Commit 629b3af2 authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Convert contrib modules to use the extension facility.

This isn't fully tested as yet, in particular I'm not sure that the
"foo--unpackaged--1.0.sql" scripts are OK.  But it's time to get some
buildfarm cycles on it.

sepgsql is not converted to an extension, mainly because it seems to
require a very nonstandard installation process.

Dimitri Fontaine and Tom Lane
parent e693e97d
# contrib/adminpack/Makefile # contrib/adminpack/Makefile
MODULE_big = adminpack MODULE_big = adminpack
PG_CPPFLAGS = -I$(libpq_srcdir)
DATA_built = adminpack.sql
DATA = uninstall_adminpack.sql
OBJS = adminpack.o OBJS = adminpack.o
PG_CPPFLAGS = -I$(libpq_srcdir)
EXTENSION = adminpack
DATA = adminpack--1.0.sql adminpack--unpackaged--1.0.sql
ifdef USE_PGXS ifdef USE_PGXS
PG_CONFIG = pg_config PG_CONFIG = pg_config
/* contrib/adminpack/ */ /* contrib/adminpack/adminpack--1.0.sql */
/* *********************************************** /* ***********************************************
* Administrative functions for PostgreSQL * Administrative functions for PostgreSQL
/* contrib/adminpack/adminpack--unpackaged--1.0.sql */
ALTER EXTENSION adminpack ADD function pg_catalog.pg_file_write(text,text,boolean);
ALTER EXTENSION adminpack ADD function pg_catalog.pg_file_rename(text,text,text);
ALTER EXTENSION adminpack ADD function pg_catalog.pg_file_rename(text,text);
ALTER EXTENSION adminpack ADD function pg_catalog.pg_file_unlink(text);
ALTER EXTENSION adminpack ADD function pg_catalog.pg_logdir_ls();
ALTER EXTENSION adminpack ADD function pg_catalog.pg_file_read(text,bigint,bigint);
ALTER EXTENSION adminpack ADD function pg_catalog.pg_file_length(text);
ALTER EXTENSION adminpack ADD function pg_catalog.pg_logfile_rotate();
# adminpack extension
comment = 'administrative functions for PostgreSQL'
default_version = '1.0'
module_pathname = '$libdir/adminpack'
relocatable = false
schema = pg_catalog
/* contrib/adminpack/uninstall_adminpack.sql */
DROP FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_file_write(text, text, bool) ;
DROP FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_file_rename(text, text, text) ;
DROP FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_file_rename(text, text) ;
DROP FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_file_unlink(text) ;
DROP FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_logdir_ls() ;
DROP FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_file_read(text, bigint, bigint) ;
DROP FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_file_length(text) ;
DROP FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_logfile_rotate() ;
# Generated subdirectories # Generated subdirectories
/results/ /results/
...@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ ...@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
MODULE_big = btree_gin MODULE_big = btree_gin
OBJS = btree_gin.o OBJS = btree_gin.o
DATA_built = btree_gin.sql EXTENSION = btree_gin
DATA = uninstall_btree_gin.sql DATA = btree_gin--1.0.sql btree_gin--unpackaged--1.0.sql
REGRESS = install_btree_gin int2 int4 int8 float4 float8 money oid \ REGRESS = install_btree_gin int2 int4 int8 float4 float8 money oid \
timestamp timestamptz time timetz date interval \ timestamp timestamptz time timetz date interval \
macaddr inet cidr text varchar char bytea bit varbit \ macaddr inet cidr text varchar char bytea bit varbit \
/* contrib/btree_gin/ */ /* contrib/btree_gin/btree_gin--1.0.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
SET search_path = public;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION gin_btree_consistent(internal, int2, anyelement, int4, internal, internal) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION gin_btree_consistent(internal, int2, anyelement, int4, internal, internal)
/* contrib/btree_gin/btree_gin--unpackaged--1.0.sql */
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_btree_consistent(internal,smallint,anyelement,integer,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_int2(smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_int2(smallint,smallint,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_int2(smallint,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family int2_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class int2_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_int4(integer,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_int4(integer,integer,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_int4(integer,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family int4_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class int4_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_int8(bigint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_int8(bigint,bigint,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_int8(bigint,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family int8_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class int8_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_float4(real,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_float4(real,real,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_float4(real,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family float4_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class float4_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_float8(double precision,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_float8(double precision,double precision,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_float8(double precision,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family float8_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class float8_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_money(money,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_money(money,money,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_money(money,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family money_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class money_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_oid(oid,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_oid(oid,oid,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_oid(oid,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family oid_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class oid_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_timestamp(timestamp without time zone,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_timestamp(timestamp without time zone,timestamp without time zone,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_timestamp(timestamp without time zone,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family timestamp_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class timestamp_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_timestamptz(timestamp with time zone,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_timestamptz(timestamp with time zone,timestamp with time zone,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_timestamptz(timestamp with time zone,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family timestamptz_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class timestamptz_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_time(time without time zone,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_time(time without time zone,time without time zone,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_time(time without time zone,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family time_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class time_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_timetz(time with time zone,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_timetz(time with time zone,time with time zone,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_timetz(time with time zone,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family timetz_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class timetz_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_date(date,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_date(date,date,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_date(date,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family date_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class date_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_interval(interval,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_interval(interval,interval,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_interval(interval,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family interval_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class interval_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_macaddr(macaddr,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_macaddr(macaddr,macaddr,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_macaddr(macaddr,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family macaddr_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class macaddr_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_inet(inet,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_inet(inet,inet,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_inet(inet,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family inet_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class inet_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_cidr(cidr,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_cidr(cidr,cidr,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_cidr(cidr,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family cidr_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class cidr_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_text(text,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_text(text,text,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_text(text,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family text_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class text_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family varchar_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class varchar_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_char("char",internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_char("char","char",smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_char("char",internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family char_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class char_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_bytea(bytea,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_bytea(bytea,bytea,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_bytea(bytea,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family bytea_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class bytea_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_bit(bit,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_bit(bit,bit,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_bit(bit,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family bit_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class bit_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_varbit(bit varying,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_varbit(bit varying,bit varying,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_varbit(bit varying,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family varbit_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class varbit_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_value_numeric(numeric,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_compare_prefix_numeric(numeric,numeric,smallint,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_extract_query_numeric(numeric,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD function gin_numeric_cmp(numeric,numeric);
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator family numeric_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION btree_gin ADD operator class numeric_ops using gin;
# btree_gin extension
comment = 'support for indexing common datatypes in GIN'
default_version = '1.0'
module_pathname = '$libdir/btree_gin'
relocatable = true
SET client_min_messages = warning; CREATE EXTENSION btree_gin;
\set ECHO none
RESET client_min_messages;
SET client_min_messages = warning; CREATE EXTENSION btree_gin;
\set ECHO none
\i btree_gin.sql
\set ECHO all
RESET client_min_messages;
/* contrib/btree_gin/uninstall_btree_gin.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get dropped.
