Commit 7327cb64 authored by Andrew Dunstan's avatar Andrew Dunstan

Port backup check on psql lexer to MSVC.

parent 28190bac
......@@ -65,6 +65,20 @@ if ($? == 0)
print $cfile $ccode;
if ($flexflags =~ /\s-b\s/)
my $lexback = dirname($input) . "/lex.backup";
open($lfile,$lexback) || die "opening $lexback for reading: $!";
my $lexbacklines = <$lfile>;
my $linecount = $lexbacklines =~ tr /\n/\n/;
if ($linecount != 1)
print "Scanner requires backup, see lex.backup.\n";
exit 1;
unlink $lexback;
exit 0;
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