Commit 5a8820ef authored by Marc G. Fournier's avatar Marc G. Fournier

Moved from backend/access to include/access

parent 9247b292
* attnum.h--
* POSTGRES attribute number definitions.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: attnum.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:07 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef ATTNUM_H
#define ATTNUM_H
#include "c.h"
* user defined attribute numbers start at 1. -ay 2/95
typedef int16 AttrNumber;
#define InvalidAttrNumber 0
/* ----------------
* support macros
* ----------------
* AttributeNumberIsValid --
* True iff the attribute number is valid.
#define AttributeNumberIsValid(attributeNumber) \
((bool) ((attributeNumber) != InvalidAttrNumber))
* AttrNumberIsForUserDefinedAttr --
* True iff the attribute number corresponds to an user defined attribute.
#define AttrNumberIsForUserDefinedAttr(attributeNumber) \
((bool) ((attributeNumber) > 0))
* AttrNumberGetAttrOffset --
* Returns the attribute offset for an attribute number.
* Note:
* Assumes the attribute number is for an user defined attribute.
#define AttrNumberGetAttrOffset(attNum) \
(AssertMacro(AttrNumberIsForUserDefinedAttr(attNum)) ? \
((attNum - 1)) : 0)
* AttributeOffsetGetAttributeNumber --
* Returns the attribute number for an attribute offset.
#define AttrOffsetGetAttrNumber(attributeOffset) \
((AttrNumber) (1 + attributeOffset))
#endif /* ATTNUM_H */
* funcindex.h--
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: funcindex.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:08 scrappy Exp $
#include "postgres.h"
typedef struct {
int nargs;
Oid arglist[8];
Oid procOid;
NameData funcName;
} FuncIndexInfo;
typedef FuncIndexInfo *FuncIndexInfoPtr;
* some marginally useful macro definitions
/* #define FIgetname(FINFO) (&((FINFO)->[0]))*/
#define FIgetname(FINFO) (FINFO)->
#define FIgetnArgs(FINFO) (FINFO)->nargs
#define FIgetProcOid(FINFO) (FINFO)->procOid
#define FIgetArg(FINFO, argnum) (FINFO)->arglist[argnum]
#define FIgetArglist(FINFO) (FINFO)->arglist
#define FIsetnArgs(FINFO, numargs) ((FINFO)->nargs = numargs)
#define FIsetProcOid(FINFO, id) ((FINFO)->procOid = id)
#define FIsetArg(FINFO, argnum, argtype) ((FINFO)->arglist[argnum] = argtype)
#define FIisFunctionalIndex(FINFO) (FINFO->procOid != InvalidOid)
#endif /* FUNCINDEX_H */
* genam.h--
* POSTGRES general access method definitions.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: genam.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:09 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef GENAM_H
#define GENAM_H
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/attnum.h"
#include "access/htup.h"
#include "access/istrat.h"
#include "access/itup.h"
#include "access/relscan.h"
#include "access/skey.h"
#include "access/sdir.h"
#include "access/funcindex.h"
/* ----------------
* generalized index_ interface routines
* ----------------
extern Relation index_open(Oid relationId);
extern Relation index_openr(char *relationName);
extern void index_close(Relation relation);
extern InsertIndexResult index_insert(Relation relation,
Datum *datum, char *nulls,
ItemPointer heap_t_ctid);
extern void index_delete(Relation relation, ItemPointer indexItem);
extern IndexScanDesc index_beginscan(Relation relation, bool scanFromEnd,
uint16 numberOfKeys, ScanKey key);
extern void index_rescan(IndexScanDesc scan, bool scanFromEnd, ScanKey key);
extern void index_endscan(IndexScanDesc scan);
extern void index_markpos(IndexScanDesc scan);
extern void index_restrpos(IndexScanDesc scan);
extern RetrieveIndexResult index_getnext(IndexScanDesc scan,
ScanDirection direction);
extern RegProcedure index_getprocid(Relation irel, AttrNumber attnum,
uint16 procnum);
extern Datum GetIndexValue(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc hTupDesc,
int attOff, AttrNumber attrNums[], FuncIndexInfo *fInfo,
bool *attNull, Buffer buffer);
/* in genam.c */
extern IndexScanDesc RelationGetIndexScan(Relation relation, bool scanFromEnd,
uint16 numberOfKeys, ScanKey key);
extern void IndexScanRestart(IndexScanDesc scan, bool scanFromEnd,
ScanKey key);
extern void IndexScanEnd(IndexScanDesc scan);
extern void IndexScanMarkPosition(IndexScanDesc scan);
extern void IndexScanRestorePosition(IndexScanDesc scan);
#endif /* GENAM_H */
* gist.h--
* common declarations for the GiST access method code.
#ifndef GIST_H
#define GIST_H
#include "utils/rel.h"
#include "storage/off.h"
#include "storage/block.h"
#include "storage/bufpage.h"
#include "access/skey.h"
** You can have as many strategies as you please in GiSTs, as
** long as your consistent method can handle them
#define GISTNStrategies 100
** Helper routines
#define GISTNProcs 8
#define GIST_INFO_PROC 8
#define F_LEAF (1 << 0)
typedef struct GISTPageOpaqueData {
uint32 flags;
} GISTPageOpaqueData;
typedef GISTPageOpaqueData *GISTPageOpaque;
#define GIST_LEAF(entry) (((GISTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer((entry)->page))->flags & F_LEAF)
* When we descend a tree, we keep a stack of parent pointers.
typedef struct GISTSTACK {
struct GISTSTACK *gs_parent;
OffsetNumber gs_child;
BlockNumber gs_blk;
typedef struct GISTSTATE {
func_ptr consistentFn;
func_ptr unionFn;
func_ptr compressFn;
func_ptr decompressFn;
func_ptr penaltyFn;
func_ptr picksplitFn;
func_ptr equalFn;
bool haskeytype;
bool keytypbyval;
** When we're doing a scan, we need to keep track of the parent stack
** for the marked and current items.
typedef struct GISTScanOpaqueData {
struct GISTSTACK *s_stack;
struct GISTSTACK *s_markstk;
uint16 s_flags;
struct GISTSTATE *giststate;
} GISTScanOpaqueData;
typedef GISTScanOpaqueData *GISTScanOpaque;
** When we're doing a scan and updating a tree at the same time, the
** updates may affect the scan. We use the flags entry of the scan's
** opaque space to record our actual position in response to updates
** that we can't handle simply by adjusting pointers.
#define GS_CURBEFORE ((uint16) (1 << 0))
#define GS_MRKBEFORE ((uint16) (1 << 1))
