Commit 73016600 authored by Peter Eisentraut's avatar Peter Eisentraut

outdated and obsolete

parent a18490b7
Installation instructions for PL/Tcl
1. Build the pltcl shared library
The Makefile for the pltcl shared library assumes the sources
for PostgreSQL are in /usr/local/src/postgresql-6.2.1/src. Edit
if not.
The Makefile depends on the file that get's installed
with Tcl. This should either be in /usr/lib or in /usr/local/lib.
If it is in a different place, edit mkMakefile.tcldefs or make a
symbolic link to it here.
Type make and the shared library should get built.
2. Now create the PL/Tcl language in PostgreSQL
Since the pg_language system catalog is private to each database,
the new language can be created only for individual databases,
or in the template1 database. In the latter case, it is
automatically available in all newly created databases.
The commands to create the new language are:
create function pltcl_call_handler () returns opaque
as 'path-to-pltcl-shared-lib'
language 'C';
create trusted procedural language 'pltcl'
handler pltcl_call_handler
lancompiler 'PL/Tcl';
The trusted keyword on create procedural language tells PostgreSQL,
that all users (not only those with superuser privilege) are
permitted to create functions with LANGUAGE 'pltcl'. This is
absolutely safe, because there is nothing a normal user can do
with PL/Tcl, to get around access restrictions he/she has.
3. Use PL/Tcl
Read pltcl_guide.txt to learn how to write functions and
trigger procedures in PL/Tcl.
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