SET search_path = public;
DROP FUNCTION gin_btree_consistent(internal, int2, anyelement, int4, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_int2(int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_int2(int2, int2, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_int2(int2, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_int4(int4, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_int4(int4, int4, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_int4(int4, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_int8(int8, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_int8(int8, int8, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_int8(int8, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_float4(float4, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_float4(float4, float4, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_float4(float4, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_float8(float8, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_float8(float8, float8, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_float8(float8, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_money(money, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_money(money, money, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_money(money, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_oid(oid, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_oid(oid, oid, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_oid(oid, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_timestamp(timestamp, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_timestamp(timestamp, timestamp, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_timestamp(timestamp, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_timestamptz(timestamptz, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_timestamptz(timestamptz, timestamptz, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_timestamptz(timestamptz, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_time(time, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_time(time, time, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_time(time, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_timetz(timetz, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_timetz(timetz, timetz, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_timetz(timetz, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_date(date, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_date(date, date, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_date(date, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_interval(interval, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_interval(interval, interval, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_interval(interval, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_macaddr(macaddr, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_macaddr(macaddr, macaddr, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_macaddr(macaddr, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_inet(inet, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_inet(inet, inet, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_inet(inet, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_cidr(cidr, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_cidr(cidr, cidr, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_cidr(cidr, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_text(text, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_text(text, text, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_text(text, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_char("char", internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_char("char", "char", int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_char("char", internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_bytea(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_bytea(bytea, bytea, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_bytea(bytea, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_bit(bit, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_bit(bit, bit, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_bit(bit, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_varbit(varbit, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_varbit(varbit, varbit, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_varbit(varbit, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_value_numeric(numeric, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_compare_prefix_numeric(numeric, numeric, int2, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_query_numeric(numeric, internal, int2, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_numeric_cmp(numeric, numeric);
# Generated subdirectories # Generated subdirectories
/results/ /results/
...@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ OBJS = btree_gist.o btree_utils_num.o btree_utils_var.o btree_int2.o btre ...@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ OBJS = btree_gist.o btree_utils_num.o btree_utils_var.o btree_int2.o btre
btree_date.o btree_interval.o btree_macaddr.o btree_inet.o btree_text.o \ btree_date.o btree_interval.o btree_macaddr.o btree_inet.o btree_text.o \
btree_bytea.o btree_bit.o btree_numeric.o btree_bytea.o btree_bit.o btree_numeric.o
DATA_built = btree_gist.sql EXTENSION = btree_gist
DATA = uninstall_btree_gist.sql DATA = btree_gist--1.0.sql btree_gist--unpackaged--1.0.sql
REGRESS = init int2 int4 int8 float4 float8 cash oid timestamp timestamptz time timetz \ REGRESS = init int2 int4 int8 float4 float8 cash oid timestamp timestamptz time timetz \
date interval macaddr inet cidr text varchar char bytea bit varbit numeric not_equal date interval macaddr inet cidr text varchar char bytea bit varbit numeric not_equal
/* contrib/btree_gist/ */ /* contrib/btree_gist/btree_gist--1.0.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
SET search_path = public;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION gbtreekey4_in(cstring) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION gbtreekey4_in(cstring)
RETURNS gbtreekey4 RETURNS gbtreekey4
This diff is collapsed.
# btree_gist extension
comment = 'support for indexing common datatypes in GiST'
default_version = '1.0'
module_pathname = '$libdir/btree_gist'
relocatable = true
-- CREATE EXTENSION btree_gist;
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
-- does not depend on contents of btree_gist.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
RESET client_min_messages;
-- CREATE EXTENSION btree_gist;
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
-- does not depend on contents of btree_gist.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
\i btree_gist.sql
\set ECHO all
RESET client_min_messages;
/* contrib/btree_gist/uninstall_btree_gist.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get dropped.
SET search_path = public;
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_cidr_ops USING gist;
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_inet_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_inet_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_inet_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_inet_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_inet_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_inet_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_inet_consistent(internal,inet,int2,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_vbit_ops USING gist;
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_bit_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_bit_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_bit_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_bit_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_bit_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_bit_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_bit_consistent(internal,bit,int2,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_numeric_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_numeric_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_numeric_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_numeric_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_numeric_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_numeric_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_numeric_consistent(internal,numeric,int2,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_bytea_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_bytea_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_bytea_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_bytea_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_bytea_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_bytea_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_bytea_consistent(internal,bytea,int2,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_bpchar_ops USING gist;
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_text_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_text_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_text_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_text_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_text_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_bpchar_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_text_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_bpchar_consistent(internal,bpchar,int2,oid,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_text_consistent(internal,text,int2,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_macaddr_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_macad_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_macad_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_macad_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_macad_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_macad_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_macad_consistent(internal,macaddr,int2,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_cash_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_cash_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_cash_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_cash_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_cash_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_cash_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_cash_consistent(internal,money,int2,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_interval_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_intv_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_intv_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_intv_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_intv_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_intv_decompress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_intv_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_intv_consistent(internal,interval,int2,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_date_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_date_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_date_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_date_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_date_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_date_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_date_consistent(internal,date,int2,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_timetz_ops USING gist;
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_time_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_time_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_time_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_time_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_time_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_timetz_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_time_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_timetz_consistent(internal,timetz,int2,oid,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_time_consistent(internal,time,int2,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_timestamptz_ops USING gist;