/* root page of a gist */
#define GISTP_ROOT 0
** When we update a relation on which we're doing a scan, we need to
** check the scan and fix it if the update affected any of the pages it
** touches. Otherwise, we can miss records that we should see. The only
** times we need to do this are for deletions and splits. See the code in
** gistscan.c for how the scan is fixed. These two constants tell us what sort
** of operation changed the index.
#define GISTOP_DEL 0
#define GISTOP_SPLIT 1
** This is the Split Vector to be returned by the PickSplit method.
typedef struct GIST_SPLITVEC {
OffsetNumber *spl_left; /* array of entries that go left */
int spl_nleft; /* size of this array */
char *spl_ldatum; /* Union of keys in spl_left */
OffsetNumber *spl_right; /* array of entries that go right */
int spl_nright; /* size of the array */
char *spl_rdatum; /* Union of keys in spl_right */
** An entry on a GiST node. Contains the key (pred), as well as
** its own location (rel,page,offset) which can supply the matching
** pointer. The size of the pred is in bytes, and leafkey is a flag to
** tell us if the entry is in a leaf node.
typedef struct GISTENTRY {
char *pred;
Relation rel;
Page page;
OffsetNumber offset;
int bytes;
bool leafkey;
** macro to initialize a GISTENTRY
#define gistentryinit(e, pr, r, pg, o, b, l)\
{(e).pred = pr; (e).rel = r; (e).page = pg; (e).offset = o; (e).bytes = b; (e).leafkey = l;}
/* defined in gist.c */
extern void gistfreestack(GISTSTACK *s);
extern void initGISTstate(GISTSTATE *giststate, Relation index);
extern void gistdentryinit(GISTSTATE *giststate, GISTENTRY *e, char *pr,
Relation r, Page pg, OffsetNumber o, int b, bool l) ;
extern void gistcentryinit(GISTSTATE *giststate, GISTENTRY *e, char *pr,
Relation r, Page pg, OffsetNumber o, int b, bool l) ;
#endif /* GIST_H */
* gistscan.h--
* routines defined in access/gisr/gistscan.c
* rtscan.h,v 1.2 1995/06/14 00:06:58 jolly Exp
#ifndef GISTSCAN_H
void gistadjscans(Relation r, int op, BlockNumber blkno, OffsetNumber offnum);
#endif /* GISTSCAN_H */
* giststrat.h--
* routines defined in access/gist/giststrat.c
* rtstrat.h,v 1.2 1995/02/12 02:54:51 andrew Exp
#endif /* GISTSTRAT_H */
This diff is collapsed.
* heapam.h--
* POSTGRES heap access method definitions.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: heapam.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:13 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef HEAPAM_H
#define HEAPAM_H
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/attnum.h"
#include "access/htup.h"
#include "access/relscan.h"
#include "access/skey.h"
#include "utils/tqual.h"
#include "access/tupdesc.h"
#include "storage/smgr.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* heap access method statistics
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct HeapAccessStatisticsData {
time_t init_global_timestamp; /* time global statistics started */
time_t local_reset_timestamp; /* last time local reset was done */
time_t last_request_timestamp; /* last time stats were requested */
int global_open;
int global_openr;
int global_close;
int global_beginscan;
int global_rescan;
int global_endscan;
int global_getnext;
int global_fetch;
int global_insert;
int global_delete;
int global_replace;
int global_markpos;
int global_restrpos;
int global_BufferGetRelation;
int global_RelationIdGetRelation;
int global_RelationIdGetRelation_Buf;
int global_RelationNameGetRelation;
int global_getreldesc;
int global_heapgettup;
int global_RelationPutHeapTuple;
int global_RelationPutLongHeapTuple;
int local_open;
int local_openr;
int local_close;
int local_beginscan;
int local_rescan;
int local_endscan;
int local_getnext;
int local_fetch;
int local_insert;
int local_delete;
int local_replace;
int local_markpos;
int local_restrpos;
int local_BufferGetRelation;
int local_RelationIdGetRelation;
int local_RelationIdGetRelation_Buf;
int local_RelationNameGetRelation;
int local_getreldesc;
int local_heapgettup;
int local_RelationPutHeapTuple;
int local_RelationPutLongHeapTuple;
} HeapAccessStatisticsData;
typedef HeapAccessStatisticsData *HeapAccessStatistics;
#define IncrHeapAccessStat(x) \
(heap_access_stats == NULL ? 0 : (heap_access_stats->x)++)
extern HeapAccessStatistics heap_access_stats; /* in stats.c */
/* ----------------
* function prototypes for heap access method
* ----------------
/* heap_create, heap_creatr, and heap_destroy are declared in catalog/heap.h */
#include "catalog/heap.h"
/* heapam.c */
extern void doinsert(Relation relation, HeapTuple tup);
extern void SetHeapAccessMethodImmediateInvalidation(bool on);
extern Relation heap_open(Oid relationId);
extern Relation heap_openr(char *relationName);
extern void heap_close(Relation relation);
extern HeapScanDesc heap_beginscan(Relation relation, int atend,
TimeQual timeQual, unsigned nkeys, ScanKey key);
extern void heap_rescan(HeapScanDesc sdesc, bool scanFromEnd, ScanKey key);
extern void heap_endscan(HeapScanDesc sdesc);
extern HeapTuple heap_getnext(HeapScanDesc scandesc, int backw, Buffer *b);
extern HeapTuple heap_fetch(Relation relation, TimeQual timeQual,
ItemPointer tid, Buffer *b);
extern Oid heap_insert(Relation relation, HeapTuple tup);
extern void heap_delete(Relation relation, ItemPointer tid);
extern int heap_replace(Relation relation, ItemPointer otid,
HeapTuple tup);
extern void heap_markpos(HeapScanDesc sdesc);
extern void heap_restrpos(HeapScanDesc sdesc);
/* in common/heaptuple.c */
extern Size ComputeDataSize(TupleDesc tupleDesc, Datum value[], char nulls[]);
extern void DataFill(char *data, TupleDesc tupleDesc,
Datum value[], char nulls[], char *infomask,
bits8 *bit);
extern int heap_attisnull(HeapTuple tup, int attnum);
extern int heap_sysattrlen(AttrNumber attno);
extern bool heap_sysattrbyval(AttrNumber attno);
extern char *heap_getsysattr(HeapTuple tup, Buffer b, int attnum);
extern char *fastgetattr(HeapTuple tup, unsigned attnum,
TupleDesc att, bool *isnull);
extern char *heap_getattr(HeapTuple tup, Buffer b, int attnum,
TupleDesc att, bool *isnull);
extern HeapTuple heap_copytuple(HeapTuple tuple);
extern void heap_deformtuple(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tdesc,
Datum values[], char nulls[]);
extern HeapTuple heap_formtuple(TupleDesc tupleDescriptor,
Datum value[], char nulls[]);
extern HeapTuple heap_modifytuple(HeapTuple tuple, Buffer buffer,
Relation relation, Datum replValue[], char replNull[], char repl[]);
HeapTuple heap_addheader(uint32 natts, int structlen, char *structure);
/* in common/heap/stats.c */
extern void InitHeapAccessStatistics(void);
extern void ResetHeapAccessStatistics(void);
extern HeapAccessStatistics GetHeapAccessStatistics(void);
extern void PrintHeapAccessStatistics(HeapAccessStatistics stats);
extern void PrintAndFreeHeapAccessStatistics(HeapAccessStatistics stats);
extern void initam(void);
#endif /* HEAPAM_H */
* hio.h--
* POSTGRES heap access method input/output definitions.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: hio.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:14 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef HIO_H
#define HIO_H
#include "c.h"
#include "storage/block.h"
#include "access/htup.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
extern void RelationPutHeapTuple(Relation relation, BlockNumber blockIndex,
HeapTuple tuple);
extern void RelationPutHeapTupleAtEnd(Relation relation, HeapTuple tuple);
#endif /* HIO_H */
* htup.h--
* POSTGRES heap tuple definitions.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: htup.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:14 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef HTUP_H
#define HTUP_H
#include "access/attnum.h"
#include "storage/bufpage.h" /* just to reduce levels of #include */
#include "storage/itemptr.h"
#include "utils/nabstime.h"
#define MinHeapTupleBitmapSize 32 /* 8 * 4 */
/* check these, they are likely to be more severely limited by t_hoff */
#define MaxHeapAttributeNumber 1600 /* 8 * 200 */
* to avoid wasting space, the attributes should be layed out in such a
* way to reduce structure padding.
