Commit 819f22a3 authored by Bruce Momjian's avatar Bruce Momjian

Allow PL/python to return composite types and result sets

Sven Suursoho
parent b1620c53
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -55,27 +55,27 @@ except Exception, ex:
return "failed, that wasn''t supposed to happen"
return "succeeded, as expected"'
LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION import_test_one(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION import_test_one(p text) RETURNS text
'import sha
digest =[0])
digest =
return digest.hexdigest()'
LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION import_test_two(users) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION import_test_two(u users) RETURNS text
'import sha
plain = args[0]["fname"] + args[0]["lname"]
plain = u["fname"] + u["lname"]
digest =;
return "sha hash of " + plain + " is " + digest.hexdigest()'
LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION argument_test_one(users, text, text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION argument_test_one(u users, a1 text, a2 text) RETURNS text
'keys = args[0].keys()
'keys = u.keys()
out = []
for key in keys:
out.append("%s: %s" % (key, args[0][key]))
words = args[1] + " " + args[2] + " => {" + ", ".join(out) + "}"
out.append("%s: %s" % (key, u[key]))
words = a1 + " " + a2 + " => {" + ", ".join(out) + "}"
return words'
LANGUAGE plpythonu;
-- these triggers are dedicated to HPHC of RI who
......@@ -174,40 +174,40 @@ DROP TRIGGER show_trigger_data_trig on trigger_test;
DROP FUNCTION trigger_data();
-- nested calls
CREATE FUNCTION nested_call_one(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION nested_call_one(a text) RETURNS text
'q = "SELECT nested_call_two(''%s'')" % args[0]
'q = "SELECT nested_call_two(''%s'')" % a
r = plpy.execute(q)
return r[0]'
LANGUAGE plpythonu ;
CREATE FUNCTION nested_call_two(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION nested_call_two(a text) RETURNS text
'q = "SELECT nested_call_three(''%s'')" % args[0]
'q = "SELECT nested_call_three(''%s'')" % a
r = plpy.execute(q)
return r[0]'
LANGUAGE plpythonu ;
CREATE FUNCTION nested_call_three(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION nested_call_three(a text) RETURNS text
'return args[0]'
'return a'
LANGUAGE plpythonu ;
-- some spi stuff
CREATE FUNCTION spi_prepared_plan_test_one(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION spi_prepared_plan_test_one(a text) RETURNS text
'if not SD.has_key("myplan"):
q = "SELECT count(*) FROM users WHERE lname = $1"
SD["myplan"] = plpy.prepare(q, [ "text" ])
rv = plpy.execute(SD["myplan"], [args[0]])
return "there are " + str(rv[0]["count"]) + " " + str(args[0]) + "s"
rv = plpy.execute(SD["myplan"], [a])
return "there are " + str(rv[0]["count"]) + " " + str(a) + "s"
except Exception, ex:
return None
LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION spi_prepared_plan_test_nested(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION spi_prepared_plan_test_nested(a text) RETURNS text
'if not SD.has_key("myplan"):
q = "SELECT spi_prepared_plan_test_one(''%s'') as count" % args[0]
q = "SELECT spi_prepared_plan_test_one(''%s'') as count" % a
SD["myplan"] = plpy.prepare(q)
rv = plpy.execute(SD["myplan"])
......@@ -223,12 +223,12 @@ return None
CREATE FUNCTION stupid() RETURNS text AS 'return "zarkon"' LANGUAGE plpythonu;
/* a typo
CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_uncaught(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_uncaught(a text) RETURNS text
'if not SD.has_key("plan"):
q = "SELECT fname FROM users WHERE lname = $1"
SD["plan"] = plpy.prepare(q, [ "test" ])
rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ args[0] ])
rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ a ])
if len(rv):
return rv[0]["fname"]
return None
......@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ return None
/* for what it's worth catch the exception generated by
* the typo, and return None
CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_caught(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_caught(a text) RETURNS text
'if not SD.has_key("plan"):
q = "SELECT fname FROM users WHERE lname = $1"
......@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_caught(text) RETURNS text
except plpy.SPIError, ex:
return None
rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ args[0] ])
rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ a ])
if len(rv):
return rv[0]["fname"]
return None
......@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ return None
/* for what it's worth catch the exception generated by
* the typo, and reraise it as a plain error
CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_reraised(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_reraised(a text) RETURNS text
'if not SD.has_key("plan"):
q = "SELECT fname FROM users WHERE lname = $1"
......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_reraised(text) RETURNS text
SD["plan"] = plpy.prepare(q, [ "test" ])
except plpy.SPIError, ex:
rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ args[0] ])
rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ a ])
if len(rv):
return rv[0]["fname"]
return None
......@@ -271,11 +271,11 @@ return None
LANGUAGE plpythonu;
/* no typo no messing about
CREATE FUNCTION valid_type(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION valid_type(a text) RETURNS text
'if not SD.has_key("plan"):
SD["plan"] = plpy.prepare("SELECT fname FROM users WHERE lname = $1", [ "text" ])
rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ args[0] ])
rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ a ])
if len(rv):
return rv[0]["fname"]
return None
......@@ -300,13 +300,13 @@ CREATE FUNCTION exception_index_invalid_nested() RETURNS text
'rv = plpy.execute("SELECT test5(''foo'')")
return rv[0]'
LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION join_sequences(sequences) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION join_sequences(s sequences) RETURNS text
'if not args[0]["multipart"]:
return args[0]["sequence"]
q = "SELECT sequence FROM xsequences WHERE pid = ''%s''" % args[0]["pid"]
'if not s["multipart"]:
return s["sequence"]
q = "SELECT sequence FROM xsequences WHERE pid = ''%s''" % s["pid"]
rv = plpy.execute(q)
seq = args[0]["sequence"]
seq = s["sequence"]
for r in rv:
seq = seq + r["sequence"]
return seq
......@@ -357,3 +357,83 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION test_return_none() RETURNS int AS $$
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
-- Test named parameters
CREATE FUNCTION test_param_names1(a0 integer, a1 text) RETURNS boolean AS $$
assert a0 == args[0]
assert a1 == args[1]
return True
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION test_param_names2(u users) RETURNS text AS $$
assert u == args[0]
return str(u)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
-- use deliberately wrong parameter names
CREATE FUNCTION test_param_names3(a0 integer) RETURNS boolean AS $$
assert a1 == args[0]
return False
except NameError, e:
assert e.args[0].find("a1") > -1
return True
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
-- Test returning SETOF
CREATE FUNCTION test_setof_as_list(count integer, content text) RETURNS SETOF text AS $$
return [ content ]*count
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION test_setof_as_tuple(count integer, content text) RETURNS SETOF text AS $$
t = ()
for i in xrange(count):
t += ( content, )
return t
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION test_setof_as_iterator(count integer, content text) RETURNS SETOF text AS $$
class producer:
def __init__ (self, icount, icontent):
self.icontent = icontent
self.icount = icount
def __iter__ (self):
return self
def next (self):
if self.icount == 0:
raise StopIteration
self.icount -= 1
return self.icontent
return producer(count, content)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
-- Test returning tuples
CREATE FUNCTION test_table_record_as(typ text, first text, second integer, retnull boolean) RETURNS table_record AS $$
if retnull:
return None
if typ == 'dict':
return { 'first': first, 'second': second, 'additionalfield': 'must not cause trouble' }
elif typ == 'tuple':
return ( first, second )
elif typ == 'list':
return [ first, second ]
elif typ == 'obj':
class type_record: pass
type_record.first = first
type_record.second = second
return type_record
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION test_type_record_as(typ text, first text, second integer, retnull boolean) RETURNS type_record AS $$
if retnull:
return None
if typ == 'dict':
return { 'first': first, 'second': second, 'additionalfield': 'must not cause trouble' }
elif typ == 'tuple':
return ( first, second )
elif typ == 'list':
return [ first, second ]
elif typ == 'obj':
class type_record: pass
type_record.first = first
type_record.second = second
return type_record
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
......@@ -44,3 +44,11 @@ CREATE INDEX xsequences_pid_idx ON xsequences(pid) ;
CREATE TABLE unicode_test (
testvalue text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE table_record (
first text,
second int4
) ;
CREATE TYPE type_record AS (
first text,
second int4
) ;
......@@ -198,3 +198,344 @@ SELECT test_return_none(), test_return_none() IS NULL AS "is null";
| t
(1 row)
-- Test for functions with named parameters
SELECT test_param_names1(1,'text');
(1 row)
SELECT test_param_names2(users) from users;
{'lname': 'doe', 'username': 'j_doe', 'userid': 1, 'fname': 'jane'}
{'lname': 'doe', 'username': 'johnd', 'userid': 2, 'fname': 'john'}
{'lname': 'doe', 'username': 'w_doe', 'userid': 3, 'fname': 'willem'}
{'lname': 'smith', 'username': 'slash', 'userid': 4, 'fname': 'rick'}
{'lname': 'smith', 'username': 'w_smith', 'userid': 5, 'fname': 'willem'}
{'lname': 'darwin', 'username': 'beagle', 'userid': 6, 'fname': 'charles'}
(6 rows)
SELECT test_param_names3(1);
(1 row)
-- Test set returning functions
SELECT test_setof_as_list(0, 'list');
(0 rows)
SELECT test_setof_as_list(1, 'list');
(1 row)
SELECT test_setof_as_list(2, 'list');
(2 rows)
SELECT test_setof_as_list(2, null);
(2 rows)
SELECT test_setof_as_tuple(0, 'tuple');
(0 rows)
SELECT test_setof_as_tuple(1, 'tuple');
(1 row)
SELECT test_setof_as_tuple(2, 'tuple');
(2 rows)
SELECT test_setof_as_tuple(2, null);
(2 rows)
SELECT test_setof_as_iterator(0, 'list');
(0 rows)
SELECT test_setof_as_iterator(1, 'list');
(1 row)
SELECT test_setof_as_iterator(2, 'list');
(2 rows)
SELECT test_setof_as_iterator(2, null);
(2 rows)
-- Test tuple returning functions
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('dict', null, null, false);
first | second
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('dict', 'one', null, false);
first | second
one |
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('dict', null, 2, false);
first | second
| 2
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('dict', 'three', 3, false);