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_timestamp_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_ts_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_ts_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_ts_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_ts_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_tstz_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_ts_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_tstz_consistent(internal,timestamptz,int2,oid,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_ts_consistent(internal,timestamp,int2,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_float8_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_float8_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_float8_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_float8_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_float8_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_float8_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_float8_consistent(internal,float8,int2,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_float4_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_float4_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_float4_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_float4_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_float4_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_float4_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_float4_consistent(internal,float4,int2,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_int8_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int8_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int8_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int8_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int8_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int8_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int8_consistent(internal,int8,int2,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_int4_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int4_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int4_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int4_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int4_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int4_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int4_consistent(internal,int4,int2,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_int2_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int2_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int2_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int2_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int2_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int2_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_int2_consistent(internal,int2,int2,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_oid_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION gbt_oid_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_oid_union(bytea, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_oid_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_oid_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_var_decompress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_decompress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_oid_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION gbt_oid_consistent(internal,oid,int2,oid,internal);
DROP TYPE gbtreekey_var CASCADE;
DROP TYPE gbtreekey32 CASCADE;
DROP TYPE gbtreekey16 CASCADE;
...@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ ...@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
MODULE_big = chkpass MODULE_big = chkpass
OBJS = chkpass.o OBJS = chkpass.o
EXTENSION = chkpass
DATA = chkpass--1.0.sql chkpass--unpackaged--1.0.sql
SHLIB_LINK = $(filter -lcrypt, $(LIBS)) SHLIB_LINK = $(filter -lcrypt, $(LIBS))
DATA_built = chkpass.sql
DATA = uninstall_chkpass.sql
ifdef USE_PGXS ifdef USE_PGXS
PG_CONFIG = pg_config PG_CONFIG = pg_config
/* contrib/chkpass/ */ /* contrib/chkpass/chkpass--1.0.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
SET search_path = public;
-- --
-- Input and output functions and the type itself: -- Input and output functions and the type itself:
/* contrib/chkpass/chkpass--unpackaged--1.0.sql */
ALTER EXTENSION chkpass ADD type chkpass;
ALTER EXTENSION chkpass ADD function chkpass_in(cstring);
ALTER EXTENSION chkpass ADD function chkpass_out(chkpass);
ALTER EXTENSION chkpass ADD function raw(chkpass);
ALTER EXTENSION chkpass ADD function eq(chkpass,text);
ALTER EXTENSION chkpass ADD function ne(chkpass,text);
ALTER EXTENSION chkpass ADD operator <>(chkpass,text);
ALTER EXTENSION chkpass ADD operator =(chkpass,text);
# chkpass extension
comment = 'data type for auto-encrypted passwords'
default_version = '1.0'
module_pathname = '$libdir/chkpass'
relocatable = true
/* contrib/chkpass/uninstall_chkpass.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get dropped.
SET search_path = public;
DROP OPERATOR <>(chkpass, text);
DROP OPERATOR =(chkpass, text);
DROP FUNCTION ne(chkpass, text);
DROP FUNCTION eq(chkpass, text);
DROP FUNCTION raw(chkpass);
# Generated subdirectories # Generated subdirectories
/results/ /results/
# contrib/citext/Makefile # contrib/citext/Makefile
MODULES = citext MODULES = citext
DATA_built = citext.sql
DATA = uninstall_citext.sql EXTENSION = citext
DATA = citext--1.0.sql citext--unpackaged--1.0.sql
REGRESS = citext REGRESS = citext
ifdef USE_PGXS ifdef USE_PGXS
/* contrib/citext/ */ /* contrib/citext/citext--1.0.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
SET search_path = public;
-- --
-- PostgreSQL code for CITEXT. -- PostgreSQL code for CITEXT.
/* contrib/citext/citext--unpackaged--1.0.sql */
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD type citext;
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citextin(cstring);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citextout(citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citextrecv(internal);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citextsend(citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citext(character);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citext(boolean);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citext(inet);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD cast (citext as text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD cast (citext as character varying);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD cast (citext as character);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD cast (text as citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD cast (character varying as citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD cast (character as citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD cast (boolean as citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD cast (inet as citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citext_eq(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citext_ne(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citext_lt(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citext_le(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citext_gt(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citext_ge(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator <>(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator =(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator >(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator >=(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator <(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator <=(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citext_cmp(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citext_hash(citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator family citext_ops using btree;
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator class citext_ops using btree;
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator family citext_ops using hash;
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator class citext_ops using hash;
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citext_smaller(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function citext_larger(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function min(citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function max(citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function texticlike(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function texticnlike(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function texticregexeq(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function texticregexne(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator !~(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator ~(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator !~*(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator ~*(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator !~~(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator ~~(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator !~~*(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator ~~*(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function texticlike(citext,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function texticnlike(citext,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function texticregexeq(citext,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function texticregexne(citext,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator !~(citext,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator ~(citext,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator !~*(citext,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator ~*(citext,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator !~~(citext,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator ~~(citext,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator !~~*(citext,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD operator ~~*(citext,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function regexp_matches(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function regexp_matches(citext,citext,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function regexp_replace(citext,citext,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function regexp_replace(citext,citext,text,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function regexp_split_to_array(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function regexp_split_to_array(citext,citext,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function regexp_split_to_table(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function regexp_split_to_table(citext,citext,text);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function strpos(citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function replace(citext,citext,citext);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function split_part(citext,citext,integer);
ALTER EXTENSION citext ADD function translate(citext,citext,text);
# citext extension
comment = 'data type for case-insensitive character strings'
default_version = '1.0'
module_pathname = '$libdir/citext'
relocatable = true
-- --
-- Test citext datatype -- Test citext datatype
-- --
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
-- does not depend on contents of citext.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
-- Test the operators and indexing functions -- Test the operators and indexing functions
-- Test = and <>. -- Test = and <>.
SELECT 'a'::citext = 'a'::citext AS t; SELECT 'a'::citext = 'a'::citext AS t;
-- --
-- Test citext datatype -- Test citext datatype
-- --
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
-- does not depend on contents of citext.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
-- Test the operators and indexing functions -- Test the operators and indexing functions
-- Test = and <>. -- Test = and <>.
SELECT 'a'::citext = 'a'::citext AS t; SELECT 'a'::citext = 'a'::citext AS t;
...@@ -2,15 +2,7 @@ ...@@ -2,15 +2,7 @@
-- Test citext datatype -- Test citext datatype
-- --
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
-- does not depend on contents of citext.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
\i citext.sql
RESET client_min_messages;
\set ECHO all
-- Test the operators and indexing functions -- Test the operators and indexing functions
/* contrib/citext/uninstall_citext.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get dropped.
