Commit 3de2682a authored by Teodor Sigaev's avatar Teodor Sigaev

Fix lowercasing while parse OO dictionary

parent 1120c61b
......@@ -609,11 +609,11 @@ NIImportOOAffixes(IspellDict * Conf, const char *filename)
pfind = lowerstr(find);
pmask = lowerstr(mask);
if (t_iseq(find, '0'))
*find = '\0';
*pfind = '\0';
if (t_iseq(repl, '0'))
*repl = '\0';
*prepl = '\0';
NIAddAffix(Conf, flag, flagflags, mask, find, repl, isSuffix ? FF_SUFFIX : FF_PREFIX);
NIAddAffix(Conf, flag, flagflags, pmask, pfind, prepl, isSuffix ? FF_SUFFIX : FF_PREFIX);
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