first | second
three | 3
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('dict', null, null, true);
first | second
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('tuple', null, null, false);
first | second
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('tuple', 'one', null, false);
first | second
one |
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('tuple', null, 2, false);
first | second
| 2
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('tuple', 'three', 3, false);
first | second
three | 3
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('tuple', null, null, true);
first | second
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('list', null, null, false);
first | second
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('list', 'one', null, false);
first | second
one |
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('list', null, 2, false);
first | second
| 2
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('list', 'three', 3, false);
first | second
three | 3
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('list', null, null, true);
first | second
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('obj', null, null, false);
first | second
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('obj', 'one', null, false);
first | second
one |
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('obj', null, 2, false);
first | second
| 2
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('obj', 'three', 3, false);
first | second
three | 3
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('obj', null, null, true);
first | second
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('dict', null, null, false);
first | second
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('dict', 'one', null, false);
first | second
one |
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('dict', null, 2, false);
first | second
| 2
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('dict', 'three', 3, false);
first | second
three | 3
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('dict', null, null, true);
first | second
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('tuple', null, null, false);
first | second
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('tuple', 'one', null, false);
first | second
one |
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('tuple', null, 2, false);
first | second
| 2
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('tuple', 'three', 3, false);
first | second
three | 3
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('tuple', null, null, true);
first | second
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('list', null, null, false);
first | second
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('list', 'one', null, false);
first | second
one |
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('list', null, 2, false);
first | second
| 2
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('list', 'three', 3, false);
first | second
three | 3
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('list', null, null, true);
first | second
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('obj', null, null, false);
first | second
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('obj', 'one', null, false);
first | second
one |
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('obj', null, 2, false);
first | second
| 2
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('obj', 'three', 3, false);
first | second
three | 3
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('obj', null, null, true);
first | second
(1 row)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -65,29 +65,29 @@ except Exception, ex:
return "succeeded, as expected"'
LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION import_test_one(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION import_test_one(p text) RETURNS text
'import sha
digest =[0])
digest =
return digest.hexdigest()'
LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION import_test_two(users) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION import_test_two(u users) RETURNS text
'import sha
plain = args[0]["fname"] + args[0]["lname"]
plain = u["fname"] + u["lname"]
digest =;
return "sha hash of " + plain + " is " + digest.hexdigest()'
LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION argument_test_one(users, text, text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION argument_test_one(u users, a1 text, a2 text) RETURNS text
'keys = args[0].keys()
'keys = u.keys()
out = []
for key in keys:
out.append("%s: %s" % (key, args[0][key]))
words = args[1] + " " + args[2] + " => {" + ", ".join(out) + "}"
out.append("%s: %s" % (key, u[key]))
words = a1 + " " + a2 + " => {" + ", ".join(out) + "}"
return words'
LANGUAGE plpythonu;
......@@ -176,45 +176,45 @@ DROP FUNCTION trigger_data();
-- nested calls
CREATE FUNCTION nested_call_one(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION nested_call_one(a text) RETURNS text
'q = "SELECT nested_call_two(''%s'')" % args[0]
'q = "SELECT nested_call_two(''%s'')" % a
r = plpy.execute(q)
return r[0]'
LANGUAGE plpythonu ;
CREATE FUNCTION nested_call_two(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION nested_call_two(a text) RETURNS text
'q = "SELECT nested_call_three(''%s'')" % args[0]
'q = "SELECT nested_call_three(''%s'')" % a
r = plpy.execute(q)
return r[0]'
LANGUAGE plpythonu ;