SET search_path = public;
DROP AGGREGATE min(citext);
DROP AGGREGATE max(citext);
DROP OPERATOR = (citext, citext);
DROP OPERATOR <> (citext, citext);
DROP OPERATOR < (citext, citext);
DROP OPERATOR <= (citext, citext);
DROP OPERATOR >= (citext, citext);
DROP OPERATOR > (citext, citext);
DROP OPERATOR ~ (citext, citext);
DROP OPERATOR ~* (citext, citext);
DROP OPERATOR !~ (citext, citext);
DROP OPERATOR !~* (citext, citext);
DROP OPERATOR ~~ (citext, citext);
DROP OPERATOR ~~* (citext, citext);
DROP OPERATOR !~~ (citext, citext);
DROP OPERATOR !~~* (citext, citext);
DROP OPERATOR ~ (citext, text);
DROP OPERATOR ~* (citext, text);
DROP OPERATOR !~ (citext, text);
DROP OPERATOR !~* (citext, text);
DROP OPERATOR ~~ (citext, text);
DROP OPERATOR ~~* (citext, text);
DROP OPERATOR !~~ (citext, text);
DROP OPERATOR !~~* (citext, text);
DROP CAST (citext AS text);
DROP CAST (citext AS varchar);
DROP CAST (citext AS bpchar);
DROP CAST (text AS citext);
DROP CAST (varchar AS citext);
DROP CAST (bpchar AS citext);
DROP CAST (boolean AS citext);
DROP CAST (inet AS citext);
DROP FUNCTION citext(bpchar);
DROP FUNCTION citext(boolean);
DROP FUNCTION citext(inet);
DROP FUNCTION citext_eq(citext, citext);
DROP FUNCTION citext_ne(citext, citext);
DROP FUNCTION citext_lt(citext, citext);
DROP FUNCTION citext_le(citext, citext);
DROP FUNCTION citext_gt(citext, citext);
DROP FUNCTION citext_ge(citext, citext);
DROP FUNCTION citext_cmp(citext, citext);
DROP FUNCTION citext_hash(citext);
DROP FUNCTION citext_smaller(citext, citext);
DROP FUNCTION citext_larger(citext, citext);
DROP FUNCTION texticlike(citext, citext);
DROP FUNCTION texticnlike(citext, citext);
DROP FUNCTION texticregexeq(citext, citext);
DROP FUNCTION texticregexne(citext, citext);
DROP FUNCTION texticlike(citext, text);
DROP FUNCTION texticnlike(citext, text);
DROP FUNCTION texticregexeq(citext, text);
DROP FUNCTION texticregexne(citext, text);
DROP FUNCTION regexp_matches( citext, citext );
DROP FUNCTION regexp_matches( citext, citext, text );
DROP FUNCTION regexp_replace( citext, citext, text );
DROP FUNCTION regexp_replace( citext, citext, text, text );
DROP FUNCTION regexp_split_to_array( citext, citext );
DROP FUNCTION regexp_split_to_array( citext, citext, text );
DROP FUNCTION regexp_split_to_table( citext, citext );
DROP FUNCTION regexp_split_to_table( citext, citext, text );
DROP FUNCTION strpos( citext, citext );
DROP FUNCTION replace( citext, citext, citext );
DROP FUNCTION split_part( citext, citext, int );
DROP FUNCTION translate( citext, citext, text );
/cubeparse.c /cubeparse.c
/cubescan.c /cubescan.c
# Generated subdirectories # Generated subdirectories
/results/ /results/
...@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ ...@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
MODULE_big = cube MODULE_big = cube
OBJS= cube.o cubeparse.o OBJS= cube.o cubeparse.o
DATA_built = cube.sql EXTENSION = cube
DATA = uninstall_cube.sql DATA = cube--1.0.sql cube--unpackaged--1.0.sql
REGRESS = cube REGRESS = cube
/* contrib/cube/ */ /* contrib/cube/cube--1.0.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
SET search_path = public;
-- Create the user-defined type for N-dimensional boxes -- Create the user-defined type for N-dimensional boxes
/* contrib/cube/cube--unpackaged--1.0.sql */
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD type cube;
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_in(cstring);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube(double precision[],double precision[]);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube(double precision[]);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_out(cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_eq(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_ne(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_lt(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_gt(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_le(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_ge(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_cmp(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_contains(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_contained(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_overlap(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_union(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_inter(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_size(cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_subset(cube,integer[]);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_distance(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_dim(cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_ll_coord(cube,integer);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_ur_coord(cube,integer);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube(double precision);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube(double precision,double precision);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube(cube,double precision);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube(cube,double precision,double precision);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_is_point(cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function cube_enlarge(cube,double precision,integer);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD operator >(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD operator >=(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD operator <(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD operator <=(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD operator &&(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD operator <>(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD operator =(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD operator <@(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD operator @>(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD operator ~(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD operator @(cube,cube);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function g_cube_consistent(internal,cube,integer,oid,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function g_cube_compress(internal);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function g_cube_decompress(internal);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function g_cube_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function g_cube_picksplit(internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function g_cube_union(internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD function g_cube_same(cube,cube,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD operator family cube_ops using btree;
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD operator class cube_ops using btree;
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD operator family gist_cube_ops using gist;
ALTER EXTENSION cube ADD operator class gist_cube_ops using gist;
# cube extension
comment = 'data type for multidimensional cubes'
default_version = '1.0'
module_pathname = '$libdir/cube'
relocatable = true
-- --
-- Test cube datatype -- Test cube datatype
-- --
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
-- does not depend on contents of cube.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
RESET client_min_messages;
-- --
-- testing the input and output functions -- testing the input and output functions
-- --
-- --
-- Test cube datatype -- Test cube datatype
-- --
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
-- does not depend on contents of cube.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
RESET client_min_messages;
-- --
-- testing the input and output functions -- testing the input and output functions
-- --
-- --
-- Test cube datatype -- Test cube datatype
-- --
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
-- does not depend on contents of cube.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
RESET client_min_messages;
-- --
-- testing the input and output functions -- testing the input and output functions
-- --
...@@ -2,15 +2,7 @@ ...@@ -2,15 +2,7 @@
-- Test cube datatype -- Test cube datatype
-- --
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
-- does not depend on contents of cube.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
\i cube.sql
\set ECHO all
RESET client_min_messages;
-- --
-- testing the input and output functions -- testing the input and output functions
/* contrib/cube/uninstall_cube.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get dropped.