typedef struct HeapTupleData {
unsigned int t_len; /* length of entire tuple */
ItemPointerData t_ctid; /* current TID of this tuple */
ItemPointerData t_chain; /* replaced tuple TID */
Oid t_oid; /* OID of this tuple -- 4 bytes */
CommandId t_cmin; /* insert CID stamp -- 2 bytes each */
CommandId t_cmax; /* delete CommandId stamp */
TransactionId t_xmin; /* insert XID stamp -- 4 bytes each */
TransactionId t_xmax; /* delete XID stamp */
AbsoluteTime t_tmin; /* time stamps -- 4 bytes each */
AbsoluteTime t_tmax;
int16 t_natts; /* number of attributes */
char t_vtype; /* not used - padding */
char t_infomask; /* whether tuple as null or variable
* length attributes
uint8 t_hoff; /* sizeof tuple header */
bits8 t_bits[MinHeapTupleBitmapSize / 8];
/* bit map of domains */
} HeapTupleData;
typedef HeapTupleData *HeapTuple;
#define SelfItemPointerAttributeNumber (-1)
#define ObjectIdAttributeNumber (-2)
#define MinTransactionIdAttributeNumber (-3)
#define MinCommandIdAttributeNumber (-4)
#define MaxTransactionIdAttributeNumber (-5)
#define MaxCommandIdAttributeNumber (-6)
#define ChainItemPointerAttributeNumber (-7)
#define AnchorItemPointerAttributeNumber (-8)
#define MinAbsoluteTimeAttributeNumber (-9)
#define MaxAbsoluteTimeAttributeNumber (-10)
#define VersionTypeAttributeNumber (-11)
#define FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber (-12)
/* ----------------
* support macros
* ----------------
#define GETSTRUCT(TUP) (((char *)(TUP)) + ((HeapTuple)(TUP))->t_hoff)
* Computes minimum size of bitmap given number of domains.
((((((int)(NATTS) - 1) >> 3) + 4 - (MinHeapTupleBitmapSize >> 3)) \
& ~03) + (MinHeapTupleBitmapSize >> 3))
* HeapTupleIsValid
* True iff the heap tuple is valid.
#define HeapTupleIsValid(tuple) PointerIsValid(tuple)
* information stored in t_infomask:
#define HEAP_HASNULL 0x01 /* has null attribute(s) */
#define HEAP_HASVARLENA 0x02 /* has variable length attribute(s) */
#define HeapTupleNoNulls(tuple) \
(!(((HeapTuple) (tuple))->t_infomask & HEAP_HASNULL))
#define HeapTupleAllFixed(tuple) \
(!(((HeapTuple) (tuple))->t_infomask & HEAP_HASVARLENA))
#endif /* HTUP_H */
* ibit.h--
* POSTGRES index valid attribute bit map definitions.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: ibit.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:15 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef IBIT_H
#define IBIT_H
#include "c.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
typedef struct IndexAttributeBitMapData {
char bits[(MaxIndexAttributeNumber + MaxBitsPerByte - 1)
/ MaxBitsPerByte];
} IndexAttributeBitMapData;
typedef IndexAttributeBitMapData *IndexAttributeBitMap;
#define IndexAttributeBitMapSize sizeof(IndexAttributeBitMapData)
* IndexAttributeBitMapIsValid --
* True iff attribute bit map is valid.
#define IndexAttributeBitMapIsValid(bits) PointerIsValid(bits)
#endif /* IBIT_H */
* iqual.h--
* Index scan key qualification definitions.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: iqual.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:16 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef IQUAL_H
#define IQUAL_H
#include "c.h"
#include "storage/itemid.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
#include "access/skey.h"
/* ----------------
* index tuple qualification support
* ----------------
extern int NIndexTupleProcessed;
extern bool index_keytest(IndexTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupdesc,
int scanKeySize, ScanKey key);
#endif /* IQUAL_H */
* istrat.h--
* POSTGRES index strategy definitions.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: istrat.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:17 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef ISTRAT_H
#define ISTRAT_H
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/attnum.h"
#include "access/skey.h"
#include "access/strat.h"
#include "utils/rel.h" /* for Relation */
* StrategyNumberIsValid --
* True iff the strategy number is valid.
#define StrategyNumberIsValid(strategyNumber) \
((bool) ((strategyNumber) != InvalidStrategy))
* StrategyNumberIsInBounds --
* True iff strategy number is within given bounds.
* Note:
* Assumes StrategyNumber is an unsigned type.
* Assumes the bounded interval to be (0,max].
#define StrategyNumberIsInBounds(strategyNumber, maxStrategyNumber) \
((bool)(InvalidStrategy < (strategyNumber) && \
(strategyNumber) <= (maxStrategyNumber)))
* StrategyMapIsValid --
* True iff the index strategy mapping is valid.
#define StrategyMapIsValid(map) PointerIsValid(map)
* IndexStrategyIsValid --
* True iff the index strategy is valid.
#define IndexStrategyIsValid(s) PointerIsValid(s)
extern ScanKey StrategyMapGetScanKeyEntry(StrategyMap map,
StrategyNumber strategyNumber);
extern StrategyMap IndexStrategyGetStrategyMap(IndexStrategy indexStrategy,
StrategyNumber maxStrategyNum, AttrNumber attrNum);
extern Size
AttributeNumberGetIndexStrategySize(AttrNumber maxAttributeNumber,
StrategyNumber maxStrategyNumber);
extern bool StrategyOperatorIsValid(StrategyOperator operator,
StrategyNumber maxStrategy);
extern bool StrategyTermIsValid(StrategyTerm term,
StrategyNumber maxStrategy);
extern bool StrategyExpressionIsValid(StrategyExpression expression,
StrategyNumber maxStrategy);
extern bool StrategyEvaluationIsValid(StrategyEvaluation evaluation);
extern StrategyNumber RelationGetStrategy(Relation relation,
AttrNumber attributeNumber, StrategyEvaluation evaluation,
RegProcedure procedure);
extern bool RelationInvokeStrategy(Relation relation,
StrategyEvaluation evaluation, AttrNumber attributeNumber,
StrategyNumber strategy, Datum left, Datum right);
extern void IndexSupportInitialize(IndexStrategy indexStrategy,
RegProcedure *indexSupport, Oid indexObjectId,
Oid accessMethodObjectId, StrategyNumber maxStrategyNumber,
StrategyNumber maxSupportNumber, AttrNumber maxAttributeNumber);
#endif /* ISTRAT_H */
* itup.h--
* POSTGRES index tuple definitions.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: itup.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:18 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef ITUP_H
#define ITUP_H
#include "c.h"
#include "access/ibit.h"
#include "access/tupdesc.h" /* for TupleDesc */
#include "storage/itemptr.h"
#define MaxIndexAttributeNumber 7
typedef struct IndexTupleData {
ItemPointerData t_tid; /* reference TID to base tuple */
* t_info is layed out in the following fashion:
* 15th (leftmost) bit: "has nulls" bit
* 14th bit: "has varlenas" bit
* 13th bit: "has rules" bit - (removed ay 11/94)
* bits 12-0 bit: size of tuple.
unsigned short t_info; /* various info about tuple */
* please make sure sizeof(IndexTupleData) is MAXALIGN'ed.
