Commit 43515ba3 authored by Peter Eisentraut's avatar Peter Eisentraut

Remove _deadcode.

parent 739adf32
This diff is collapsed.
* version.c
* This file contains all the rules that govern all version semantics.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* The version stuff has not been tested under postgres95 and probably
* doesn't work! - jolly 8/19/95
* $Id: version.c,v 1.30 2002/06/20 20:29:27 momjian Exp $
* At the point the version is defined, 2 physical relations are created
* <vname>_added and <vname>_deleted.
* In addition, 4 rules are defined which govern the semantics of
* versions w.r.t retrieves, appends, replaces and deletes.
#include "postgres.h"
#define MAX_QUERY_LEN 1024
char rule_buf[MAX_QUERY_LEN];
* problem: the version system assumes that the rules it declares will
* be fired in the order of declaration, it also assumes
* goh's silly instead semantics. Unfortunately, it is a pain
* to make the version system work with the new semantics.
* However the whole problem can be solved, and some nice
* functionality can be achieved if we get multiple action rules
* to work. So thats what I did -- glass
* Well, at least they've been working for about 20 minutes.
* So any comments in this code about 1 rule per transction are false...:)
* This is needed because the rule system only allows
* *1* rule to be defined per transaction.
* OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* DONT DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* If you commit the current Xact all the palloced memory GOES AWAY
* and could be re-palloced in the new Xact and the whole hell breaks
* loose and poor people like me spend 2 hours of their live chassing
* a strange memory bug instead of watching the "Get Smart" marathon
* in NICK !
* DO NOT COMMIT THE XACT, just increase the Cid counter!
* _sp.
#ifdef NOT_USED
static void
eval_as_new_xact(char *query)
* WARNING! do not uncomment the following lines WARNING!
* CommitTransactionCommand();
* StartTransactionCommand();
* Define a version.
#ifdef NOT_USED
DefineVersion(char *name, char *fromRelname, char *date)
char *bname;
static char saved_basename[512];
static char saved_snapshot[512];
if (date == NULL)
/* no time ranges */
bname = fromRelname;
strcpy(saved_basename, (char *) bname);
*saved_snapshot = (char) NULL;
/* version is a snapshot */
bname = fromRelname;
strcpy(saved_basename, (char *) bname);
sprintf(saved_snapshot, "['%s']", date);
* Calls the routine ``GetAttrList'' get the list of attributes from
* the base relation. Code is put here so that we only need to look up
* the attribute once for both appends and replaces.
VersionCreate(name, saved_basename);
VersionAppend(name, saved_basename);
VersionDelete(name, saved_basename, saved_snapshot);
VersionReplace(name, saved_basename, saved_snapshot);
VersionRetrieve(name, saved_basename, saved_snapshot);
* Creates the deltas.
#ifdef NOT_USED
VersionCreate(char *vname, char *bname)
static char query_buf[MAX_QUERY_LEN];
* Creating the dummy version relation for triggering rules.
sprintf(query_buf, "SELECT * INTO TABLE %s from %s where 1 =2",
vname, bname);
* Creating the ``v_added'' relation
sprintf(query_buf, "SELECT * INTO TABLE %s_added from %s where 1 = 2",
vname, bname);
* Creating the ``v_deleted'' relation.
sprintf(query_buf, "CREATE TABLE %s_del (DOID oid)", vname);
* Given the relation name, does a catalog lookup for that relation and
* sets the global variable 'attr_list' with the list of attributes (names)
* for that relation.
#ifdef NOT_USED
static void
setAttrList(char *bname)
Relation rel;
int i = 0;
int maxattrs = 0;
char *attrname;
char temp_buf[512];
int notfirst = 0;
rel = heap_openr(bname);
if (rel == NULL)
elog(ERROR, "Unable to expand all -- amopenr failed ");
maxattrs = RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(rel);
attr_list[0] = '\0';
for (i = maxattrs - 1; i > -1; --i)
attrname = NameStr(rel->rd_att->attrs[i]->attname);
if (notfirst == 1)
sprintf(temp_buf, ", %s = new.%s", attrname, attrname);
sprintf(temp_buf, "%s = new.%s", attrname, attrname);
notfirst = 1;
strcat(attr_list, temp_buf);
* This routine defines the rule governing the append semantics of
* versions. All tuples appended to a version gets appended to the
* <vname>_added relation.
#ifdef NOT_USED
static void
VersionAppend(char *vname, char *bname)
"define rewrite rule %s_append is on INSERT to %s do instead append %s_added(%s)",
vname, vname, vname, attr_list);
* This routine defines the rule governing the retrieval semantics of
* versions. To retrieve tuples from a version , we need to:
* 1. Retrieve all tuples in the <vname>_added relation.
* 2. Retrieve all tuples in the base relation which are not in
* the <vname>_del relation.
#ifdef NOT_USED
VersionRetrieve(char *vname, char *bname, char *snapshot)
"define rewrite rule %s_retrieve is on SELECT to %s do instead\n\
SELECT %s_1.oid, %s_1.* from _%s in %s%s, %s_1 in (%s_added | _%s) \
where _%s.oid !!= '%s_del.DOID'",
vname, vname, vname, vname, bname,
bname, snapshot,
vname, vname, bname, bname, vname);
/* printf("%s\n",rule_buf); */
* This routine defines the rules that govern the delete semantics of
* versions. Two things happens when we delete a tuple from a version:
* 1. If the tuple to be deleted was added to the version *after*
* the version was created, then we simply delete the tuple
* from the <vname>_added relation.
* 2. If the tuple to be deleted is actually in the base relation,
* then we have to mark that tuple as being deleted by adding
* it to the <vname>_del relation.