SET search_path = public;
DROP OPERATOR CLASS gist_cube_ops USING gist;
DROP FUNCTION g_cube_same(cube, cube, internal);
DROP FUNCTION g_cube_union(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION g_cube_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION g_cube_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION g_cube_decompress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION g_cube_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION g_cube_consistent(internal,cube,int,oid,internal);
DROP OPERATOR ~ (cube, cube);
DROP OPERATOR @ (cube, cube);
DROP OPERATOR <@ (cube, cube);
DROP OPERATOR @> (cube, cube);
DROP OPERATOR <> (cube, cube);
DROP OPERATOR = (cube, cube);
DROP OPERATOR && (cube, cube);
DROP OPERATOR >= (cube, cube);
DROP OPERATOR <= (cube, cube);
DROP OPERATOR > (cube, cube);
DROP OPERATOR < (cube, cube);
DROP FUNCTION cube_enlarge(cube, float8, int4);
DROP FUNCTION cube_is_point(cube);
DROP FUNCTION cube(cube, float8, float8);
DROP FUNCTION cube(cube, float8);
DROP FUNCTION cube(float8, float8);
DROP FUNCTION cube(float8[], float8[]);
DROP FUNCTION cube(float8[]);
DROP FUNCTION cube_subset(cube, int4[]);
DROP FUNCTION cube(float8);
DROP FUNCTION cube_ur_coord(cube, int4);
DROP FUNCTION cube_ll_coord(cube, int4);
DROP FUNCTION cube_dim(cube);
DROP FUNCTION cube_distance(cube, cube);
DROP FUNCTION cube_size(cube);
DROP FUNCTION cube_inter(cube, cube);
DROP FUNCTION cube_union(cube, cube);
DROP FUNCTION cube_overlap(cube, cube);
DROP FUNCTION cube_contained(cube, cube);
DROP FUNCTION cube_contains(cube, cube);
DROP FUNCTION cube_cmp(cube, cube);
DROP FUNCTION cube_ge(cube, cube);
DROP FUNCTION cube_le(cube, cube);
DROP FUNCTION cube_gt(cube, cube);
DROP FUNCTION cube_lt(cube, cube);
DROP FUNCTION cube_ne(cube, cube);
DROP FUNCTION cube_eq(cube, cube);
# Generated subdirectories # Generated subdirectories
/results/ /results/
# contrib/dblink/Makefile # contrib/dblink/Makefile
MODULE_big = dblink MODULE_big = dblink
PG_CPPFLAGS = -I$(libpq_srcdir)
OBJS = dblink.o OBJS = dblink.o
PG_CPPFLAGS = -I$(libpq_srcdir)
SHLIB_LINK = $(libpq) SHLIB_LINK = $(libpq)
SHLIB_PREREQS = submake-libpq SHLIB_PREREQS = submake-libpq
DATA_built = dblink.sql EXTENSION = dblink
DATA = uninstall_dblink.sql DATA = dblink--1.0.sql dblink--unpackaged--1.0.sql
REGRESS = dblink
REGRESS = dblink
ifdef USE_PGXS ifdef USE_PGXS
PG_CONFIG = pg_config PG_CONFIG = pg_config
/* contrib/dblink/ */ /* contrib/dblink/dblink--1.0.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
SET search_path = public;
-- dblink_connect now restricts non-superusers to password -- dblink_connect now restricts non-superusers to password
-- authenticated connections -- authenticated connections
/* contrib/dblink/dblink--unpackaged--1.0.sql */
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_connect(text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_connect(text,text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_connect_u(text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_connect_u(text,text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_disconnect();
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_disconnect(text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_open(text,text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_open(text,text,boolean);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_open(text,text,text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_open(text,text,text,boolean);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_fetch(text,integer);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_fetch(text,integer,boolean);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_fetch(text,text,integer);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_fetch(text,text,integer,boolean);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_close(text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_close(text,boolean);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_close(text,text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_close(text,text,boolean);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink(text,text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink(text,text,boolean);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink(text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink(text,boolean);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_exec(text,text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_exec(text,text,boolean);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_exec(text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_exec(text,boolean);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD type dblink_pkey_results;
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_get_pkey(text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_build_sql_insert(text,int2vector,integer,text[],text[]);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_build_sql_delete(text,int2vector,integer,text[]);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_build_sql_update(text,int2vector,integer,text[],text[]);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_current_query();
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_send_query(text,text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_is_busy(text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_get_result(text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_get_result(text,boolean);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_get_connections();
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_cancel_query(text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_error_message(text);
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_get_notify();
ALTER EXTENSION dblink ADD function dblink_get_notify(text);
# dblink extension
comment = 'connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database'
default_version = '1.0'
module_pathname = '$libdir/dblink'
relocatable = true
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created. CREATE EXTENSION dblink;
SET search_path = public;
-- Define the functions and test data
-- therein.
-- Turn off echoing so that expected file does not depend on
-- contents of dblink.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
RESET client_min_messages;
CREATE TABLE foo(f1 int, f2 text, f3 text[], primary key (f1,f2)); CREATE TABLE foo(f1 int, f2 text, f3 text[], primary key (f1,f2));
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "foo_pkey" for table "foo" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "foo_pkey" for table "foo"
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (0,'a','{"a0","b0","c0"}'); INSERT INTO foo VALUES (0,'a','{"a0","b0","c0"}');
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created. CREATE EXTENSION dblink;
SET search_path = public;
-- Define the functions and test data
-- therein.
-- Turn off echoing so that expected file does not depend on
-- contents of dblink.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
\i dblink.sql
\set ECHO all
RESET client_min_messages;
CREATE TABLE foo(f1 int, f2 text, f3 text[], primary key (f1,f2)); CREATE TABLE foo(f1 int, f2 text, f3 text[], primary key (f1,f2));
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (0,'a','{"a0","b0","c0"}'); INSERT INTO foo VALUES (0,'a','{"a0","b0","c0"}');
/* contrib/dblink/uninstall_dblink.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get dropped.
