Commit 6520c666 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Fix a few of the more blatantly unportable constructs in this file.

parent 3a1ed876
......@@ -591,12 +591,12 @@ static void initValue(long lng_val) {
int i, div, dig;
char tmp[2] = " ";
// set some obvious things
/* set some obvious things */
value.val = lng_val >= 0 ? lng_val : lng_val * (-1);
value.sign = lng_val >= 0 ? '+' : '-';
value.maxdigits = log10(2)*(8*sizeof(long)-1);
// determine the number of digits
/* determine the number of digits */
for(i=1; i <= value.maxdigits; i++) {
if ((int)(value.val / pow(10, i)) != 0) {
value.digits = i+1;
......@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ static void initValue(long lng_val) {
value.remaining = value.digits;
// convert the long to string
/* convert the long to string */
value.val_string = (char *)malloc(value.digits + 1);
for(i=value.digits; i > 0; i--) {
div = pow(10,i);
......@@ -612,9 +612,9 @@ static void initValue(long lng_val) {
tmp[0] = (char)(dig + 48);
strcat(value.val_string, tmp);
// safety-net
/* safety-net */
value.val_string[value.digits] = '\0';
// clean up
/* clean up */
......@@ -641,34 +641,38 @@ rfmtlong(long lng_val, char *fmt, char *outbuf)
int i, j, k, dotpos;
int leftalign = 0, blank = 0, sign = 0, entity = 0,
entitydone = 0, signdone = 0, brackets_ok = 0;
char temp[fmt_len+1], tmp[2] = " ", lastfmt = ' ', fmtchar = ' ';
char *temp;
char tmp[2] = " ";
char lastfmt = ' ', fmtchar = ' ';
temp = (char *) malloc(fmt_len+1);
// put all info about the long in a struct
/* put all info about the long in a struct */
// '<' is the only format, where we have to align left
/* '<' is the only format, where we have to align left */
if (strchr(fmt, (int)'<')) {
leftalign = 1;
// '(' requires ')'
/* '(' requires ')' */
if (strchr(fmt, (int)'(') && strchr(fmt, (int)')')) {
brackets_ok = 1;
// get position of the right-most dot in the format-string
// and fill the temp-string wit '0's up to there.
/* get position of the right-most dot in the format-string */
/* and fill the temp-string wit '0's up to there. */
dotpos = getRightMostDot(fmt);
// start to parse the formatstring
/* start to parse the formatstring */
temp[0] = '\0';
j = 0; // position in temp
k = value.digits - 1; // position in the value_string
j = 0; /* position in temp */
k = value.digits - 1; /* position in the value_string */
for(i=fmt_len-1, j=0; i>=0; i--, j++) {
// qualify, where we are in the value_string
/* qualify, where we are in the value_string */
if (k < 0) {
if (leftalign) {
// can't use strncat(,,0) here, Solaris would freek out
/* can't use strncat(,,0) here, Solaris would freek out */
temp[j] = '\0';
......@@ -680,7 +684,7 @@ rfmtlong(long lng_val, char *fmt, char *outbuf)
sign = 1;
// if we're right side of the right-most dot, print '0'
/* if we're right side of the right-most dot, print '0' */
if (dotpos >= 0 && dotpos <= i) {
if (dotpos < i) {
if (fmt[i] == ')') tmp[0] = value.sign == '-' ? ')' : ' ';
......@@ -692,10 +696,10 @@ rfmtlong(long lng_val, char *fmt, char *outbuf)
strcat(temp, tmp);
// the ',' needs special attention, if it is in the blank area
/* the ',' needs special attention, if it is in the blank area */
if (blank && fmt[i] == ',') fmtchar = lastfmt;
else fmtchar = fmt[i];
// analyse this format-char
/* analyse this format-char */
switch(fmtchar) {
case ',':
tmp[0] = ',';
......@@ -755,10 +759,10 @@ rfmtlong(long lng_val, char *fmt, char *outbuf)
lastfmt = fmt[i];
// safety-net
/* safety-net */
temp[fmt_len] = '\0';
// reverse the temp-string and put it into the outbuf
/* reverse the temp-string and put it into the outbuf */
temp_len = strlen(temp);
outbuf[0] = '\0';
for(i=temp_len-1; i>=0; i--) {
......@@ -767,8 +771,8 @@ rfmtlong(long lng_val, char *fmt, char *outbuf)
outbuf[temp_len] = '\0';
// cleaning up
/* cleaning up */
return 0;
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