Commit 86beaf4f authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

Add Peter's portability and option suggestions.

parent ebf57dd0
This is a version of pg_upgrade which will migrate a 7.1 database to 7.2,
or allow a 7.2 to 7.2 migration if you need to perform an initdb.
Read the manual page for more information. To view it:
PG_UPGRADE(1) PostgreSQL Client Applications PG_UPGRADE(1)
nroff -man pg_upgrade.1 | $PAGER
Bruce Momjian
pg_upgrade - upgrade tool
Allows upgrading from a previous release without reloading
ppgg__uuppggrraaddee is a utility for upgrading from a previous
PostgreSQL release without reloading all the data. Not all
PostgreSQL releases can use this utility. Check the
release notes for details about your version.
ppgg__uuppggrraaddee must be run in two stages. In phase one you
must run ppgg__uuppggrraaddee with your old database installation in
place. In phase two, ppgg__uuppggrraaddee must be run on a freshly
iinniittddbb'ed current install. In both phases, the same
ppgg__uuppggrraaddee script matching the newly installed version
must be used.
UUppggrraaddiinngg PPoossttggrreeSSQQLL wwiitthh ppgg__uuppggrraaddee
1) Back up your existing data directory, preferably by
making a complete dump with ppgg__dduummppaallll..
2) Copy the program _p_g_s_q_l_/_c_o_n_t_r_i_b_/_p_g___u_p_g_r_a_d_e_/_p_g___u_p_g_r_a_d_e
from the current PostgreSQL distribution somewhere into
your path.
3) Change your working directory to the pgsql main direc-
tory, and type:
$$ ppgg__uuppggrraaddee --11
to collect information about the old database needed for
the upgrade.
4) Do:
$$ mmaakkee iinnssttaallll
to install the new binaries.
5) Do:
$$ ccdd ppggssqqll//ccoonnttrriibb//ppgg__rreesseettxxlloogg
$$ mmaakkee iinnssttaallll
to install the _p_g___r_e_s_e_t_x_l_o_g utility which is needed by
6) Run initdb to create a new template1 database contain-
ing the system tables for the new release. Make sure you
use settings similar to those used in your previous ver-
14 Jan 2002 PG_UPGRADE(1) 1
PG_UPGRADE(1) PostgreSQL Client Applications PG_UPGRADE(1)
7) Start the new _p_o_s_t_m_a_s_t_e_r_. (Note: it is critical that
no users connect to the server until the upgrade is com-
plete. You may wish to start the postmaster without -i or
alter pg_hba.conf temporarily.)
8) Change your working directory to the pgsql main direc-
tory again, and type:
$$ ppgg__uuppggrraaddee --22
The program will do some checking to make sure everything
is properly configured, and will then recreate all the
databases and tables you had, but with no data. It will
then physically move the data files containing non-system
tables and indexes into the proper subdirectories.
9) Restore your old _p_g___h_b_a_._c_o_n_f if needed to allow user
10) Carefully examine the contents of the upgraded
databases. If you detect problems, you'll need to recover
by restoring from your full ppgg__dduummppaallll backup. You can
delete the _p_g___u_p_g_r_a_d_e___i_n_f_o_/ directory when you are satis-
The upgraded databases will be in an un-vacuumed state.
You will probably want to run a _V_A_C_U_U_M _A_N_A_L_Y_Z_E before
beginning production work.
initdb(1), postmaster(1), pg_dump(1), pg_dumpall(1), vacu-
14 Jan 2002 PG_UPGRADE(1) 2
To migrate this to newer versions of PostgreSQL:
1) Update the version numbers at the top of the file
2) Search for specific version mentions in the script and update
3) Add changes for next version.
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