SET search_path = public;
DROP FUNCTION dblink_current_query ();
DROP FUNCTION dblink_build_sql_update (text, int2vector, int4, _text, _text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_build_sql_delete (text, int2vector, int4, _text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_build_sql_insert (text, int2vector, int4, _text, _text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_get_pkey (text);
DROP TYPE dblink_pkey_results;
DROP FUNCTION dblink_exec (text,bool);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_exec (text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_exec (text,text,bool);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_exec (text,text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink (text,bool);
DROP FUNCTION dblink (text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink (text,text,bool);
DROP FUNCTION dblink (text,text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_close (text,text,bool);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_close (text,text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_close (text,bool);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_close (text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_fetch (text,text,int,bool);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_fetch (text,text,int);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_fetch (text,int,bool);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_fetch (text,int);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_open (text,text,text,bool);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_open (text,text,text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_open (text,text,bool);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_open (text,text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_disconnect (text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_disconnect ();
DROP FUNCTION dblink_connect (text, text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_connect (text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_connect_u (text, text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_connect_u (text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_cancel_query(text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_error_message(text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_get_connections();
DROP FUNCTION dblink_get_result(text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_get_result(text, boolean);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_is_busy(text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_send_query(text, text);
DROP FUNCTION dblink_get_notify();
DROP FUNCTION dblink_get_notify(text);
# Generated subdirectories # Generated subdirectories
/results/ /results/
...@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ ...@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
MODULE_big = dict_int MODULE_big = dict_int
OBJS = dict_int.o OBJS = dict_int.o
DATA_built = dict_int.sql
DATA = uninstall_dict_int.sql EXTENSION = dict_int
DATA = dict_int--1.0.sql dict_int--unpackaged--1.0.sql
REGRESS = dict_int REGRESS = dict_int
ifdef USE_PGXS ifdef USE_PGXS
/* contrib/dict_int/ */ /* contrib/dict_int/dict_int--1.0.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
SET search_path = public;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dintdict_init(internal) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dintdict_init(internal)
RETURNS internal RETURNS internal
/* contrib/dict_int/dict_int--unpackaged--1.0.sql */
ALTER EXTENSION dict_int ADD function dintdict_init(internal);
ALTER EXTENSION dict_int ADD function dintdict_lexize(internal,internal,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION dict_int ADD text search template intdict_template;
ALTER EXTENSION dict_int ADD text search dictionary intdict;
# dict_int extension
comment = 'text search dictionary template for integers'
default_version = '1.0'
module_pathname = '$libdir/dict_int'
relocatable = true
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
-- does not depend on contents of this file.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
RESET client_min_messages;
--lexize --lexize
select ts_lexize('intdict', '511673'); select ts_lexize('intdict', '511673');
ts_lexize ts_lexize
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
-- does not depend on contents of this file.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
\i dict_int.sql
\set ECHO all
RESET client_min_messages;
--lexize --lexize
select ts_lexize('intdict', '511673'); select ts_lexize('intdict', '511673');
/* contrib/dict_int/uninstall_dict_int.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get dropped.
SET search_path = public;
DROP FUNCTION dintdict_init(internal);
DROP FUNCTION dintdict_lexize(internal,internal,internal,internal);
# Generated subdirectories # Generated subdirectories
/results/ /results/
...@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ ...@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
MODULE_big = dict_xsyn MODULE_big = dict_xsyn
OBJS = dict_xsyn.o OBJS = dict_xsyn.o
DATA_built = dict_xsyn.sql
DATA = uninstall_dict_xsyn.sql EXTENSION = dict_xsyn
DATA = dict_xsyn--1.0.sql dict_xsyn--unpackaged--1.0.sql
DATA_TSEARCH = xsyn_sample.rules DATA_TSEARCH = xsyn_sample.rules
REGRESS = dict_xsyn REGRESS = dict_xsyn
ifdef USE_PGXS ifdef USE_PGXS
/* contrib/dict_xsyn/ */ /* contrib/dict_xsyn/dict_xsyn--1.0.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
SET search_path = public;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dxsyn_init(internal) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dxsyn_init(internal)
RETURNS internal RETURNS internal
/* contrib/dict_xsyn/dict_xsyn--unpackaged--1.0.sql */
ALTER EXTENSION dict_xsyn ADD function dxsyn_init(internal);
ALTER EXTENSION dict_xsyn ADD function dxsyn_lexize(internal,internal,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION dict_xsyn ADD text search template xsyn_template;
ALTER EXTENSION dict_xsyn ADD text search dictionary xsyn;
# dict_xsyn extension
comment = 'text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing'
default_version = '1.0'
module_pathname = '$libdir/dict_xsyn'
relocatable = true
-- CREATE EXTENSION dict_xsyn;
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
-- does not depend on contents of this file.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
RESET client_min_messages;
-- default configuration - match first word and return it among with all synonyms -- default configuration - match first word and return it among with all synonyms
--lexize --lexize
-- CREATE EXTENSION dict_xsyn;
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
-- does not depend on contents of this file.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
\i dict_xsyn.sql
\set ECHO all
RESET client_min_messages;
-- default configuration - match first word and return it among with all synonyms -- default configuration - match first word and return it among with all synonyms
/* contrib/dict_xsyn/uninstall_dict_xsyn.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get dropped.
SET search_path = public;
DROP FUNCTION dxsyn_init(internal);
DROP FUNCTION dxsyn_lexize(internal,internal,internal,internal);
# Generated subdirectories # Generated subdirectories
/results/ /results/
# contrib/earthdistance/Makefile # contrib/earthdistance/Makefile
MODULES = earthdistance MODULES = earthdistance
DATA_built = earthdistance.sql
DATA = uninstall_earthdistance.sql EXTENSION = earthdistance
DATA = earthdistance--1.0.sql earthdistance--unpackaged--1.0.sql
REGRESS = earthdistance REGRESS = earthdistance
LDFLAGS_SL += $(filter -lm, $(LIBS)) LDFLAGS_SL += $(filter -lm, $(LIBS))
/* contrib/earthdistance/ */ /* contrib/earthdistance/earthdistance--1.0.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
SET search_path = public;
-- The earth functions rely on contrib/cube having been installed and loaded.
-- earth() returns the radius of the earth in meters. This is the only -- earth() returns the radius of the earth in meters. This is the only
-- place you need to change things for the cube base distance functions -- place you need to change things for the cube base distance functions
/* contrib/earthdistance/earthdistance--unpackaged--1.0.sql */
ALTER EXTENSION earthdistance ADD function earth();
ALTER EXTENSION earthdistance ADD type earth;
ALTER EXTENSION earthdistance ADD function sec_to_gc(double precision);
ALTER EXTENSION earthdistance ADD function gc_to_sec(double precision);
ALTER EXTENSION earthdistance ADD function ll_to_earth(double precision,double precision);
ALTER EXTENSION earthdistance ADD function latitude(earth);
ALTER EXTENSION earthdistance ADD function longitude(earth);
ALTER EXTENSION earthdistance ADD function earth_distance(earth,earth);
ALTER EXTENSION earthdistance ADD function earth_box(earth,double precision);
ALTER EXTENSION earthdistance ADD function geo_distance(point,point);
ALTER EXTENSION earthdistance ADD operator <@>(point,point);
# earthdistance extension
comment = 'calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth'
default_version = '1.0'
module_pathname = '$libdir/earthdistance'
relocatable = true
requires = 'cube'
-- --
-- Test earth distance functions -- Test earth distance functions
-- --
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file CREATE EXTENSION earthdistance;
-- does not depend on contents of earthdistance.sql or cube.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
RESET client_min_messages;
-- --
-- The radius of the Earth we are using. -- The radius of the Earth we are using.