* See IndexInfoFindDataOffset() for the reason.
typedef IndexTupleData *IndexTuple;
typedef struct InsertIndexResultData {
ItemPointerData pointerData;
} InsertIndexResultData;
typedef InsertIndexResultData *InsertIndexResult;
typedef struct RetrieveIndexResultData {
ItemPointerData index_iptr;
ItemPointerData heap_iptr;
} RetrieveIndexResultData;
typedef RetrieveIndexResultData *RetrieveIndexResult;
* PredInfo -
* used for partial indices
typedef struct PredInfo {
Node *pred;
Node *oldPred;
} PredInfo;
/* ----------------
* externs
* ----------------
#define INDEX_NULL_MASK 0x8000
#define INDEX_VAR_MASK 0x4000
#define IndexTupleSize(itup) (((IndexTuple) (itup))->t_info & 0x1FFF)
#define IndexTupleDSize(itup) ((itup).t_info & 0x1FFF)
#define IndexTupleNoNulls(itup) (!(((IndexTuple) (itup))->t_info & 0x8000))
#define IndexTupleAllFixed(itup) (!(((IndexTuple) (itup))->t_info & 0x4000))
#define IndexTupleHasMinHeader(itup) (IndexTupleNoNulls(itup))
/* indextuple.h */
extern IndexTuple index_formtuple(TupleDesc tupleDescriptor,
Datum value[], char null[]);
extern char *fastgetiattr(IndexTuple tup, int attnum,
TupleDesc att, bool *isnull);
extern Datum index_getattr(IndexTuple tuple, AttrNumber attNum,
TupleDesc tupDesc, bool *isNullOutP);
extern RetrieveIndexResult
FormRetrieveIndexResult(ItemPointer indexItemPointer,
ItemPointer heapItemPointer);
extern void CopyIndexTuple(IndexTuple source, IndexTuple *target);
#endif /* ITUP_H */
* nbtree.h--
* header file for postgres btree access method implementation.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: nbtree.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:19 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef NBTREE_H
#define NBTREE_H
#include "access/attnum.h"
#include "access/itup.h"
#include "access/htup.h"
#include "access/tupdesc.h"
#include "access/istrat.h"
#include "access/funcindex.h"
#include "access/relscan.h"
#include "access/sdir.h"
#include "nodes/pg_list.h"
* BTPageOpaqueData -- At the end of every page, we store a pointer
* to both siblings in the tree. See Lehman and Yao's paper for more
* info. In addition, we need to know what sort of page this is
* (leaf or internal), and whether the page is available for reuse.
* Lehman and Yao's algorithm requires a ``high key'' on every page.
* The high key on a page is guaranteed to be greater than or equal
* to any key that appears on this page. Our insertion algorithm
* guarantees that we can use the initial least key on our right
* sibling as the high key. We allocate space for the line pointer
* to the high key in the opaque data at the end of the page.
* Rightmost pages in the tree have no high key.
typedef struct BTPageOpaqueData {
BlockNumber btpo_prev;
BlockNumber btpo_next;
uint16 btpo_flags;
#define BTP_LEAF (1 << 0)
#define BTP_ROOT (1 << 1)
#define BTP_FREE (1 << 2)
#define BTP_META (1 << 3)
} BTPageOpaqueData;
typedef BTPageOpaqueData *BTPageOpaque;
* ScanOpaqueData is used to remember which buffers we're currently
* examining in the scan. We keep these buffers locked and pinned
* and recorded in the opaque entry of the scan in order to avoid
* doing a ReadBuffer() for every tuple in the index. This avoids
* semop() calls, which are expensive.
* And it's used to remember actual scankey info (we need in it
* if some scankeys evaled at runtime.
typedef struct BTScanOpaqueData {
Buffer btso_curbuf;
Buffer btso_mrkbuf;
uint16 qual_ok; /* 0 for quals like key == 1 && key > 2 */
uint16 numberOfKeys; /* number of key attributes */
ScanKey keyData; /* key descriptor */
} BTScanOpaqueData;
typedef BTScanOpaqueData *BTScanOpaque;
* BTItems are what we store in the btree. Each item has an index
* tuple, including key and pointer values. In addition, we must
* guarantee that all tuples in the index are unique, in order to
* satisfy some assumptions in Lehman and Yao. The way that we do
* this is by generating a new OID for every insertion that we do in
* the tree. This adds eight bytes to the size of btree index
* tuples. Note that we do not use the OID as part of a composite
* key; the OID only serves as a unique identifier for a given index
* tuple (logical position within a page).
typedef struct BTItemData {
Oid bti_oid;
int32 bti_dummy; /* padding to make bti_itup
* align at 8-byte boundary
IndexTupleData bti_itup;
} BTItemData;
typedef BTItemData *BTItem;
* BTStackData -- As we descend a tree, we push the (key, pointer)
* pairs from internal nodes onto a private stack. If we split a
* leaf, we use this stack to walk back up the tree and insert data
* into parent nodes (and possibly to split them, too). Lehman and
* Yao's update algorithm guarantees that under no circumstances can
* our private stack give us an irredeemably bad picture up the tree.
* Again, see the paper for details.
typedef struct BTStackData {
BlockNumber bts_blkno;
OffsetNumber bts_offset;
BTItem bts_btitem;
struct BTStackData *bts_parent;
} BTStackData;
typedef BTStackData *BTStack;
* We need to be able to tell the difference between read and write
* requests for pages, in order to do locking correctly.
#define BT_READ 0
#define BT_WRITE 1
* Similarly, the difference between insertion and non-insertion binary
* searches on a given page makes a difference when we're descending the
* tree.
#define BT_INSERTION 0
#define BT_DESCENT 1
* In general, the btree code tries to localize its knowledge about
* page layout to a couple of routines. However, we need a special
* value to indicate "no page number" in those places where we expect
* page numbers.
#define P_NONE 0
#define P_LEFTMOST(opaque) ((opaque)->btpo_prev == P_NONE)
#define P_RIGHTMOST(opaque) ((opaque)->btpo_next == P_NONE)
#define P_HIKEY ((OffsetNumber) 1)
#define P_FIRSTKEY ((OffsetNumber) 2)
* Strategy numbers -- ordering of these is <, <=, =, >=, >
#define BTLessStrategyNumber 1
#define BTLessEqualStrategyNumber 2
#define BTEqualStrategyNumber 3
#define BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber 4
#define BTGreaterStrategyNumber 5
#define BTMaxStrategyNumber 5
* When a new operator class is declared, we require that the user
* supply us with an amproc procedure for determining whether, for
* two keys a and b, a < b, a = b, or a > b. This routine must
* return < 0, 0, > 0, respectively, in these three cases. Since we
* only have one such proc in amproc, it's number 1.
