\u6240\u57f7\u884c\u7684\u52d5\u4f5c\u5c0e\u81f4\u9023\u7dda\u4e2d\u65b7\u3002\u9001\u51fa\u8cc7\u6599\u6642\u767c\u751f I/O \u932f\u8aa4 - {0}\u5f9e\u5f8c\u7aef\u8b80\u53d6\u8cc7\u6599\u6642\u767c\u751f I/O \u932f\u8aa4 - {0}
......@@ -66,8 +66,6 @@ public class Statement extends org.postgresql.Statement implements java.sql.Stat
public int executeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException
if (((org.postgresql.ResultSet)result).reallyResultSet())
throw new PSQLException("postgresql.stat.result");
return this.getUpdateCount();
......@@ -71,8 +71,6 @@ public class Statement extends org.postgresql.Statement implements java.sql.Stat
public int executeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException
if (((org.postgresql.ResultSet)result).reallyResultSet())
throw new PSQLException("postgresql.stat.result");
return this.getUpdateCount();
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