-- --
...@@ -2,16 +2,8 @@ ...@@ -2,16 +2,8 @@
-- Test earth distance functions -- Test earth distance functions
-- --
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file CREATE EXTENSION earthdistance;
-- does not depend on contents of earthdistance.sql or cube.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
\i ../cube/cube.sql
\i earthdistance.sql
\set ECHO all
RESET client_min_messages;
-- --
-- The radius of the Earth we are using. -- The radius of the Earth we are using.
/* contrib/earthdistance/uninstall_earthdistance.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get dropped.
SET search_path = public;
DROP OPERATOR <@> (point, point);
DROP FUNCTION geo_distance (point, point);
DROP FUNCTION earth_box(earth, float8);
DROP FUNCTION earth_distance(earth, earth);
DROP FUNCTION longitude(earth);
DROP FUNCTION latitude(earth);
DROP FUNCTION ll_to_earth(float8, float8);
DROP FUNCTION gc_to_sec(float8);
DROP FUNCTION sec_to_gc(float8);
...@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ ...@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
MODULE_big = fuzzystrmatch MODULE_big = fuzzystrmatch
OBJS = fuzzystrmatch.o dmetaphone.o OBJS = fuzzystrmatch.o dmetaphone.o
DATA_built = fuzzystrmatch.sql
DATA = uninstall_fuzzystrmatch.sql EXTENSION = fuzzystrmatch
DATA = fuzzystrmatch--1.0.sql fuzzystrmatch--unpackaged--1.0.sql
ifdef USE_PGXS ifdef USE_PGXS
PG_CONFIG = pg_config PG_CONFIG = pg_config
/* contrib/fuzzystrmatch/ */ /* contrib/fuzzystrmatch/fuzzystrmatch--1.0.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
SET search_path = public;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION levenshtein (text,text) RETURNS int CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION levenshtein (text,text) RETURNS int
AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','levenshtein' AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','levenshtein'
/* contrib/fuzzystrmatch/fuzzystrmatch--unpackaged--1.0.sql */
ALTER EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch ADD function levenshtein(text,text);
ALTER EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch ADD function levenshtein(text,text,integer,integer,integer);
ALTER EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch ADD function levenshtein_less_equal(text,text,integer);
ALTER EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch ADD function levenshtein_less_equal(text,text,integer,integer,integer,integer);
ALTER EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch ADD function metaphone(text,integer);
ALTER EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch ADD function soundex(text);
ALTER EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch ADD function text_soundex(text);
ALTER EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch ADD function difference(text,text);
ALTER EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch ADD function dmetaphone(text);
ALTER EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch ADD function dmetaphone_alt(text);
# fuzzystrmatch extension
comment = 'determine similarities and distance between strings'
default_version = '1.0'
module_pathname = '$libdir/fuzzystrmatch'
relocatable = true
/* contrib/fuzzystrmatch/uninstall_fuzzystrmatch.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get dropped.
SET search_path = public;
DROP FUNCTION dmetaphone_alt (text);
DROP FUNCTION dmetaphone (text);
DROP FUNCTION difference(text,text);
DROP FUNCTION text_soundex(text);
DROP FUNCTION soundex(text);
DROP FUNCTION metaphone (text,int);
DROP FUNCTION levenshtein (text,text,int,int,int);
DROP FUNCTION levenshtein (text,text);
DROP FUNCTION levenshtein_less_equal (text,text,int);
DROP FUNCTION levenshtein_less_equal (text,text,int,int,int,int);
# Generated subdirectories # Generated subdirectories
/results/ /results/
...@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ MODULE_big = hstore ...@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ MODULE_big = hstore
OBJS = hstore_io.o hstore_op.o hstore_gist.o hstore_gin.o hstore_compat.o \ OBJS = hstore_io.o hstore_op.o hstore_gist.o hstore_gin.o hstore_compat.o \
crc32.o crc32.o
DATA_built = hstore.sql EXTENSION = hstore
DATA = uninstall_hstore.sql DATA = hstore--1.0.sql hstore--unpackaged--1.0.sql
REGRESS = hstore REGRESS = hstore
ifdef USE_PGXS ifdef USE_PGXS
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file WARNING: => is deprecated as an operator name
-- does not depend on contents of hstore.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
psql:hstore.sql:228: WARNING: => is deprecated as an operator name
DETAIL: This name may be disallowed altogether in future versions of PostgreSQL. DETAIL: This name may be disallowed altogether in future versions of PostgreSQL.
RESET client_min_messages;
set escape_string_warning=off; set escape_string_warning=off;
--hstore; --hstore;
select ''::hstore; select ''::hstore;
/* contrib/hstore/ */ /* contrib/hstore/hstore--1.0.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
SET search_path = public;
/* contrib/hstore/hstore--unpackaged--1.0.sql */
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD type hstore;
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_in(cstring);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_out(hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_recv(internal);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_send(hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_version_diag(hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function fetchval(hstore,text);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator ->(hstore,text);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function slice_array(hstore,text[]);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator ->(hstore,text[]);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function slice(hstore,text[]);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function isexists(hstore,text);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function exist(hstore,text);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator ?(hstore,text);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function exists_any(hstore,text[]);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator ?|(hstore,text[]);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function exists_all(hstore,text[]);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator ?&(hstore,text[]);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function isdefined(hstore,text);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function defined(hstore,text);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function delete(hstore,text);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function delete(hstore,text[]);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function delete(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator -(hstore,text);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator -(hstore,text[]);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator -(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hs_concat(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator ||(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hs_contains(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hs_contained(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator <@(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator @>(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator ~(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator @(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function tconvert(text,text);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore(text,text);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator =>(text,text);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore(text[],text[]);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore(text[]);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD cast (text[] as hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore(record);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_to_array(hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator %%(NONE,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_to_matrix(hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator %#(NONE,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function akeys(hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function avals(hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function skeys(hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function svals(hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function each(hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function populate_record(anyelement,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator #=(anyelement,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_eq(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_ne(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_gt(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_ge(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_lt(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_le(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_cmp(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator <>(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator =(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator #>#(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator #>=#(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator #<#(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator #<=#(hstore,hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator family btree_hstore_ops using btree;
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator class btree_hstore_ops using btree;
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_hash(hstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator family hash_hstore_ops using hash;
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator class hash_hstore_ops using hash;
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD type ghstore;
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_in(cstring);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_out(ghstore);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_compress(internal);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_decompress(internal);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_picksplit(internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_union(internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_same(internal,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_consistent(internal,internal,integer,oid,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator family gist_hstore_ops using gist;
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator class gist_hstore_ops using gist;
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function gin_extract_hstore(internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function gin_extract_hstore_query(internal,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function gin_consistent_hstore(internal,smallint,internal,integer,internal,internal);
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator family gin_hstore_ops using gin;
ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator class gin_hstore_ops using gin;
# hstore extension
comment = 'store sets of (key, value) pairs'
default_version = '1.0'
module_pathname = '$libdir/hstore'
relocatable = true
-- first, define the datatype. Turn off echoing so that expected file
-- does not depend on contents of hstore.sql.