CREATE FUNCTION nested_call_three(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION nested_call_three(a text) RETURNS text
'return args[0]'
'return a'
LANGUAGE plpythonu ;
-- some spi stuff
CREATE FUNCTION spi_prepared_plan_test_one(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION spi_prepared_plan_test_one(a text) RETURNS text
'if not SD.has_key("myplan"):
q = "SELECT count(*) FROM users WHERE lname = $1"
SD["myplan"] = plpy.prepare(q, [ "text" ])
rv = plpy.execute(SD["myplan"], [args[0]])
return "there are " + str(rv[0]["count"]) + " " + str(args[0]) + "s"
rv = plpy.execute(SD["myplan"], [a])
return "there are " + str(rv[0]["count"]) + " " + str(a) + "s"
except Exception, ex:
return None
LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION spi_prepared_plan_test_nested(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION spi_prepared_plan_test_nested(a text) RETURNS text
'if not SD.has_key("myplan"):
q = "SELECT spi_prepared_plan_test_one(''%s'') as count" % args[0]
q = "SELECT spi_prepared_plan_test_one(''%s'') as count" % a
SD["myplan"] = plpy.prepare(q)
rv = plpy.execute(SD["myplan"])
......@@ -233,12 +233,12 @@ CREATE FUNCTION stupid() RETURNS text AS 'return "zarkon"' LANGUAGE plpythonu;
/* a typo
CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_uncaught(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_uncaught(a text) RETURNS text
'if not SD.has_key("plan"):
q = "SELECT fname FROM users WHERE lname = $1"
SD["plan"] = plpy.prepare(q, [ "test" ])
rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ args[0] ])
rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ a ])
if len(rv):
return rv[0]["fname"]
return None
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ return None
/* for what it's worth catch the exception generated by
* the typo, and return None
CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_caught(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_caught(a text) RETURNS text
'if not SD.has_key("plan"):
q = "SELECT fname FROM users WHERE lname = $1"
......@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_caught(text) RETURNS text
except plpy.SPIError, ex:
return None
rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ args[0] ])
rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ a ])
if len(rv):
return rv[0]["fname"]
return None
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ return None
/* for what it's worth catch the exception generated by
* the typo, and reraise it as a plain error
CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_reraised(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_reraised(a text) RETURNS text
'if not SD.has_key("plan"):
q = "SELECT fname FROM users WHERE lname = $1"
......@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ CREATE FUNCTION invalid_type_reraised(text) RETURNS text
SD["plan"] = plpy.prepare(q, [ "test" ])
except plpy.SPIError, ex:
rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ args[0] ])
rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ a ])
if len(rv):
return rv[0]["fname"]
return None
......@@ -285,11 +285,11 @@ return None
/* no typo no messing about
CREATE FUNCTION valid_type(text) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION valid_type(a text) RETURNS text
'if not SD.has_key("plan"):
SD["plan"] = plpy.prepare("SELECT fname FROM users WHERE lname = $1", [ "text" ])
rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ args[0] ])
rv = plpy.execute(SD["plan"], [ a ])
if len(rv):
return rv[0]["fname"]
return None
......@@ -318,13 +318,13 @@ return rv[0]'
LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION join_sequences(sequences) RETURNS text
CREATE FUNCTION join_sequences(s sequences) RETURNS text
'if not args[0]["multipart"]:
return args[0]["sequence"]
q = "SELECT sequence FROM xsequences WHERE pid = ''%s''" % args[0]["pid"]
'if not s["multipart"]:
return s["sequence"]
q = "SELECT sequence FROM xsequences WHERE pid = ''%s''" % s["pid"]
rv = plpy.execute(q)
seq = args[0]["sequence"]
seq = s["sequence"]
for r in rv:
seq = seq + r["sequence"]
return seq
......@@ -389,3 +389,95 @@ $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION test_return_none() RETURNS int AS $$
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
-- Test named parameters
CREATE FUNCTION test_param_names1(a0 integer, a1 text) RETURNS boolean AS $$
assert a0 == args[0]
assert a1 == args[1]
return True
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION test_param_names2(u users) RETURNS text AS $$
assert u == args[0]
return str(u)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
-- use deliberately wrong parameter names
CREATE FUNCTION test_param_names3(a0 integer) RETURNS boolean AS $$
assert a1 == args[0]
return False
except NameError, e:
assert e.args[0].find("a1") > -1
return True
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
-- Test returning SETOF
CREATE FUNCTION test_setof_as_list(count integer, content text) RETURNS SETOF text AS $$
return [ content ]*count
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION test_setof_as_tuple(count integer, content text) RETURNS SETOF text AS $$
t = ()
for i in xrange(count):
t += ( content, )
return t
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION test_setof_as_iterator(count integer, content text) RETURNS SETOF text AS $$
class producer:
def __init__ (self, icount, icontent):
self.icontent = icontent
self.icount = icount
def __iter__ (self):
return self
def next (self):
