Commit 4d718803 authored by Thomas G. Lockhart's avatar Thomas G. Lockhart

csh and sh examples were reversed.

Update the csh example with new comments and fixes from Thomas' linux box.
parent 59d9fd9b
......@@ -8,18 +8,23 @@
# This version can log backend output through syslog using the local5 facility.
# To enable this, edit /etc/syslog.conf to include a line similar to:
# local5.* /var/log/postgres
# and then set USE_SYSLOG to "yes" below
# and then set USE_SYSLOG to "yes" and FACILITY to "local5" below
#PGBIN="/opt/postgres/current/bin" # not used
#PGBIN="/opt/postgres/current/bin" # not used any more - thomas 1997-12-14
PGACCOUNT="postgres" # the postgres account (you called it something else?)
POSTMASTER="postmaster" # this probably won't change
USE_SOCKET="yes" # "no" to disable Unix sockets on localhost
USE_SYSLOG="yes" # "yes" to enable syslog, "no" to go to /tmp/postgres.log
FACILITY="local5" # can assign local0-local7 as the facility for logging
PGLOGFILE="/tmp/postgres.log" # only used if syslog is disabled
PGOPTS="-B 256"
#PGOPTS="-i -B 256" # -i to enable TCP/IP rather than Unix socket
PGOPTS="-i -B 1024" # -S -o '-Fe'"
if [ ${USE_SOCKET} = "no" ]
PGOPTS="-i ${PGOPTS}" # -i to enable TCP/IP rather than Unix socket
# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
......@@ -34,22 +39,29 @@ then
exit 0
# Don't bother checking for file existance to avoid hardcoding any paths - thomas 1997-12-14
#[ -f ${PGBIN}/${POSTMASTER} ] || exit 0
# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
# force a stop to kill a running postmaster and to clean up sockets
# necessary if system crashed (a power outage provoked this feature)
eval $0 stop
# save the old log file, if any
if [ -f ${PGLOGFILE} ]
echo -n "Starting postgres: "
# force full login to get path names
# my postgres runs SH/BASH so use proper syntax in redirection...
# my postgres runs tcsh so use proper syntax in redirection...
if [ ${USE_SYSLOG} = "yes" ]; then
su - ${PGACCOUNT} -c "(${POSTMASTER} ${PGOPTS} 2>&1 | logger -p ${FACILITY}.notice) &" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
su - ${PGACCOUNT} -c "(${POSTMASTER} ${PGOPTS} |& logger -p ${FACILITY}.notice) &" > /dev/null&
su - ${PGACCOUNT} -c "${POSTMASTER} ${PGOPTS} 2>>&1 ${PGLOGFILE} &" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
su - ${PGACCOUNT} -c "${POSTMASTER} ${PGOPTS} >>&! ${PGLOGFILE} &" > /dev/null&
sleep 5
pid=`pidof ${POSTMASTER}`
......@@ -65,6 +77,10 @@ case "$1" in
kill -TERM $pid
sleep 1
if [ ${USE_SOCKET} = "yes" ] && [ -S ${PGSOCKETFILE} ]; then
echo -n " (remove socket ${PGSOCKETFILE})"
......@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting postgres: "
# force full login to get path names
# my postgres runs CSH/TCSH so use proper syntax in redirection...
# my postgres runs SH/BASH so use proper syntax in redirection...
if [ ${USE_SYSLOG} = "yes" ]; then
su - ${PGACCOUNT} -c "(${POSTMASTER} ${PGOPTS} |& logger -p ${FACILITY}.notice) &" > /dev/null&
su - ${PGACCOUNT} -c "(${POSTMASTER} ${PGOPTS} 2>&1 | logger -p ${FACILITY}.notice) &" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
su - ${PGACCOUNT} -c "${POSTMASTER} ${PGOPTS} >>&! ${PGLOGFILE} &" > /dev/null&
su - ${PGACCOUNT} -c "${POSTMASTER} ${PGOPTS} 2>>&1 ${PGLOGFILE} &" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
sleep 5
pid=`pidof ${POSTMASTER}`
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