#ifdef NOT_USED
VersionDelete(char *vname, char *bname, char *snapshot)
"define rewrite rule %s_delete1 is on delete to %s do instead\n \
[delete %s_added where current.oid = %s_added.oid\n \
append %s_del(DOID = current.oid) from _%s in %s%s \
where current.oid = _%s.oid] \n",
vname, vname, vname, vname, vname,
bname, bname, snapshot, bname);
"define rewrite rule %s_delete2 is on delete to %s do instead \n \
append %s_del(DOID = current.oid) from _%s in %s%s \
where current.oid = _%s.oid \n",
vname, vname, vname, bname, bname, snapshot, bname);
#endif /* OLD_REWRITE */
* This routine defines the rules that govern the update semantics
* of versions. To update a tuple in a version:
* 1. If the tuple is in <vname>_added, we simply ``replace''
* the tuple (as per postgres style).
* 2. if the tuple is in the base relation, then two things have to
* happen:
* 2.1 The tuple is marked ``deleted'' from the base relation by
* adding the tuple to the <vname>_del relation.
* 2.2 A copy of the tuple is appended to the <vname>_added relation
#ifdef NOT_USED
VersionReplace(char *vname, char *bname, char *snapshot)
"define rewrite rule %s_replace1 is on replace to %s do instead \n\
[replace %s_added(%s) where current.oid = %s_added.oid \n\
append %s_del(DOID = current.oid) from _%s in %s%s \
where current.oid = _%s.oid\n\
append %s_added(%s) from _%s in %s%s \
where current.oid !!= '%s_added.oid' and current.oid = _%s.oid]\n",
vname, vname, vname, attr_list, vname,
vname, bname, bname, snapshot, bname,
vname, attr_list, bname, bname, snapshot, vname, bname);
/* printf("%s\n",rule_buf); */
"define rewrite rule %s_replace2 is on replace to %s do \n\
append %s_del(DOID = current.oid) from _%s in %s%s \
where current.oid = _%s.oid\n",
vname, vname, vname, bname, bname, snapshot, bname);
"define rewrite rule %s_replace3 is on replace to %s do instead\n\
append %s_added(%s) from _%s in %s%s \
where current.oid !!= '%s_added.oid' and current.oid = \
vname, vname, vname, attr_list, bname, bname, snapshot, vname, bname);
#endif /* OLD_REWRITE */
/* printf("%s\n",rule_buf); */
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
* xfunc.h
* prototypes for xfunc.c and predmig.c.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* $Id: xfunc.h,v 1.9 2002/06/20 20:29:51 momjian Exp $
#ifndef XFUNC_H
#define XFUNC_H
#include "nodes/relation.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
/* command line arg flags */
#define XFUNC_OFF -1 /* do no optimization of expensive preds */
#define XFUNC_NOR 2 /* do no optimization of OR clauses */
#define XFUNC_NOPULL 4 /* never pull restrictions above joins */
#define XFUNC_NOPM 8 /* don't do predicate migration */
#define XFUNC_WAIT 16 /* don't do pullup until predicate
* migration */
#define XFUNC_PULLALL 32 /* pull all expensive restrictions up,
* always */
/* constants for local and join predicates */
#define XFUNC_LOCPRD 1
extern int XfuncMode; /* defined in tcop/postgres.c */
/* default width assumed for variable length attributes */
#define VARLEN_DEFAULT 128;
/* Macro to get group rank out of group cost and group sel */
#define get_grouprank(a) ((get_groupsel(a) - 1) / get_groupcost(a))
/* Macro to see if a path node is actually a Join */
#define is_join(pathnode) (length(get_relids(get_parent(pathnode))) > 1 ? 1 : 0)
/* function prototypes from planner/path/xfunc.c */
extern void xfunc_trypullup(RelOptInfo *rel);
extern int xfunc_shouldpull(Path *childpath, JoinPath *parentpath,
int whichchild, RestrictInfo *maxcinfopt);
extern RestrictInfo *xfunc_pullup(Path *childpath, JoinPath *parentpath, RestrictInfo *cinfo,
int whichchild, int clausetype);
extern Cost xfunc_rank(Expr *clause);
extern Cost xfunc_expense(Query *queryInfo, Expr *clause);
extern Cost xfunc_join_expense(JoinPath *path, int whichchild);
extern Cost xfunc_local_expense(Expr *clause);
extern Cost xfunc_func_expense(Expr *node, List *args);
extern int xfunc_width(Expr *clause);
/* static, moved to xfunc.c */
/* extern int xfunc_card_unreferenced(Expr *clause, Relids referenced); */
extern int xfunc_card_product(Relids relids);
extern List *xfunc_find_references(List *clause);
extern List *xfunc_primary_join(JoinPath *pathnode);
extern Cost xfunc_get_path_cost(Path *pathnode);
extern Cost xfunc_total_path_cost(JoinPath *pathnode);
extern Cost xfunc_expense_per_tuple(JoinPath *joinnode, int whichchild);
extern void xfunc_fixvars(Expr *clause, RelOptInfo *rel, int varno);
extern int xfunc_cinfo_compare(void *arg1, void *arg2);
extern int xfunc_clause_compare(void *arg1, void *arg2);
extern void xfunc_disjunct_sort(List *clause_list);
extern int xfunc_disjunct_compare(void *arg1, void *arg2);
extern int xfunc_func_width(RegProcedure funcid, List *args);
extern int xfunc_tuple_width(Relation rd);
extern int xfunc_num_join_clauses(JoinPath *path);
extern List *xfunc_LispRemove(List *foo, List *bar);
extern bool xfunc_copyrel(RelOptInfo *from, RelOptInfo **to);
* function prototypes for path/predmig.c
extern bool xfunc_do_predmig(Path root);
#endif /* XFUNC_H */
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