Commit 6de3fe3c authored by Teodor Sigaev's avatar Teodor Sigaev

Avoid conflict strndup with glibc

parent 461b71f2
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ strlower(char *str)
static char*
strndup(char *s, int len) {
strnduplicate(char *s, int len) {
char *d=(char*)palloc( len + 1 );
memcpy(d, s, len );
......@@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ SplitToVariants( IspellDict * Conf, SPNode *snode, SplitVar * orig, char *word,
/* and its length more than minimal */
if ( wordlen==level+1 ) {
/* well, it was last word */
var->stem[ var->nstem ] = strndup(word + startpos, wordlen - startpos);
var->stem[ var->nstem ] = strnduplicate(word + startpos, wordlen - startpos);
return var;
} else {
......@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ SplitToVariants( IspellDict * Conf, SPNode *snode, SplitVar * orig, char *word,
ptr->next=SplitToVariants(Conf, node, var, word, wordlen, startpos, level);
/* we can find next word */
var->stem[ var->nstem ] = strndup(word + startpos, level - startpos);
var->stem[ var->nstem ] = strnduplicate(word + startpos, level - startpos);
node = Conf->Dictionary;
......@@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ SplitToVariants( IspellDict * Conf, SPNode *snode, SplitVar * orig, char *word,
var->stem[ var->nstem ] = strndup(word + startpos, wordlen - startpos);
var->stem[ var->nstem ] = strnduplicate(word + startpos, wordlen - startpos);
return var;
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