Commit 4844adc8 authored by Marc G. Fournier's avatar Marc G. Fournier


 Postgres is not able to cluster a relation on which an rtree index is
 defined. Postmaster gives the following error message:

 Too Large Allocation Request("!(0 < (size) && (size) <= (0xfffffff)):size=0
 [0x0]", File:"/export/home/postgres/src/backend/utils/mmgr/mcxt.c", Line: 220)
  !(0 <(size) && (size) <= (0xfffffff)) (0) [No such file or directory]

Submitted by: Dirk Koeser <>
parent bde34552
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/access/rtree/Attic/rtscan.c,v 1996/07/09 06:21:13 scrappy Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/access/rtree/Attic/rtscan.c,v 1.2 1996/08/15 07:30:22 scrappy Exp $
......@@ -122,15 +122,13 @@ rtrescan(IndexScanDesc s, bool fromEnd, ScanKey key)
} else {
/* initialize opaque data */
p = (RTreeScanOpaque) palloc(sizeof(RTreeScanOpaqueData));
p->s_internalKey =
(ScanKey) palloc(sizeof(ScanKeyData) * s->numberOfKeys);
p->s_stack = p->s_markstk = (RTSTACK *) NULL;
p->s_internalNKey = s->numberOfKeys;
p->s_flags = 0x0;
for (i = 0; i < s->numberOfKeys; i++)
p->s_internalKey[i].sk_argument = s->keyData[i].sk_argument;
s->opaque = p;
if (s->numberOfKeys > 0) {
p->s_internalKey =
(ScanKey) palloc(sizeof(ScanKeyData) * s->numberOfKeys);
* Scans on internal pages use different operators than they
......@@ -140,6 +138,7 @@ rtrescan(IndexScanDesc s, bool fromEnd, ScanKey key)
for (i = 0; i < s->numberOfKeys; i++) {
p->s_internalKey[i].sk_argument = s->keyData[i].sk_argument;
internal_proc = RTMapOperator(s->relation,
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