if self.icount == 0:
raise StopIteration
self.icount -= 1
return self.icontent
return producer(count, content)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
-- Test returning tuples
CREATE FUNCTION test_table_record_as(typ text, first text, second integer, retnull boolean) RETURNS table_record AS $$
if retnull:
return None
if typ == 'dict':
return { 'first': first, 'second': second, 'additionalfield': 'must not cause trouble' }
elif typ == 'tuple':
return ( first, second )
elif typ == 'list':
return [ first, second ]
elif typ == 'obj':
class type_record: pass
type_record.first = first
type_record.second = second
return type_record
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION test_type_record_as(typ text, first text, second integer, retnull boolean) RETURNS type_record AS $$
if retnull:
return None
if typ == 'dict':
return { 'first': first, 'second': second, 'additionalfield': 'must not cause trouble' }
elif typ == 'tuple':
return ( first, second )
elif typ == 'list':
return [ first, second ]
elif typ == 'obj':
class type_record: pass
type_record.first = first
type_record.second = second
return type_record
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
......@@ -42,3 +42,13 @@ CREATE INDEX xsequences_pid_idx ON xsequences(pid) ;
CREATE TABLE unicode_test (
testvalue text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE table_record (
first text,
second int4
) ;
CREATE TYPE type_record AS (
first text,
second int4
) ;
......@@ -73,3 +73,73 @@ SELECT newline_crlf();
SELECT test_void_func1(), test_void_func1() IS NULL AS "is null";
SELECT test_void_func2(); -- should fail
SELECT test_return_none(), test_return_none() IS NULL AS "is null";
-- Test for functions with named parameters
SELECT test_param_names1(1,'text');
SELECT test_param_names2(users) from users;
SELECT test_param_names3(1);
-- Test set returning functions
SELECT test_setof_as_list(0, 'list');
SELECT test_setof_as_list(1, 'list');
SELECT test_setof_as_list(2, 'list');
SELECT test_setof_as_list(2, null);
SELECT test_setof_as_tuple(0, 'tuple');
SELECT test_setof_as_tuple(1, 'tuple');
SELECT test_setof_as_tuple(2, 'tuple');
SELECT test_setof_as_tuple(2, null);
SELECT test_setof_as_iterator(0, 'list');
SELECT test_setof_as_iterator(1, 'list');
SELECT test_setof_as_iterator(2, 'list');
SELECT test_setof_as_iterator(2, null);
-- Test tuple returning functions
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('dict', null, null, false);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('dict', 'one', null, false);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('dict', null, 2, false);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('dict', 'three', 3, false);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('dict', null, null, true);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('tuple', null, null, false);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('tuple', 'one', null, false);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('tuple', null, 2, false);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('tuple', 'three', 3, false);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('tuple', null, null, true);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('list', null, null, false);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('list', 'one', null, false);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('list', null, 2, false);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('list', 'three', 3, false);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('list', null, null, true);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('obj', null, null, false);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('obj', 'one', null, false);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('obj', null, 2, false);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('obj', 'three', 3, false);
SELECT * FROM test_table_record_as('obj', null, null, true);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('dict', null, null, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('dict', 'one', null, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('dict', null, 2, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('dict', 'three', 3, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('dict', null, null, true);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('tuple', null, null, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('tuple', 'one', null, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('tuple', null, 2, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('tuple', 'three', 3, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('tuple', null, null, true);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('list', null, null, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('list', 'one', null, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('list', null, 2, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('list', 'three', 3, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('list', null, null, true);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('obj', null, null, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('obj', 'one', null, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('obj', null, 2, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('obj', 'three', 3, false);
SELECT * FROM test_type_record_as('obj', null, null, true);
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