Commit 5fdefbc7 authored by Marc G. Fournier's avatar Marc G. Fournier


As mentioned around line 1153 in backend/commands/copy.c, the method
of array checking is not perfect.

test=> create table t1 (i text);
test=> insert into t1 values('{\\.}');
INSERT 2645600 1
test=> select * from t1;
(2 rows)
test=> copy t1 to '/tmp/aaa';
test=> copy t1 from '/tmp/aaa';
ERROR:  CopyReadAttribute - end of record marker corrupted

Copy cannot read data produced by itself!
parent 7a7770e6
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/copy.c,v 1.46 1998/06/15 19:28:13 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/copy.c,v 1.47 1998/06/19 11:40:46 scrappy Exp $
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ static char *CopyReadAttribute(FILE *fp, bool *isnull, char *delim, int *newline
static char *CopyReadAttribute(FILE *fp, bool *isnull, char *delim);
static void CopyAttributeOut(FILE *fp, char *string, char *delim);
static void CopyAttributeOut(FILE *fp, char *string, char *delim, int is_array);
static int CountTuples(Relation relation);
extern FILE *Pfout,
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ CopyTo(Relation rel, bool binary, bool oids, FILE *fp, char *delim)
string = (char *) (*fmgr_faddr(&out_functions[i]))
(value, elements[i], typmod[i]);
CopyAttributeOut(fp, string, delim);
CopyAttributeOut(fp, string, delim, attr[i]->attnelems);
......@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ CopyFrom(Relation rel, bool binary, bool oids, FILE *fp, char *delim)
loaded_oid = oidin(string);
if (loaded_oid < BootstrapObjectIdData)
elog(ERROR, "COPY TEXT: Invalid Oid");
elog(ERROR, "COPY TEXT: Invalid Oid. line: %d", lineno);
for (i = 0; i < attr_count && !done; i++)
......@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ CopyFrom(Relation rel, bool binary, bool oids, FILE *fp, char *delim)
fread(&loaded_oid, sizeof(int32), 1, fp);
if (loaded_oid < BootstrapObjectIdData)
elog(ERROR, "COPY BINARY: Invalid Oid");
elog(ERROR, "COPY BINARY: Invalid Oid line: %d", lineno);
fread(&null_ct, sizeof(int32), 1, fp);
if (null_ct > 0)
......@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ CopyFrom(Relation rel, bool binary, bool oids, FILE *fp, char *delim)
ptr += sizeof(int32);
elog(ERROR, "COPY BINARY: impossible size!");
elog(ERROR, "COPY BINARY: impossible size! line: %d", lineno);
......@@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@ CopyReadAttribute(FILE *fp, bool *isnull, char *delim)
case '.':
c = getc(fp);
if (c != '\n')
elog(ERROR, "CopyReadAttribute - end of record marker corrupted");
elog(ERROR, "CopyReadAttribute - end of record marker corrupted. line: %d", lineno);
return (NULL);
......@@ -1115,22 +1115,16 @@ CopyReadAttribute(FILE *fp, bool *isnull, char *delim)
if (!done)
attribute[i++] = c;
if (i == EXT_ATTLEN - 1)
elog(ERROR, "CopyReadAttribute - attribute length too long");
elog(ERROR, "CopyReadAttribute - attribute length too long. line: %d", lineno);
attribute[i] = '\0';
return (&attribute[0]);
static void
CopyAttributeOut(FILE *fp, char *string, char *delim)
CopyAttributeOut(FILE *fp, char *string, char *delim, int is_array)
char c;
int is_array = false;
int len = strlen(string);
/* XXX - This is a kludge, we should check the data type */
if (len && (string[0] == '{') && (string[len - 1] == '}'))
is_array = true;
for (; (c = *string) != '\0'; string++)
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