#define BTORDER_PROC 1
* prototypes for functions in nbtinsert.c
extern InsertIndexResult _bt_doinsert(Relation rel, BTItem btitem);
extern bool _bt_itemcmp(Relation rel, Size keysz, BTItem item1, BTItem item2,
StrategyNumber strat);
* prototypes for functions in nbtpage.c
extern void _bt_metapinit(Relation rel);
extern void _bt_checkmeta(Relation rel);
extern Buffer _bt_getroot(Relation rel, int access);
extern Buffer _bt_getbuf(Relation rel, BlockNumber blkno, int access);
extern void _bt_relbuf(Relation rel, Buffer buf, int access);
extern void _bt_wrtbuf(Relation rel, Buffer buf);
extern void _bt_wrtnorelbuf(Relation rel, Buffer buf);
extern void _bt_pageinit(Page page, Size size);
extern void _bt_metaproot(Relation rel, BlockNumber rootbknum);
extern Buffer _bt_getstackbuf(Relation rel, BTStack stack, int access);
extern void _bt_setpagelock(Relation rel, BlockNumber blkno, int access);
extern void _bt_unsetpagelock(Relation rel, BlockNumber blkno, int access);
extern void _bt_pagedel(Relation rel, ItemPointer tid);
* prototypes for functions in nbtree.c
extern bool BuildingBtree; /* in nbtree.c */
extern void btbuild(Relation heap, Relation index, int natts,
AttrNumber *attnum, IndexStrategy istrat, uint16 pcount,
Datum *params, FuncIndexInfo *finfo, PredInfo *predInfo);
extern InsertIndexResult btinsert(Relation rel, Datum *datum, char *nulls,
ItemPointer ht_ctid);
extern char *btgettuple(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir);
extern char *btbeginscan(Relation rel, bool fromEnd, uint16 keysz,
ScanKey scankey);
extern void btrescan(IndexScanDesc scan, bool fromEnd, ScanKey scankey);
extern void btmovescan(IndexScanDesc scan, Datum v);
extern void btendscan(IndexScanDesc scan);
extern void btmarkpos(IndexScanDesc scan);
extern void btrestrpos(IndexScanDesc scan);
extern void btdelete(Relation rel, ItemPointer tid);
* prototypes for functions in nbtscan.c
extern void _bt_regscan(IndexScanDesc scan);
extern void _bt_dropscan(IndexScanDesc scan);
extern void _bt_adjscans(Relation rel, ItemPointer tid);
extern void _bt_scandel(IndexScanDesc scan, BlockNumber blkno,
OffsetNumber offno);
extern bool _bt_scantouched(IndexScanDesc scan, BlockNumber blkno,
OffsetNumber offno);
* prototypes for functions in nbtsearch.c
extern BTStack _bt_search(Relation rel, int keysz, ScanKey scankey,
Buffer *bufP);
extern Buffer _bt_moveright(Relation rel, Buffer buf, int keysz,
ScanKey scankey, int access);
extern bool _bt_skeycmp(Relation rel, Size keysz, ScanKey scankey,
Page page, ItemId itemid, StrategyNumber strat);
extern OffsetNumber _bt_binsrch(Relation rel, Buffer buf, int keysz,
ScanKey scankey, int srchtype);
extern RetrieveIndexResult _bt_next(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir);
extern RetrieveIndexResult _bt_first(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir);
extern bool _bt_step(IndexScanDesc scan, Buffer *bufP, ScanDirection dir);
* prototypes for functions in nbtstrat.c
extern StrategyNumber _bt_getstrat(Relation rel, AttrNumber attno,
RegProcedure proc);
extern bool _bt_invokestrat(Relation rel, AttrNumber attno,
StrategyNumber strat, Datum left, Datum right);
* prototypes for functions in nbtutils.c
extern ScanKey _bt_mkscankey(Relation rel, IndexTuple itup);
extern void _bt_freeskey(ScanKey skey);
extern void _bt_freestack(BTStack stack);
extern void _bt_orderkeys(Relation relation, uint16 *numberOfKeys,
ScanKey key, uint16 *qual_ok);
extern bool _bt_checkqual(IndexScanDesc scan, IndexTuple itup);
extern BTItem _bt_formitem(IndexTuple itup);
* prototypes for functions in nbtsort.c
extern void *_bt_spoolinit(Relation index, int ntapes);
extern void _bt_spooldestroy(void *spool);
extern void _bt_spool(Relation index, BTItem btitem, void *spool);
extern void _bt_upperbuild(Relation index, BlockNumber blk, int level);
extern void _bt_leafbuild(Relation index, void *spool);
#endif /* NBTREE_H */
* printtup.h--
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: printtup.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:19 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef PRINTTUP_H
#define PRINTTUP_H
#include "access/htup.h"
#include "access/tupdesc.h"
extern Oid typtoout(Oid type);
extern void printtup(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc typeinfo);
extern void showatts(char *name, TupleDesc attinfo);
extern void debugtup(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc typeinfo);
extern void printtup_internal(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc typeinfo);
extern Oid gettypelem(Oid type);
#endif /* PRINTTUP_H */
* relscan.h--
* POSTGRES internal relation scan descriptor definitions.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: relscan.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:20 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef RELSCAN_H
#define RELSCAN_H
#include "c.h"
#include "access/skey.h"
#include "storage/buf.h"
#include "access/htup.h"
#include "storage/itemptr.h"
#include "utils/tqual.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
typedef ItemPointerData MarkData;
typedef struct HeapScanDescData {
Relation rs_rd; /* pointer to relation descriptor */
HeapTuple rs_ptup; /* previous tuple in scan */
HeapTuple rs_ctup; /* current tuple in scan */
HeapTuple rs_ntup; /* next tuple in scan */
Buffer rs_pbuf; /* previous buffer in scan */
Buffer rs_cbuf; /* current buffer in scan */
Buffer rs_nbuf; /* next buffer in scan */
ItemPointerData rs_mptid; /* marked previous tid */
ItemPointerData rs_mctid; /* marked current tid */
ItemPointerData rs_mntid; /* marked next tid */
ItemPointerData rs_mcd; /* marked current delta XXX ??? */
bool rs_atend; /* restart scan at end? */
TimeQual rs_tr; /* time qualification */
uint16 rs_cdelta; /* current delta in chain */
uint16 rs_nkeys; /* number of attributes in keys */
ScanKey rs_key; /* key descriptors */
} HeapScanDescData;
typedef HeapScanDescData *HeapScanDesc;
typedef struct IndexScanDescData {
Relation relation; /* relation descriptor */
void *opaque; /* am-specific slot */
ItemPointerData previousItemData; /* previous index pointer */
ItemPointerData currentItemData; /* current index pointer */
ItemPointerData nextItemData; /* next index pointer */
MarkData previousMarkData; /* marked previous pointer */
MarkData currentMarkData; /* marked current pointer */
MarkData nextMarkData; /* marked next pointer */
uint8 flags; /* scan position flags */
bool scanFromEnd; /* restart scan at end? */
uint16 numberOfKeys; /* number of key attributes */
ScanKey keyData; /* key descriptor */
} IndexScanDescData;
typedef IndexScanDescData *IndexScanDesc;
/* ----------------
* IndexScanDescPtr is used in the executor where we have to
* keep track of several index scans when using several indices
* - cim 9/10/89
* ----------------
typedef IndexScanDesc *IndexScanDescPtr;
* HeapScanIsValid --
* True iff the heap scan is valid.
#define HeapScanIsValid(scan) PointerIsValid(scan)
* IndexScanIsValid --
* True iff the index scan is valid.