SET client_min_messages = warning;
\set ECHO none
\i hstore.sql
\set ECHO all
RESET client_min_messages;
set escape_string_warning=off; set escape_string_warning=off;
/* contrib/hstore/uninstall_hstore.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get dropped.
SET search_path = public;
DROP OPERATOR - ( hstore, text );
DROP OPERATOR - ( hstore, text[] );
DROP OPERATOR - ( hstore, hstore );
DROP OPERATOR ? ( hstore, text );
DROP OPERATOR ?& ( hstore, text[] );
DROP OPERATOR ?| ( hstore, text[] );
DROP OPERATOR -> ( hstore, text );
DROP OPERATOR -> ( hstore, text[] );
DROP OPERATOR || ( hstore, hstore );
DROP OPERATOR @> ( hstore, hstore );
DROP OPERATOR <@ ( hstore, hstore );
DROP OPERATOR @ ( hstore, hstore );
DROP OPERATOR ~ ( hstore, hstore );
DROP OPERATOR => ( text, text );
DROP OPERATOR #= ( anyelement, hstore );
DROP OPERATOR %% ( NONE, hstore );
DROP OPERATOR %# ( NONE, hstore );
DROP OPERATOR = ( hstore, hstore );
DROP OPERATOR <> ( hstore, hstore );
DROP OPERATOR #<# ( hstore, hstore );
DROP OPERATOR #<=# ( hstore, hstore );
DROP OPERATOR #># ( hstore, hstore );
DROP OPERATOR #>=# ( hstore, hstore );
DROP CAST (text[] AS hstore);
DROP FUNCTION hstore_eq(hstore,hstore);
DROP FUNCTION hstore_ne(hstore,hstore);
DROP FUNCTION hstore_gt(hstore,hstore);
DROP FUNCTION hstore_ge(hstore,hstore);
DROP FUNCTION hstore_lt(hstore,hstore);
DROP FUNCTION hstore_le(hstore,hstore);
DROP FUNCTION hstore_cmp(hstore,hstore);
DROP FUNCTION hstore_hash(hstore);
DROP FUNCTION slice_array(hstore,text[]);
DROP FUNCTION slice(hstore,text[]);
DROP FUNCTION fetchval(hstore,text);
DROP FUNCTION isexists(hstore,text);
DROP FUNCTION exist(hstore,text);
DROP FUNCTION exists_any(hstore,text[]);
DROP FUNCTION exists_all(hstore,text[]);
DROP FUNCTION isdefined(hstore,text);
DROP FUNCTION defined(hstore,text);
DROP FUNCTION delete(hstore,text);
DROP FUNCTION delete(hstore,text[]);
DROP FUNCTION delete(hstore,hstore);
DROP FUNCTION hs_concat(hstore,hstore);
DROP FUNCTION hs_contains(hstore,hstore);
DROP FUNCTION hs_contained(hstore,hstore);
DROP FUNCTION tconvert(text,text);
DROP FUNCTION hstore(text,text);
DROP FUNCTION hstore(text[],text[]);
DROP FUNCTION hstore_to_array(hstore);
DROP FUNCTION hstore_to_matrix(hstore);
DROP FUNCTION hstore(record);
DROP FUNCTION hstore(text[]);
DROP FUNCTION akeys(hstore);
DROP FUNCTION avals(hstore);
DROP FUNCTION skeys(hstore);
DROP FUNCTION svals(hstore);
DROP FUNCTION each(hstore);
DROP FUNCTION populate_record(anyelement,hstore);
DROP FUNCTION ghstore_compress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION ghstore_decompress(internal);
DROP FUNCTION ghstore_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
DROP FUNCTION ghstore_picksplit(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION ghstore_union(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION ghstore_same(internal, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION ghstore_consistent(internal,internal,int,oid,internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_consistent_hstore(internal, int2, internal, int4, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_hstore(internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION gin_extract_hstore_query(internal, internal, smallint, internal, internal);
DROP FUNCTION hstore_version_diag(hstore);
# contrib/intagg/Makefile # contrib/intagg/Makefile
DATA = int_aggregate.sql uninstall_int_aggregate.sql EXTENSION = int_aggregate
DATA = int_aggregate--1.0.sql int_aggregate--unpackaged--1.0.sql
ifdef USE_PGXS ifdef USE_PGXS
PG_CONFIG = pg_config PG_CONFIG = pg_config
/* contrib/intagg/int_aggregate.sql */ /* contrib/intagg/int_aggregate--1.0.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
SET search_path = public;
-- Internal function for the aggregate -- Internal function for the aggregate
-- Is called for each item in an aggregation -- Is called for each item in an aggregation
/* contrib/intagg/int_aggregate--unpackaged--1.0.sql */
ALTER EXTENSION int_aggregate ADD function int_agg_state(internal,integer);
ALTER EXTENSION int_aggregate ADD function int_agg_final_array(internal);
ALTER EXTENSION int_aggregate ADD function int_array_aggregate(integer);
ALTER EXTENSION int_aggregate ADD function int_array_enum(integer[]);
# int_aggregate extension
comment = 'integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete)'
default_version = '1.0'
relocatable = true
/* contrib/intagg/uninstall_int_aggregate.sql */
-- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get dropped.
SET search_path = public;
DROP FUNCTION int_array_enum(int4[]);
DROP AGGREGATE int_array_aggregate (int4);
DROP FUNCTION int_agg_final_array (internal);
DROP FUNCTION int_agg_state (internal, int4);
# Generated subdirectories # Generated subdirectories
/results/ /results/
...@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ ...@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
MODULE_big = _int MODULE_big = _int
OBJS = _int_bool.o _int_gist.o _int_op.o _int_tool.o _intbig_gist.o _int_gin.o OBJS = _int_bool.o _int_gist.o _int_op.o _int_tool.o _intbig_gist.o _int_gin.o
DATA_built = _int.sql
DATA = uninstall__int.sql EXTENSION = intarray
DATA = intarray--1.0.sql intarray--unpackaged--1.0.sql
REGRESS = _int REGRESS = _int
ifdef USE_PGXS ifdef USE_PGXS
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