Commit 5936d25f authored by Tom Lane's avatar Tom Lane

Remove dead variables.

Commit 512c7356 left a couple of variables unused except for being set.
My compiler didn't whine about this, but some buildfarm members did.
parent f1175556
......@@ -336,13 +336,10 @@ var_eq_const(VariableStatData *vardata, Oid operator,
(opfuncoid = get_opcode(operator))))
Form_pg_statistic stats;
AttStatsSlot sslot;
bool match = false;
int i;
stats = (Form_pg_statistic) GETSTRUCT(vardata->statsTuple);
* Is the constant "=" to any of the column's most common values?
* (Although the given operator may not really be "=", we will assume
......@@ -480,12 +477,9 @@ var_eq_non_const(VariableStatData *vardata, Oid operator,
else if (HeapTupleIsValid(vardata->statsTuple))
Form_pg_statistic stats;
double ndistinct;
AttStatsSlot sslot;
stats = (Form_pg_statistic) GETSTRUCT(vardata->statsTuple);
* Search is for a value that we do not know a priori, but we will
* assume it is not NULL. Estimate the selectivity as non-null
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