#define IndexScanIsValid(scan) PointerIsValid(scan)
#endif /* RELSCAN_H */
* rtree.h--
* common declarations for the rtree access method code.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: rtree.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:21 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef RTREE_H
#define RTREE_H
/* see rtstrat.c for what all this is about */
#define RTNStrategies 8
#define RTLeftStrategyNumber 1
#define RTOverLeftStrategyNumber 2
#define RTOverlapStrategyNumber 3
#define RTOverRightStrategyNumber 4
#define RTRightStrategyNumber 5
#define RTSameStrategyNumber 6
#define RTContainsStrategyNumber 7
#define RTContainedByStrategyNumber 8
#define RTNProcs 3
#define RT_UNION_PROC 1
#define RT_INTER_PROC 2
#define RT_SIZE_PROC 3
#define F_LEAF (1 << 0)
typedef struct RTreePageOpaqueData {
uint32 flags;
} RTreePageOpaqueData;
typedef RTreePageOpaqueData *RTreePageOpaque;
* When we descend a tree, we keep a stack of parent pointers.
typedef struct RTSTACK {
struct RTSTACK *rts_parent;
OffsetNumber rts_child;
BlockNumber rts_blk;
* When we're doing a scan, we need to keep track of the parent stack
* for the marked and current items. Also, rtrees have the following
* property: if you're looking for the box (1,1,2,2), on the internal
* nodes you have to search for all boxes that *contain* (1,1,2,2), and
* not the ones that match it. We have a private scan key for internal
* nodes in the opaque structure for rtrees for this reason. See
* access/index-rtree/rtscan.c and rtstrat.c for how it gets initialized.
typedef struct RTreeScanOpaqueData {
struct RTSTACK *s_stack;
struct RTSTACK *s_markstk;
uint16 s_flags;
uint16 s_internalNKey;
ScanKey s_internalKey;
} RTreeScanOpaqueData;
typedef RTreeScanOpaqueData *RTreeScanOpaque;
* When we're doing a scan and updating a tree at the same time, the
* updates may affect the scan. We use the flags entry of the scan's
* opaque space to record our actual position in response to updates
* that we can't handle simply by adjusting pointers.
#define RTS_CURBEFORE ((uint16) (1 << 0))
#define RTS_MRKBEFORE ((uint16) (1 << 1))
/* root page of an rtree */
#define P_ROOT 0
* When we update a relation on which we're doing a scan, we need to
* check the scan and fix it if the update affected any of the pages it
* touches. Otherwise, we can miss records that we should see. The only
* times we need to do this are for deletions and splits. See the code in
* rtscan.c for how the scan is fixed. These two contants tell us what sort
* of operation changed the index.
#define RTOP_DEL 0
#define RTOP_SPLIT 1
/* defined in rtree.c */
extern void freestack(RTSTACK *s);
#endif /* RTREE_H */
* rtscan.h--
* routines defined in access/rtree/rtscan.c
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: rtscan.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:22 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef RTSCAN_H
void rtadjscans(Relation r, int op, BlockNumber blkno, OffsetNumber offnum);
#endif /* RTSCAN_H */
* rtstrat.h--
* routines defined in access/rtree/rtstrat.c
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: rtstrat.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:23 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef RTSTRAT_H
extern RegProcedure RTMapOperator(Relation r, AttrNumber attnum,
RegProcedure proc);
#endif /* RTSTRAT_H */
* sdir.h--
* POSTGRES scan direction definitions.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: sdir.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:23 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef SDIR_H
#define SDIR_H
#include "c.h"
* ScanDirection was an int8 for no apparent reason. I kept the original
* values because I'm not sure if I'll break anything otherwise. -ay 2/95
typedef enum ScanDirection {
BackwardScanDirection = -1,
NoMovementScanDirection = 0,
ForwardScanDirection = 1
} ScanDirection;
* ScanDirectionIsValid --
* True iff scan direction is valid.
#define ScanDirectionIsValid(direction) \
((bool) (BackwardScanDirection <= direction && \
direction <= ForwardScanDirection))
* ScanDirectionIsBackward --
* True iff scan direction is backward.
#define ScanDirectionIsBackward(direction) \
((bool) (direction == BackwardScanDirection))
* ScanDirectionIsNoMovement --
* True iff scan direction indicates no movement.
#define ScanDirectionIsNoMovement(direction) \
((bool) (direction == NoMovementScanDirection))
* ScanDirectionIsForward --
* True iff scan direction is forward.
#define ScanDirectionIsForward(direction) \
((bool) (direction == ForwardScanDirection))
#endif /* SDIR_H */
* skey.h--
* POSTGRES scan key definitions.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: skey.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:24 scrappy Exp $
* Note:
* Needs more accessor/assignment routines.
#ifndef SKEY_H
#define SKEY_H
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/attnum.h"
typedef struct ScanKeyData {
bits16 sk_flags; /* flags */
AttrNumber sk_attno; /* domain number */
RegProcedure sk_procedure; /* procedure OID */
func_ptr sk_func;
int32 sk_nargs;
Datum sk_argument; /* data to compare */
} ScanKeyData;
typedef ScanKeyData *ScanKey;
#define SK_ISNULL 0x1
#define SK_UNARY 0x2
#define SK_NEGATE 0x4
#define SK_COMMUTE 0x8
#define ScanUnmarked 0x01
#define ScanUncheckedPrevious 0x02
#define ScanUncheckedNext 0x04
* prototypes for functions in access/common/scankey.c
extern void ScanKeyEntrySetIllegal(ScanKey entry);
extern void ScanKeyEntryInitialize(ScanKey entry, bits16 flags,
AttrNumber attributeNumber, RegProcedure procedure, Datum argument);
#endif /* SKEY_H */
* strat.h--
* index strategy type definitions
* (separated out from original istrat.h to avoid circular refs)
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: strat.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:25 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef STRAT_H
#define STRAT_H
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/attnum.h"
#include "access/skey.h"
typedef uint16 StrategyNumber;
#define InvalidStrategy 0
typedef struct StrategyTransformMapData {
StrategyNumber strategy[1]; /* VARIABLE LENGTH ARRAY */
} StrategyTransformMapData; /* VARIABLE LENGTH STRUCTURE */
typedef StrategyTransformMapData *StrategyTransformMap;
typedef struct StrategyOperatorData {
StrategyNumber strategy;
bits16 flags; /* scan qualification flags h/skey.h */
} StrategyOperatorData;
typedef StrategyOperatorData *StrategyOperator;
typedef struct StrategyTermData { /* conjunctive term */
uint16 degree;
StrategyOperatorData operatorData[1]; /* VARIABLE LENGTH */
typedef StrategyTermData *StrategyTerm;
typedef struct StrategyExpressionData { /* disjunctive normal form */
StrategyTerm term[1]; /* VARIABLE LENGTH ARRAY */
} StrategyExpressionData; /* VARIABLE LENGTH STRUCTURE */
typedef StrategyExpressionData *StrategyExpression;
typedef struct StrategyEvaluationData {
StrategyNumber maxStrategy;
StrategyTransformMap negateTransform;
StrategyTransformMap commuteTransform;
StrategyTransformMap negateCommuteTransform;
StrategyExpression expression[12]; /* XXX VARIABLE LENGTH */
} StrategyEvaluationData; /* VARIABLE LENGTH STRUCTURE */
typedef StrategyEvaluationData *StrategyEvaluation;
* StrategyTransformMapIsValid --
* Returns true iff strategy transformation map is valid.
#define StrategyTransformMapIsValid(transform) PointerIsValid(transform)
#ifndef CorrectStrategies /* XXX this should be removable */
#define AMStrategies(foo) 12
#else /* !defined(CorrectStrategies) */
#define AMStrategies(foo) (foo)
#endif /* !defined(CorrectStrategies) */
typedef struct StrategyMapData {
ScanKeyData entry[1]; /* VARIABLE LENGTH ARRAY */
typedef StrategyMapData *StrategyMap;
typedef struct IndexStrategyData {
StrategyMapData strategyMapData[1]; /* VARIABLE LENGTH ARRAY */
} IndexStrategyData; /* VARIABLE LENGTH STRUCTURE */
typedef IndexStrategyData *IndexStrategy;
#endif /*STRAT_H */
* transam.h--
* postgres transaction access method support code header
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: transam.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:26 scrappy Exp $
* Transaction System Version 101 now support proper oid
* generation and recording in the variable relation.
#ifndef TRANSAM_H
#define TRANSAM_H
/* ----------------
* transaction system version id
* this is stored on the first page of the log, time and variable
* relations on the first 4 bytes. This is so that if we improve
* the format of the transaction log after postgres version 2, then
* people won't have to rebuild their databases.
* TRANS_SYSTEM_VERSION 100 means major version 1 minor version 0.
* Two databases with the same major version should be compatible,
* even if their minor versions differ.
* ----------------
/* ----------------
* transaction id status values
* someday we will use "11" = 3 = XID_INVALID to mean the
* starting of run-length encoded log data.
* ----------------
#define XID_COMMIT 2 /* transaction commited */
#define XID_ABORT 1 /* transaction aborted */
#define XID_INPROGRESS 0 /* transaction in progress */
#define XID_INVALID 3 /* other */
typedef unsigned char XidStatus; /* (2 bits) */
/* ----------
* note: we reserve the first 16384 object ids for internal use.
* oid's less than this appear in the .bki files. the choice of
* 16384 is completely arbitrary.
* ----------
#define BootstrapObjectIdData 16384
/* ----------------
* BitIndexOf computes the index of the Nth xid on a given block
* ----------------
#define BitIndexOf(N) ((N) * 2)
/* ----------------
* transaction page definitions
* ----------------
#define TP_DataSize BLCKSZ
#define TP_NumXidStatusPerBlock (TP_DataSize * 4)
#define TP_NumTimePerBlock (TP_DataSize / 4)
/* ----------------
* LogRelationContents structure
* This structure describes the storage of the data in the
* first 128 bytes of the log relation. This storage is never
* used for transaction status because transaction id's begin
* their numbering at 512.
* The first 4 bytes of this relation store the version
* number of the transction system.
* ----------------
typedef struct LogRelationContentsData {
int TransSystemVersion;
} LogRelationContentsData;
typedef LogRelationContentsData *LogRelationContents;
/* ----------------
* TimeRelationContents structure
* This structure describes the storage of the data in the
* first 2048 bytes of the time relation. This storage is never
* used for transaction commit times because transaction id's begin
* their numbering at 512.
* The first 4 bytes of this relation store the version
* number of the transction system.
* ----------------
typedef struct TimeRelationContentsData {
int TransSystemVersion;
} TimeRelationContentsData;
typedef TimeRelationContentsData *TimeRelationContents;
/* ----------------
* VariableRelationContents structure
* The variable relation is a special "relation" which
* is used to store various system "variables" persistantly.
* Unlike other relations in the system, this relation
* is updated in place whenever the variables change.
* The first 4 bytes of this relation store the version
* number of the transction system.
* Currently, the relation has only one page and the next
* available xid, the last committed xid and the next
* available oid are stored there.
* ----------------
typedef struct VariableRelationContentsData {
int TransSystemVersion;
TransactionId nextXidData;
TransactionId lastXidData;
Oid nextOid;
} VariableRelationContentsData;
typedef VariableRelationContentsData *VariableRelationContents;
/* ----------------
* extern declarations
* ----------------
* prototypes for functions in transam/transam.c
extern int RecoveryCheckingEnabled();
extern void SetRecoveryCheckingEnabled(bool state);
extern bool TransactionLogTest(TransactionId transactionId, XidStatus status);
extern void TransactionLogUpdate(TransactionId transactionId,
XidStatus status);
extern AbsoluteTime TransactionIdGetCommitTime(TransactionId transactionId);
extern void TransRecover(Relation logRelation);
extern void InitializeTransactionLog();
extern bool TransactionIdDidCommit(TransactionId transactionId);
extern bool TransactionIdDidAbort(TransactionId transactionId);
extern bool TransactionIdIsInProgress(TransactionId transactionId);
extern void TransactionIdCommit(TransactionId transactionId);
extern void TransactionIdAbort(TransactionId transactionId);
extern void TransactionIdSetInProgress(TransactionId transactionId);
/* in transam/transsup.c */
extern void AmiTransactionOverride(bool flag);
extern void TransComputeBlockNumber(Relation relation,
TransactionId transactionId, BlockNumber *blockNumberOutP);
extern XidStatus TransBlockGetLastTransactionIdStatus(Block tblock,
TransactionId baseXid, TransactionId *returnXidP);
extern XidStatus TransBlockGetXidStatus(Block tblock,
TransactionId transactionId);
extern void TransBlockSetXidStatus(Block tblock,
TransactionId transactionId, XidStatus xstatus);
extern AbsoluteTime TransBlockGetCommitTime(Block tblock,
TransactionId transactionId);
extern void TransBlockSetCommitTime(Block tblock,
TransactionId transactionId, AbsoluteTime commitTime);
extern XidStatus TransBlockNumberGetXidStatus(Relation relation,
BlockNumber blockNumber, TransactionId xid, bool *failP);
extern void TransBlockNumberSetXidStatus(Relation relation,
BlockNumber blockNumber, TransactionId xid, XidStatus xstatus,
bool *failP);
extern AbsoluteTime TransBlockNumberGetCommitTime(Relation relation,
BlockNumber blockNumber, TransactionId xid, bool *failP);
extern void TransBlockNumberSetCommitTime(Relation relation,
BlockNumber blockNumber, TransactionId xid, AbsoluteTime xtime,
bool *failP);
extern void TransGetLastRecordedTransaction(Relation relation,
TransactionId xid, bool *failP);
/* in transam/varsup.c */
extern void VariableRelationGetNextXid(TransactionId *xidP);
extern void VariableRelationGetLastXid(TransactionId *xidP);
extern void VariableRelationPutNextXid(TransactionId xid);
extern void VariableRelationPutLastXid(TransactionId xid);
extern void VariableRelationGetNextOid(Oid *oid_return);
extern void VariableRelationPutNextOid(Oid *oidP);
extern void GetNewTransactionId(TransactionId *xid);
extern void UpdateLastCommittedXid(TransactionId xid);
extern void GetNewObjectIdBlock(Oid *oid_return, int oid_block_size);
extern void GetNewObjectId(Oid *oid_return);
extern void CheckMaxObjectId(Oid assigned_oid);
/* ----------------
* global variable extern declarations
* ----------------
/* in transam.c */
extern Relation LogRelation;
extern Relation TimeRelation;
extern Relation VariableRelation;
extern TransactionId cachedGetCommitTimeXid;
extern AbsoluteTime cachedGetCommitTime;
extern TransactionId cachedTestXid;
extern XidStatus cachedTestXidStatus;
extern TransactionId NullTransactionId;
extern TransactionId AmiTransactionId;
extern TransactionId FirstTransactionId;
extern int RecoveryCheckingEnableState;
/* in transsup.c */
extern bool AMI_OVERRIDE;
/* in varsup.c */
extern int OidGenLockId;
#endif /* TRAMSAM_H */
* tupdesc.h--
* POSTGRES tuple descriptor definitions.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: tupdesc.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:26 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef TUPDESC_H
#define TUPDESC_H
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/attnum.h"
#include "nodes/pg_list.h" /* for List */
#include "catalog/pg_attribute.h"
* a TupleDesc is an array of AttributeTupleForms, each of which is a
* pointer to a AttributeTupleForm
/* typedef AttributeTupleForm *TupleDesc; */
/* a TupleDesc is a pointer to a structure which includes an array of */
/* AttributeTupleForms, i.e. pg_attribute information, and the size of */
/* the array, i.e. the number of attributes */
/* in short, a TupleDesc completely captures the attribute information */
/* for a tuple */
typedef struct tupleDesc {
int natts;
AttributeTupleForm *attrs;
} *TupleDesc;
extern TupleDesc CreateTemplateTupleDesc(int natts);
extern TupleDesc CreateTupleDesc(int natts, AttributeTupleForm *attrs);
extern TupleDesc CreateTupleDescCopy(TupleDesc tupdesc);
extern bool TupleDescInitEntry(TupleDesc desc,
AttrNumber attributeNumber,
char *attributeName,
char *typeName,
int attdim,
bool attisset);
extern TupleDesc BuildDescForRelation(List *schema, char *relname);
#endif /* TUPDESC_H */
* tupmacs.h--
* Tuple macros used by both index tuples and heap tuples.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: tupmacs.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:27 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef TUPMACS_H
#define TUPMACS_H
* check to see if the ATT'th bit of an array of 8-bit bytes is set.
#define att_isnull(ATT, BITS) (!((BITS)[(ATT) >> 3] & (1 << ((ATT) & 0x07))))
* given a AttributeTupleForm and a pointer into a tuple's data
* area, return the correct value or pointer.
* We return a 4 byte (char *) value in all cases. If the attribute has
* "byval" false or has variable length, we return the same pointer
* into the tuple data area that we're passed. Otherwise, we return
* the 1, 2, or 4 bytes pointed to by it, properly extended to 4
* bytes, depending on the length of the attribute.
* note that T must already be properly LONGALIGN/SHORTALIGN'd for
* this to work correctly.
* the double-cast is to stop gcc from (correctly) complaining about
* casting integer types with size < sizeof(char *) to (char *).
* sign-extension may get weird if you use an integer type that
* isn't the same size as (char *) for the first cast. (on the other
* hand, it's safe to use another type for the (foo *)(T).)
* attbyval seems to be fairly redundant. We have to return a pointer if
* the value is longer than 4 bytes or has variable length; returning the
* value would be useless. In fact, for at least the variable length case,
* the caller assumes we return a pointer regardless of attbyval.
* I would eliminate attbyval altogether, but I don't know how. -BRYANH.
#define fetchatt(A, T) \
((*(A))->attbyval && (*(A))->attlen != -1 \
? ((*(A))->attlen > sizeof(int16) \
? (char *) (long) *((int32 *)(T)) \
: ((*(A))->attlen < sizeof(int16) \
? (char *) (long) *((char *)(T)) \
: (char *) (long) *((int16 *)(T)))) \
: (char *) (T))
* valid.h--
* POSTGRES tuple qualification validity definitions.
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: valid.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:28 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef VALID_H
#define VALID_H
#include "c.h"
#include "access/skey.h"
#include "storage/buf.h"
#include "utils/tqual.h"
#include "access/tupdesc.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
#include "storage/bufpage.h"
/* ----------------
* extern decl's
* ----------------
extern bool heap_keytest(HeapTuple t, TupleDesc tupdesc,
int nkeys, ScanKey keys);
extern HeapTuple heap_tuple_satisfies(ItemId itemId, Relation relation,
PageHeader disk_page, TimeQual qual, int nKeys, ScanKey key);
extern bool TupleUpdatedByCurXactAndCmd(HeapTuple t);
#endif /* VALID_H */
* xact.h--
* postgres transaction system header
* Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: xact.h,v 1.1 1996/08/27 21:50:29 scrappy Exp $
#ifndef XACT_H
#define XACT_H
#include <signal.h>
#include "storage/ipc.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "utils/portal.h"
#include "utils/elog.h"
#include "utils/mcxt.h"
#include "utils/nabstime.h"
/* ----------------
* transaction state structure
* ----------------
typedef struct TransactionStateData {
TransactionId transactionIdData;
CommandId commandId;
AbsoluteTime startTime;
int state;
int blockState;
} TransactionStateData;
/* ----------------
* transaction states
* ----------------
#define TRANS_START 1
#define TRANS_COMMIT 3
#define TRANS_ABORT 4
/* ----------------
* transaction block states
* ----------------
#define TBLOCK_BEGIN 1
#define TBLOCK_END 3
#define TBLOCK_ABORT 4
typedef TransactionStateData *TransactionState;
/* ----------------
* extern definitions
* ----------------
extern int TransactionFlushEnabled();
extern void SetTransactionFlushEnabled(bool state);
extern bool IsTransactionState(void);
extern bool IsAbortedTransactionBlockState(void);
extern void OverrideTransactionSystem(bool flag);
extern TransactionId GetCurrentTransactionId(void);
extern CommandId GetCurrentCommandId(void);
extern AbsoluteTime GetCurrentTransactionStartTime(void);
extern bool TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(TransactionId xid);
extern bool CommandIdIsCurrentCommandId(CommandId cid);
extern void ClearCommandIdCounterOverflowFlag(void);
extern void CommandCounterIncrement(void);
extern void InitializeTransactionSystem(void);
extern void AtStart_Cache(void);
extern void AtStart_Locks(void);
extern void AtStart_Memory(void);
extern void RecordTransactionCommit(void);
extern void AtCommit_Cache(void);
extern void AtCommit_Locks(void);
extern void AtCommit_Memory(void);
extern void RecordTransactionAbort(void);
extern void AtAbort_Cache(void);
extern void AtAbort_Locks(void);
extern void AtAbort_Memory(void);
extern void StartTransaction(void);
extern bool CurrentXactInProgress(void);
extern void CommitTransaction(void);
extern void AbortTransaction(void);
extern void StartTransactionCommand(void);
extern void CommitTransactionCommand(void);
extern void AbortCurrentTransaction(void);
extern void BeginTransactionBlock(void);
extern void EndTransactionBlock(void);
extern void AbortTransactionBlock(void);
extern bool IsTransactionBlock();
extern void UserAbortTransactionBlock();
extern TransactionId DisabledTransactionId;
/* defined in xid.c */
extern bool TransactionIdIsValid(TransactionId transactionId);
extern void StoreInvalidTransactionId(TransactionId *destination);
extern void TransactionIdStore(TransactionId transactionId,
TransactionId *destination);
extern bool TransactionIdEquals(TransactionId id1, TransactionId id2);
extern bool TransactionIdIsLessThan(TransactionId id1, TransactionId id2);
extern void TransactionIdIncrement(TransactionId *transactionId);
extern void TransactionIdAdd(TransactionId *xid, int value);
#endif /* XACT_H */
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